Active Member
good one :haha:. Why are you embarrassing yourself? if you want to i can cheer you on:cheer::cheer::cheer:
Embarrising myself? With 30 sec of searching, you could have found all the information you wanted. But no, first you post this in the classifieds, then you ask what other kind of axles will work in a yota, then ask if a ****in ford axle will work with a yota.
Ok this might be a stupid question but is there a front solid axle that would work for an 89 Toyota 4runner that is not a Toyota axle? I don
good one :haha:. Why are you embarrassing yourself? if you want to i can cheer you on:cheer::cheer::cheer:
Pooh's been drinking PBR again....LOL!!!!:haha::haha::haha::beer::beer:
This would be your best bet. More of a universal fit. Save a lot of money, no steering, lockers, gears, or front drivelines to deal with.......