Hold my beer and watch this!
^^^^ Thats how i am during a big pecker contest! 

patooyee said:In college I worked at the athletic center at UGA. Once a year the weight room had a bench competition where all the weight lifters and football players would show off. There was always one super-nice, super-humble guy that was the biggest out of all of them that would never compete though. He and his g/f were stacked. He was about 5'6" tall and 6' wide of pure muscle. 3 years went by and he never did compete but the last year his girlfriend went down to the weight room and bitched him out for being a ***** and not trying, made him go upstairs and do it. He didn't want to and held out until they were about to close the comp and declare a winner when she finally got him up there. The weights from the current leader were still on the bar and he looked at them and told them to add another 200. They looked at him like he was crazy but they did it. He threw it up like it was absolutely nothing, like I would toss around a beach ball. It was so amazing the crowd watching just went silent. He got up and walked off embarrassed, didn't even accept his trophy.
Robbycarr said:I couldn't resist I just squeezed 140!!!
This might be the funniest day of reading on hardline EVER!!!!!
5BrothersFabrication said:Thats what I got when I held my arms straight with the scale facing me. Turned it away to the mirror in the bedroom arms bent (still not leveraging on any other body part) and squeezed 220. Reckon the bent arms are an advantage?
pholmann said:So this is what a **** measuring contest has turned to. Lol. If I had a scale I'd put my retard strength to the test but I don't have one. It's funny none the less.
Joc said:if this is where its headed it will be a how many yanks does it take after they measure
patooyee said:Or you just like looking at yourself flex in the mirror.
The arms straight thing is kind of weird to me. Presumably this is all to know if they can choke muddinmetal out more than he can them, right? Well if you were doing that you wouldn't be doing it arms straight. You'd be doing it however your body felt it could do it the best. And so what if arms are bent and its an advantage over straight, presumably it would be an equal advantage to everyone.
5BrothersFabrication said:Regardless, back to the whole reason this thread was started- Muddin, you need to behave yourself at the Hardline ride. Just like I had to not rip my crackhead uncles head off at my grandmothers funeral, same principle. Same goes for the four people pushing your buttons, I'm going to shake hands, drink, tell lies, wheel and have a good time. Pulling somebody's drunk ass out of the fire and taking them to the hospital doesn't sound like fun.
.. I guess suffer from same the same thing muddinmetal, as i am a pretty good fella though i do come off a little assholish...lolmuddinmetal said:I really am a good guy, it just doesn't shine through on a keyboard at times