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So many RZRs!!!

Stretch said:
As much as the Brodozers of the offroad world can get annoying sometimes, major thanks to whoever the one was that stopped and immediately hopped out on Friday night and gave me a hand when my junk just died on GBU. There were about 25 others up there and everyone just kept playing their tractor rap and throwing beer cans in the woods. Not saying they had to help, but there is a good one in every crowd too that will lend a hand to a total stranger. The rest of the trust fund or how much a month crowd could take trail etiquette lessons from people like that.

Also, in all fairness, there were dumbasses in full size vehicles too. While I was working on my **** on GBU before getting a pull back to camp, a Cherokee flopped on the line next to me and two idiots were trying to push it back over from the downhill side. We had to stop and yell at them to get the F out from under that Cherokar.

You are welcome...I wasn't much help, but I can hold the **** outta that flash light.
I truly dis-like the RZR fad. Plus I just simply don't like the way they look (which is strictly an opinion based statement). In the end, if people are polite and respect others, that is all that matters.

The litter-ers are indeed the losers of the off road community. >:(
creepycrawly said:
You are welcome...I wasn't much help, but I can hold the **** outta that flash light.

You're the damn man. That is all. Haha. Ended up being a loose wire on the fuel pump inside the tank which popped the EFI fuse under the dash.
Stretch said:
You're the damn man. That is all. Haha. Ended up being a loose wire on the fuel pump inside the tank which popped the EFI fuse under the dash.

Ha! Thanks man. Good to meet you and glad you got it sorted out. See y'all next time.
Rzrs are the Mustangs of the woods... Loud, obnoxious, and best left for the women folks.... As I tell every motor revving Mustang owner,

"Act like a **** cause you ain't got one, come on"
I know a guy that says his RZR will go further and do everything my Jeep will. Im not sure if he is serious or what. Now they will go faster around a track. It will not keep up in the rocks though. Watch Madrams newest boat ramp vid wasn't good for the sxs's.
pholmann said:
This topic seems to recur after every big event. It's just part of it. They are here and aren't going away. May as well get used to it. I've bitched about em but I just got used to em and try to ignore them. Just act like your gonna hit them and they move. :****:

Exactly. Comes with big events - don't like em, don't go. You can't go to RBD and expect to get around the trails free and easy. If a motherfucker is in your way, tell that motherfucker to move his **** or you are about to monster truck it and **** his mom in the ass afterwards. There is no such thing as trail etiquette at RBD. You can only pile so many rigs around obstacles like RBD, Primos, and V Notch, without having a traffic jam cluster ****. There's only so many places you can pull off. There are some that are douchier than others, but I've been blocked in by just as many full size rigs, if not more, than rzr's. Rzr's are smaller and usually can get out of the way easier....provided you make it known that they are in the fawking way.

Bottom line, don't go to RBD and then bitch about the crowd.....you knew what to expect, it's the same every year. molaugh
I love to party. Almost as much as I love to ride. So I go to events to party and watch stupid people doing stupid ****. I go ride windrock with Tony when I want to just ride which is way more often. I know what to expect so no biggie. I find drunk morons funny. I got more riding in while riding Saturday night with Kush for about an hour and a half than all weekend. Still had a blast cause that's what I expected. :drinkers: :driving: :drinkers: :driving: :drinkers: :driving: :woot:
TacomaJD said:
Exactly. Comes with big events - don't like em, don't go. You can't go to RBD and expect to get around the trails free and easy. If a motherfucker is in your way, tell that motherfucker to move his **** or you are about to monster truck it and **** his mom in the ass afterwards. There is no such thing as trail etiquette at RBD. You can only pile so many rigs around obstacles like RBD, Primos, and V Notch, without having a traffic jam cluster ****. There's only so many places you can pull off. There are some that are douchier than others, but I've been blocked in by just as many full size rigs, if not more, than rzr's. Rzr's are smaller and usually can get out of the way easier....provided you make it known that they are in the fawking way.

Bottom line, don't go to RBD and then bitch about the crowd.....you knew what to expect, it's the same every year. molaugh

That's why I stayed home. I went in 2010 loved it went 2013 ok last year too many people.
RBD is the only big event I will go to. Granted I did not go this year because of the obvious lack of rig (I don't like riding with others too much), next year I will have a cheap sxs and be down for the shenanigans. I won't be clogging trails though, unless it's real late Saturday night and I pass out waiting on someone else to move..... :****:

tonybolton said:
Gotta love the "party scene" Big reason I stick to trail riding with my group of 3-7 people. Too much disrespect in the off road community.
WELL SAID!!!!!!!!!!
I kinda wanted to go just to meet some of you, pick up some springs from Kush, and watch the Primos beatdowns. Probably a good thing I didn't, I have zero fawking tolerance for the blaring _insert music here_ / waaaay too much Keystone / rzr rice crowd, and I like to fight. Not good to store your road flares next to your gas cans.
5BrothersFabrication said:
I kinda wanted to go just to meet some of you, pick up some springs from Kush, and watch the Primos beatdowns. Probably a good thing I didn't, I have zero fawking tolerance for the blaring _insert music here_ / waaaay too much Keystone / rzr rice crowd, and I like to fight. Not good to store your road flares next to your gas cans.

Intolerant prick. :flipoff1:
RBD was the first big event I have ever been too. I really enjoyed the riding and the razr's do get on my nerves but the way I look at it is that they have payed there money to be there and with the money they pay to ride it goes a long ways to keep the trails and places I enjoy riding open. I can deal with them. There are just as many idiots in trucks as there are in razrs. The only problem I have with them is that everyone of them knows how to drive a truck better than the driver or the spotter helping them. I had a guy right in my face on V-Notch telling me what to do when I am already abusing the hell out of my truck. I finally lost it and told him if I needed someone to pull cable I would let him know until then to shut the hell up. When I came out the top he started telling me how his buddies buggy would eat V-Notch up. I mean it is just the incompetence of the people. That being said out of 2500 razrs I only found 1 ****. I am sure the odds are about the same for trucks.
Went to WITC New Years. Got on dirty britches. Couldn't make it and got sideways. Had to winch out to straighten up. Dude in a rzr went up before me then was mad cuz he wanted another turn then nearly ran us over when he came up the 2nd time and exited. I have a rzr and use it as a chase and loner rig. I'll ride with other rzrs but never folks like that. I wish there was an off-roaders screening process. This is how I release and don't need bs on the trail. I can work and get paid for dealing with bs.
I'm not a big fan of them over priced go carts, but I do enjoy watching them go up stuff they're either popping or breaking stuff :****: