Catholic school K-12 in the same school system in Charlotte, NC. The one thing that you get in some of the private schools IMO, and it may just be from my experience only, is a sense of community. The whole idea of you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with. Families are closer and more willing to help each other in times of need in comparison to situations I saw from my friends in public schools. I know great people that have come from both public and private schools. Its all in what they get at home. My friends that were ****ups at my school had issues at home, same as my friends in public school. Not to say we didn't have some kids in my area that were just total dumbasses. My dad worked his ass off til well into his cancer treatment and my mom was active in the school system all the way up to being board president for a few years and on countless committees. I started working summer jobs at 14 and from watching my parents it taught me the value of hard work, being committed to the people around you and being an asset to your community. We had to do volunteer hours each year in order to graduate/move up a grade. I ended up working with a program called Trips for Kids that took inner city/at-risk youth and took them mountain biking. This turned into something I did almost every weekend until I went to college.
My parents kept me busy. I played sports most of the year. Fall was soccer, then football after 7th grade, winter was church league basketball (I sucked but it was more a social thing than competitive), spring was soccer and then eventually lacrosse. During the summer I was usually with my grandparents in New Hampshire and riding mountain bikes every day, fishing, hiking etc then working there once I turned 14.
We didn't have video game systems in the house growing up. Computers were for homework, papers or projects and we didn't have cable tv til I was well into my teens. They kicked my ass out of the house to go play with friends/ride bikes/get dirty/raise hell in the neighborhood and gauged how much fun I had by how many scrapes I had or how dirty I was when I came home. That experience is invaluable IMO. I am tech dependent now because of my job, but thats also why my main hobbies are dirtbikes and wheelin. When I am not at work I want to be somewhere that doesn't allow me access to technology. I see family and friends whose kids are on ipads or other electronic **** and throw a fit when they cant play with it. Absolutely stupid.