it was a pretty good weekend....yes, ended on my side on the last course yesterday...dinged her pretty good. from the results I heard saturday eve, I was in 3rd and Roger was right behind me... I really had to take it easy on the faster courses that had jumps and **** in them, because my front end was bottoming out pretty bad, but I stayed pretty consistent I guess and didnt break anything (other than a hydro fitting on the ram...bad shackle placement for the suck down winch on my part). Second day, I was able to hit the courses quite a bit harder, I changed out my springs in the morning for some stiffer ones that I had brought with me and it seemed to handle the jumping, landing, handling pretty good. the last course really screwed my both days, slow ass time the first day because of the winching and then not finishing the second day because of the winching/extracting/roll over.

I am happy with out the rig performed overall, just driver/spotter errors...**** happens I was still able to drive it on to the trailer with no broken parts. The only thing that I really have to fix is the lower coilover mount on the axle on the passenger side, it got bent pretty bad
As far as the scores are concerned, I am pretty sure they are legit.....I mean, if I didnt get first...WTF? it was our "club" running the show! haha There was a bit of confusion for some of the scoring, but it got resolved quickly. Roger, your scores from what I could tell are correct. I am not sure what you might be questioning, if you are still questioning....if you are you can PM me and let me know and I could research it a bit if you wanted. I think some of the times might have been heard wrong by people or misunderstood what was said, so that may have been an issue. I really tried to stay out of their way and let them do their thing, thats why they were there.
For running bigger show like the for the first time, I think they did pretty decent. There will be some things that will HAVE to be changed, but you will have some issues like that.
my wife will be posting up pics later on, she got some great shots of everyone.....Jimmy like 8 feet of air, Roger rollover in the little rock garden..a sequence of that too, very cool. of course some good one of me and everyone else.