I was 22 years old, and been living in Chicago for about a month, and working at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange when I first hooked up with this chick. Her name was Hope, 21 year old, daughter of a radio media mogul in Chicago. She was a redhead and crazier than Chris Rock on meth. I loved her! I wasn't in love, just loved her. Fugging crazy, young, and the big city. Partying like it was the '80s and coke had just came en vogue, but it was "X". Not my bag, I like Miller Lite, and Crown Royal. We'd party until I couldn't party no mo' and I'd go home (2-3am). I'd leave the bellhop cabfare for her when she got dropped off (5-6am). The bell would pay the fare, and let her stumble in. I'd get up and go trade the session, come home and get her up for sex. Then send her home in a cab to get ready. Meet up for dinner, then do it again. We went to more concerts than I can count, she took me to parties I would never have been on the list for. I met people I'd only seen on TV. That was pretty standard for about nine months. Then I went back to Kansas. I was her farmboy project. She was my urban education.