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SRRS 2012 Southern Rock Racing Series

Awesome videos :dblthumb:

These events are gonna be a lot of entertaining fun for the drivers and spectators!!!!! loller.gif We are looking forward to them.

*fixed for ya
plow boy said:
since we have already signed up for the first race, can we go ahead and sign up for the 3 remaining ones

Not sure about the paperwork side, but it's set up on the site to pay for each event pre-registeration fee.

Just go to this page and scroll down and click whichever event you're interested in:
plow boy said:
since we have already signed up for the first race, can we go ahead and sign up for the 3 remaining ones

Plowboy. We will make sure the ones at the first race will have first chance to sign up for the existing races since it is a series. If you want us to put you down for the other 3 just let us now.
Maybe I missed all this info somewhere feel free to direct me to it. How is the series going to done? Points awarded for placing higher finish in each race? Any other means of getting more points (extra points from judges or crowd)? Are their judges or just straight you win so many points? Each race payout or payout at end of series? Main reason I ask is because I might be interested but it is going to be difficult for me to make the final race at superlift. Wondering also because of things like has come up now of having a couple of rides on the same weekend. Basically if the payout is once the series is over I am assuming missing one event will put me out of the money. Hope this rambling makes sense. Feel free to contact me if not.

EDIT: didnt take long to get directed to first paragraph of thread and answered most questions :wtflol: What makes up the big payout at the end? I guess is the main question I have now.
civicmindedex79 said:
Maybe I missed all this info somewhere feel free to direct me to it. How is the series going to done? Points awarded for placing higher finish in each race? Any other means of getting more points (extra points from judges or crowd)? Are their judges or just straight you win so many points? Each race payout or payout at end of series? Main reason I ask is because I might be interested but it is going to be difficult for me to make the final race at superlift. Wondering also because of things like has come up now of having a couple of rides on the same weekend. Basically if the payout is once the series is over I am assuming missing one event will put me out of the money. Hope this rambling makes sense. Feel free to contact me if not.

EDIT: didnt take long to get directed to first paragraph of thread and answered most questions :wtflol: What makes up the big payout at the end? I guess is the main question I have now.
atleast $1000 pay-out to the winner of each event, fastest to the top will receive the most points, and all points will be added up after the SuperLift race, and the overall winner with receive $10,000.
The same format will apply to the UTV/SXS series.
We have had several sponsors say they plan to show up at the events and have more cash and prizes for the winners and hopefully we will be able to pay 2nd and 3rd also.
Hills will consist of fast, steep, extreme terrain, no cones, no classes, Just Run It! We will be using caution tape to help keep the crowd safe. It has been rumored that we may be having a few bounty hills in the mix...
We also plan to have live bands playing after the shows, weather permitting.
We have purchased an electronic timing system so we can be accurate, along with someone manually keeping time with a stop watch just incase something goes wrong with system.
We are very excited for this event! We will promote it as much as possible on our end and let us know if we can help in any other way!