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Social media disconnect


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2012
Knoxville TN
How many of yall are like me and refuse to become part of the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram bullshit. Whatever your reason, doesn't matter. My issue is that some events and things are only publicized on these sites. I was looking at the birthday bash deal at dirty turtle thread and it reminded me of just a couple weeks ago that the Scotty goforth bounty hill event was not promoted here as well. Maybe the promoters don't want it publicized on here or maybe they didn't think about it. Either way there's a lot of stuff that goes on that the socially disconnected folks don't hear about and would go to if they had known prior to a day before the event. So I suppose my question is should there be a Facebook thread, or whatever social media site it may be, that brings those events to people's attention that don't want to be part of the facetube movement. What's everyone's thoughts?
Bite the bullet, get a facetube, use an alias like "Debo from Friday", and only follow the parks and vendors. If it's the wimmins drama you don't care for, you won't find any there.
No Facespace for me.... It really pisses me off when vendors come here to whore out their products, but when it comes time for a freeby or give a way they post up HERE, "Like us on fb for a chance to win" **** You!
I had a facespace a while ago. Didn't really enhance my life enough to give 2 shits what happened. But a while back I saw a walmart commercial where the family involved wasn't paying any attention to the announcer guy because they were updating their pages. It was then I realized that even the marketing team for walmart noticed peoples straight up social disconnect. I have no desire to be facebooks bitch so I avoid anything like it. If I need to be on social media to be your "friend" then **** you, point blank.
Re: Re: Social media disconnect

muddinmetal said:
No Facespace for me.... It really pisses me off when vendors come here to whore out their products, but when it comes time for a freeby or give a way they post up HERE, "Like us on fb for a chance to win" **** You!
Social media is gay, but its not going away. I like both ideas having a non FB site with listings would be great for some....having a FB alias and only friending/liking the stuff you want to know about would be OK. A friend of mine goes by "Hugh Janis" on FB. His profile pic is a picture of Obama. I like this option. :dblthumb:

Some dudes are as bad as women on FB, posting stupid **** all day long and bitching about everything constantly.

I don't do twatter or instagram, but do have FB. I hate myself for being on it, but there is some funny stuff, sale postings and seeing some people's train wrecks can be entertaining, though it seems I see less of the stuff I want to on FB lately, yet all the BS is there :gay:
muddinmetal said:
No Facespace for me.... It really pisses me off when vendors come here to whore out their products, but when it comes time for a freeby or give a way they post up HERE, "Like us on fb for a chance to win" **** You!

Absolutely agree!
al1tonyota said:
Umm hardline is social media???

When you post a random pic, thats a status update.

When you start a thread about people or vendors that piss you off, etc., that's a status update. When you agree, disagree, and post a counter-argument, that's a comment on someone's status update.

When you post this:
al1tonyota said:
Umm hardline is social media???
:dblthumb: molaugh :woody: booyang :woot:
That is pretty much a "like".

So you're ALREADY following facespace structure.
I got a Facebook account, it started with the intentions of keeping up with my friends riding video/pics that aren't posted on a forum like this.
More and more people kept sending friend requests that don't wheel, I just don't " follow" their posts.

Follow madram and busted knuckle, and other offroad related businesses, you see come pretty cool stuff.
Like anything else it is what you make of it facebook ain't the devil! You don't have to be friends with stupid people all you gotta do is unfollow unfriend or block its that simple. Anybody that can't handle something as simple as facebook is #1 just being a hard headed ignorant pansy #2 just want to be an overly complicated bitch! Take that how you want it! skully
pholmann said:
I was looking at the birthday bash deal at dirty turtle thread and it reminded me of just a couple weeks ago that the Scotty goforth bounty hill event was not promoted here as well. Maybe the promoters don't want it publicized on here or maybe they didn't think about it.

It surprises me that they do it that way, especially after both got nearly all negative comments afterwards. That alone would make me be like, "**** it, you don't like it, I'll take my **** somewhere else." But I guess this site kind of went pretty negative for a while too and FB was the alternative? Maybe someone needs to inform them of the new kinder gentler HL and remind them that FB doesn't have John G. to mediate? :)

I've said it before and I'll say it again ... I don't do FB for myself and wish I didn't have to for my businesses. I wish my wife didn't post **** about my daughter on FB because I know there's some sex-trade broker out there just waiting for her to post where my daughter is at alone one time to go get her. I don't like any of my wife's posts from my company pages so that people associated with my companies don't get any ideas about my daughter either. As far as they are concerned I am still a bachelor for all I care. People who lurk on FB are ****ing crazy, too. I'll have people who got cold ribs or some bullshit ****ing stalking me and trying to kill my family and ****.

As far as I am concerned FB = the devil and the whole world would be better off if tomorrow it just shut off like a light switch and never came back.
I used to live on facebook. Last year I cut if completely and deleted my account for about 5 months. It was awesome. Then I got back on to check somethinf, and restarted my account. I check it one or 2 times a day now, basically just to bitch about ohio state basketball with some friends I don't see much anymore.
al1tonyota said:
Like anything else it is what you make of it facebook ain't the devil! You don't have to be friends with stupid people all you gotta do is unfollow unfriend or block its that simple. Anybody that can't handle something as simple as facebook is #1 just being a hard headed ignorant pansy #2 just want to be an overly complicated bitch! Take that how you want it! skully

Well said X 1,000,000
I get why a lot of people don't want to get on FB but like previously stated its not going away and if you use it as a tool to get information about 4x4 stuff only and not want anyone to know any personal information about yourself you can do it easily. Its just the easiest way to share info, pics, and videos because most people are on it. I didn't have it for a long time but I would always hear my friends talking about things that I had no idea about because I wasn't on FB to read about it. As far as the 4wheeling world goes, I tried to just follow madram and BK on youtube so I could see when they put up a new video but after liking them on FB they are always bringing up old videos or commenting on videos that they didn't make that I find interesting and I never would have seen them if I didn't have FB.

Make a profile with the name "Ihatefacebook". Put no personal information of yourself on it. Like all the pages you are interested in like 4x4 stuff or guns or whatever tickles your pickle. Then enjoy the constant stream of videos and cool **** that you would have never seen or known about otherwise. Only like pages of businesses and not actual people and you'll never have to look at a new selfie every 15 min.

Don't think if it as social media, think of it as a continuously updating electronic magazine with videos that only talks about things you are interested in with no monthly fee.

This isn't completely related but I thought it was funny and it's exactly what I think when older people get mad when they see everyone on their phones.

To each their own but I don't do any of the three, never have. 36 now and the older I get the less I care what people think of me and what other people are doing, simple life.

Facebook is only as gay as you make it, I mostly have mine to keep up with vendors sales , organized rides, offroad vids and so on.

Don't accept friend request and don't send any out...done. no drama no crying.

Harline is social media. Just focused media

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