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Social media disconnect

civicmindedex79 said:
Let me throw another question out.... Any of these folks that swear they will never have ANY of this social media stuff..... Do any of you have kids? Most people sign up for social media just to keep an eye on their kids.

That's how is started for me..... but the kids have since moved on to other social media sites, instagram, snap chat, etc.... I can't keep up, I not sure if I want to.....
Re: Re: Social media disconnect

al1tonyota said:
Like anything else it is what you make of it facebook ain't the devil! You don't have to be friends with stupid people all you gotta do is unfollow unfriend or block its that simple. Anybody that can't handle something as simple as facebook is #1 just being a hard headed ignorant pansy #2 just want to be an overly complicated bitch! Take that how you want it! skully
I've thought this for a long time. Folks on here bitch about and criticize Facebook, yet use this forum almost the exact same way one uses a Facebook account. Lol kills me. It's like "Only reason I even got one of them sissy internet things is so I can read about manly 4x4 stuff and beat my chest after I drag my knuckles on the ground walking to the shitter."

I personally love Facebook. But I'm also a lot more social than most folks here. It's the perfect way to keep in touch with those you don't have time to hang out with as much anymore.

It ain't for everyone, just like forums ain't for everyone. I bet there was a time when most of you thought resorting to an online forum and posting with others to source 4x4 tech was intimidating or that you felt "too cool" to do it.
I don't do any of the Facebutt, tweeters or other tell me when you go to the bathroom sites. However I have to say that it is only a matter of time before I have to just because it is how people communicate. I have a group of people that I camp with etc but don't see very often otherwise. And that is how they all stay connected and plan trips. When I was married the ex kept me informed but now that she is gone, life is better but I don't have a clue what is going on now. Sucks if you ask me, I just don't want to know as much about people as they are willing to put out there.
Classic derail! :****: This is not about bashing facebook or anything else. I personally don't want anything to do with facebook. The people I see on a regular basis are the people I want to see. All of my family lives in the same city again now so no need there (immediate family). I started this thread because I know that there are quite a few folks that don't hear about some of the events. This has nothing to do with who does and doesn't have facebook or why. Some of you don't understand why we don't want or are unwilling to get or have a facebook page and it is the same for us in that we don't understand why you would want one. To each their own. I just thought it was a good idea for people to post up the stuff to be put on the calendar that they see isn't already on there. I didn't think it was a bad idea. I figured it may help out the smaller events and help them grow and be more entertaining and competetive. This has grown into a bash and defend facespace thread and thats not what its about.
Anyone bitching about instagram is missing out on some flashemifyougotem lol. Anyone that has a business that does not use social media now is just crazy.
sledneck said:
Anyone bitching about instagram is missing out on some flashemifyougotem lol. Anyone that has a business that does not use social media now is just crazy.

^^^^this,,,,,I like FB for the easy "don,t need a photobucket acct. to link pics with" ability it gives me to share my picture takin hobby with everyone I hang out with on the weekends.....wich includes trail wheelers ,rockbouncers,mud riders,megatrucks,bog trucks,race trucks etc. :dblthumb:

FB is just like cocaine,,,it intensifies your'e personality,,,,and if yer an idiot,,,drama queen,,,or an asshole.....well....
I don't FB, Twitter, or whatever.....
Mine is couple things- I like my simple life and also for business don't need/ want stupid stuff I do public.
Also I don't want/ need past women, ex gf or folks I don't communicate with starting stuff.

My wife has account and is On FB.....

My wheeling friends communicate her but that's it.
pholmann said:
Classic derail! :****: This is not about bashing facebook or anything else. I personally don't want anything to do with facebook. The people I see on a regular basis are the people I want to see. All of my family lives in the same city again now so no need there (immediate family). I started this thread because I know that there are quite a few folks that don't hear about some of the events. This has nothing to do with who does and doesn't have facebook or why. Some of you don't understand why we don't want or are unwilling to get or have a facebook page and it is the same for us in that we don't understand why you would want one. To each their own. I just thought it was a good idea for people to post up the stuff to be put on the calendar that they see isn't already on there. I didn't think it was a bad idea. I figured it may help out the smaller events and help them grow and be more entertaining and competetive. This has grown into a bash and defend facespace thread and thats not what its about.

Well said. And without blowing your top too! :flipoff1:
pholmann said:
I suppose if that's the only options me and my antisocial counterparts will just miss out. Lol. I honestly hate everything about Facebook. I don't even want an account under a false name. I know some folks love it and that's cool. To each their own. It's just an unnecessary source of drama and public invasion I don't want. Is it so much to ask for you post whores to pass along the **** that you see on facetube to the rest of us?

TacomaJD is selling out. So we will have to see who emerges as the new post whore and ask if they mind hooking you up. molaugh
pholmann said:
Statement didn't make any sense to me. Lol. Now that you say that I understand and yes I know a couple too.

My original post was sargism. not married.... so I have to have my own account. sarcasm sucks timmie's balls when it has to be explained.
Absolutely. I'll e there friday and saturday. Leaving sunday. I'd like to have a cold beer with Ya if possible. It'll just be one of many.

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