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sooo... about Clayton

You guys will have to let me know when you next head up to Clayton -- I'll do everything possible to make the trip... annual party in Oklahoma?!? I love wheelin' up there. And I'm hoping to have a little lower gearing by that time so I'll be able to keep up a little better. 8)

As for Moab rumors, Potato Salad is still open, but it's been trampled so much it's nothing much to wheel anymore. Lion's Back is closed, but you're nuts if you wanted to ever drive up it anyway... I walked up it and found it intimidating. I've been to Moab on two occasions and spent 9 days wheeling there over those 2 trips... it's a great place that everyone should visit... but it's not nearly as challenging as Clayton or other notable crazy places that I've either wheeled or read about (Cortez, Farmington, Montrose, Hammers, etc.)

As Wyatt mentioned, I've volunteered to be a run leader for our club trip to Hot Springs in August. I'm still trying to figure out which weekend it's going to fall on, but I was hoping to get all of you guys and hopefully the KS boys to make a weekend out of it as well... call it the Pirate Trip SE Part 2 for '07... anyone interested? I'd love to have some guys show me around there... I've been once, but I had to find my own way around...
blacksheep10 said:
with my doubler I will go to clayton if I get to take Paul as my spotter. I don't like ben spotting for me, nothing against him or our past tiff, just don't like it, and Heath doesn't have a clue on how to spot me. wyatt is my second choice with paul being my first. If I could go with those 2 guys and 1 other rig I would. I had a bad taste in my mouth because of the fuggin waiting, the fact taht I only rode 100' of blacksheep blvd and ran up and down/walked the rest, and pulled rope and cable and air line and vid cam duties the whole time. I want to take my rig in a 4 rig group. Other than that, I will never ever go back if its a big ride. I wanna go on an off weekend.

You bring Paul and I'll bring Wyatt as my spotter! It's awwwn!
hey Go Vols your definetly right Moab is not as challenging as the other trails but it is scenic with some real fun ****... great for bigger groups... awesome atmosphere and scenery... as well as some cool obstacles that aren't always a walk in the park... Clayton, Montrose, the Hammers are places where you really gotta be serious about your wheelin...
Go_Vols said:
As Wyatt mentioned, I've volunteered to be a run leader for our club trip to Hot Springs in August. I'm still trying to figure out which weekend it's going to fall on, but I was hoping to get all of you guys and hopefully the KS boys to make a weekend out of it as well... call it the Pirate Trip SE Part 2 for '07... anyone interested? I'd love to have some guys show me around there... I've been once, but I had to find my own way around...
I'm most likely in for HS in august, my birfday is aug 5, so I can probably steal away under the guise of a bday trip.
blacksheep10 said:
I'm most likely in for HS in august, my birfday is aug 5, so I can probably steal away under the guise of a bday trip.

Sweet! I should have a target date worked up here shortly... I'll publish as soon as I know.
That will be an awesome trip. I will be playing it by ear but count me out until I say I'm in. Got the Lil one due on Aug 10th.
Looks like the weekend of the 18th. Need to confirm that the park is open on that date....
they are open that weekend. that is the last weekend of the trip I am goin on....11-18....yea a week of wheelin at Hot Springs and prolly a some local places that a couple of guys know about. we are gonna have a pretty big group, but there will be a group of guys that want to do the hard **** after the first few days. This will be the first big trip for me and a few of the other guys on our board(zr2usa.com)....should be fun. I think Rob may be coming down at some point?? :drinkers: Bring it awn fellas! It would be cool to finally meet up with you guys!

I cant believe all this talk of wheeling spots and no one brought up AZ.... . those guys are taking some sick lines on some of the nastiest stuff . If I were to plan a trip that was the be all wheeling trip I would HAVE to go to AZ. ( Id also have to build a tiny badass buggy LOL )
Was talkin to my ol' man last night about the Rubicon and sounds like he's down for a trip next summer :spin: :flipper:

I threw in "while we're there we need to hit Fordyce and the Hammers, maybe a little Montrose on the way home" :fish: :flipoff1: