If you have good credit YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BORROW MONEY. Guys, this is bad, yes, but the sky is not falling. There are LOTS of small banks with plenty of cash to loan the right people. If you have money, it is now time to buy, buy, buy.
I took out a small business on friday. Took 20 minutes to get it approved with a local bank. I am starting a little side business and wanted a line of credit. Scared? No. We have the most vibrant economy in the history of earth. If we can keep the ****ing socailist Democrats' hands out of the till we can recover.
Can you believe all the pork those ****ers tried to stick in this "bailout" bill?
I will always, ALWAYS thank GOD that "W" was our president during these years of war and that he stood tough when the polls were aweful. However, this "bailout" socialist BS that he is pushing here is as maddening as his immigration policy.
Screw it. If Wall Street takes a dive then so will OIL and for you and me, low OIL has the biggest day-to-day impact on our lives.
DONT CASH OUT YOUR 401K. That is foolish. Ride this out. Julie and I have lost over 50% of our 401K value in the last year. Let me tell you, after a combined 22 years with the same company, that number lost is a small fortune, but as was said before, I still own that stock. It will come back . Although I am older than most of you punks, as for retirement, I am still young...20+ years is a LONG time for the market.
I took out a small business on friday. Took 20 minutes to get it approved with a local bank. I am starting a little side business and wanted a line of credit. Scared? No. We have the most vibrant economy in the history of earth. If we can keep the ****ing socailist Democrats' hands out of the till we can recover.
Can you believe all the pork those ****ers tried to stick in this "bailout" bill?
I will always, ALWAYS thank GOD that "W" was our president during these years of war and that he stood tough when the polls were aweful. However, this "bailout" socialist BS that he is pushing here is as maddening as his immigration policy.
Screw it. If Wall Street takes a dive then so will OIL and for you and me, low OIL has the biggest day-to-day impact on our lives.
DONT CASH OUT YOUR 401K. That is foolish. Ride this out. Julie and I have lost over 50% of our 401K value in the last year. Let me tell you, after a combined 22 years with the same company, that number lost is a small fortune, but as was said before, I still own that stock. It will come back . Although I am older than most of you punks, as for retirement, I am still young...20+ years is a LONG time for the market.