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Some battery info


Did I BREAK that.......
Mar 27, 2006
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I spent quite a while today talking the Juan, the tech and repair guy at Premier Power Welder about batteries. He gave me a LOT of good info about batteries.

I have my unit in there for repair. Turns out that the way it was mounted was causing the case to flex and was grounding out the rectifier bridge, as was evidenced by burn marks and that eventually killed the voltage regulator. To solve that I'm just going to have to make a plate to mount the welder on so that it uses the factory mounting points and it will protect against flexing of the case. A 1/16" of flex can cause the unit to ground out.

Anyway, we talked more about batteries than anything else. I already knew that mismatching batteries was not a good choice, but I could not find a lead acid battery that would fit where one of my Optima's was and I was destroying Optimas when winching. Apparently mixing a lead acid with gel cell is about the worst thing that you can do because of how they charges, the amount of voltage they will accepts and how they drain. Juan states that a gel cell is not ideally suited for off road use other than the benefit of not spilling acid in the case of a roll or accident. However, they cannot accept a high charge or a heavy load without internal damage to the battery. My Warn 12k winch sucks a TON of amperage and can drain batteries in minutes under a heavy load, even with the engine running. He also talked about the useage of a typicall 4x4 which may sit idle for weeks or months, then under use is typically not at a high RPM to give it a good charge and then we drain it heavy with lights, winching, air compressors etc. The Optimas do not hold up well to this type of use, any of the optimas... I've have gone through a ton of them that won't hold charges after a few months.

He told me about another battery called the Odyssey that had fantastic specs! http://www.odysseyfactory.com/faq.html They are quite spendy but I was also able to find a 34 series to fit where the Optima was. So I'm matching up my batteries FINALLY with something that will hopefully better handle my electrical needs. I am currently running a cheapo GM 1 wire that's probably putting out 60 amps at peak. My air compressor is a 50 amp continuous draw, then I have electric fans (s) an electric water pump and everything else that runs like lights, heaters etc. So unless I'm running at a decent RPM my alternator is barely keeping up at best and my batteries are slowly draining all day at worst.

My Premier system is 160 amp and has a 16.3v high charge feature to use while welding or winching. This high charge would fry the Optima if I used it since it can only handle about 14v at max before overheating. The Oddysey can handle about 17v (most lead acid types can handle about 16.5 without problems), so they can safely handle the extra juice when needed. Unfortunately I won't have it back for Elbe this weekend, but just thought I'd share some info that I gleaned today.

I found a dealer in Sumner who sells them. They have a FULL 100% - not prorated, 4 year warranty. There are quite a few in Washington.
just ordered mine from here.


best price i could find and with free shipping it was 50 dollars better than local. mine should arrive today.:cheer:

Cool, I'd not heard of them before today. However, I need mine for the weekend as I hate going to Elbe this time of year and not knowing that my batteries will hold up to the winching should I need to strain the 12k again. The handle my rear 8k winch not too bad.
Ive replied a thousand times on this board that optimas are junk for anything except a daily driver.

Some people are so stubborn and will buy them one after the other trying to blame other components. Face it, a $100 plus battery can still suck.

A good old lead acid BIG battery is still my choice. At the wrecking yard I can find 1000CCA schwab and kirkland and motorcraft bateries all the time for $10 that is less than a year old.

Be happy you found the truth gibby. Thanks for the info.:awesomework:
Good info. I've looked at those batteries before and may be buying one next time I need a battery.

He also talked about the useage of a typicall 4x4 which may sit idle for weeks or months, then under use is typically not at a high RPM

I don't know who you wheelin' with. But sounds kinda backward to me.

My junk is typically idle for around a week, then fired up and held on the rev limiter for 12-16 hours at a time.:haha:
Cool, I'd not heard of them before today. However, I need mine for the weekend as I hate going to Elbe this time of year and not knowing that my batteries will hold up to the winching should I need to strain the 12k again. The handle my rear 8k winch not too bad.

Dean had a dual setup that I think he was getting rid of, not sure
I have used my winch to death, ran my battery dead dozens of time.. even pulled with the winch till it stalled.. and this is all on a 5 year old optima red top.

i don't understand why so many people lately has said they have troubles with their optimas.
Yeah I haven't been hearing really anything specifically bad about Optimas until I threw down the cash and bought one a month or so ago....:eeek: Like every purchase I make it seems, I'm second guessing it. I am getting a trickle charger soon though. Good thing it has a 5 year warranty.:cool:
I'm with chop shop optimas freakin bring the suck, 3 optimas same thing won't hold a charge.....never again :masturbanana[1]:
John, you called me about 20 minutes too late as I had just headed home with the new batteries.

Crazybluerider - that was funnay! I don't get out as often as I used to so it can be a couple of months between trips, which sucks. I'm a low speed crawling kinda guy now. Too much broken stuff over the years.

My UPNDAIR plate is derived from my previous antics of liking to fly UP N D AIR.
If your running a 60 amp alternator with a shitload of accesories no doubt your going to have troubles, regardless of the battery.

and if your burning up batteries running your winch, maybe it's because your rig is a turd and gets stuck all the time or maybe the people you wheel with do. :haha:
If your running a 60 amp alternator with a shitload of accesories no doubt your going to have troubles, regardless of the battery.

The 60 amp is a temp alternator while the Premier system is getting repaired.

The rest of your post I'll just ignore.
The rest of your post I'll just ignore.

yet you read it. :D

Good info gibby. :awesomework: I recommended the PPW to the shop foreman a while back because we were having problems with the current OBW system. no problems since they switched and thats using optima yellow top batts. PPW never recommended a certain type of battery

I'm glad that you figured out it's a system as a whole and not just one part.
yet you read it. :D

Good info gibby. :awesomework: I recommended the PPW to the shop foreman a while back because we were having problems with the current OBW system. no problems since they switched and thats using optima yellow top batts. PPW never recommended a certain type of battery

I'm glad that you figured out it's a system as a whole and not just one part.

PPW themselves didn't recommend it, their repair guy did. He's a third party company that fixes their stuff.

A yellow top optima will burnt out when using the high charge/welding setup. The Optima will break down internally if it get's that much voltage.

I love the PPW system though!

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