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Stoney lonesome

muddinmetal said:
We all have lived in glass houses at least once. Let's stop throwing rocks and just agree that without a few dumb mistakes, one of the best parks in America would still allow coolers, some one's son wouldn't be in jail, and some one's daughter wouldn't be in the ground

Re: Re: Stoney lonesome

bbone said:
No. The driver is responsible for the rig and the passenger, specifically for the safety of the passenger.
That's some liberal ****, Ben....lmao

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bbone said:
No. The driver is responsible for the rig and the passenger, specifically for the safety of the passenger.

So we are riding down the trail, you're sober i'm in the pass seat, you roll, i'm fully harnessed in, i break my arm because i stuck it out of the vehicle when it rolled. Whos fault is that?
Re: Re: Stoney lonesome

jeeptj99 said:
So we are riding down the trail, you're sober i'm in the pass seat, you roll, i'm fully harnessed in, i break my arm because i stuck it out of the vehicle when it rolled. Whos fault is that?
Apparently Ben's if he is the driver. So sue the fawk out of him for yer broken arm....LOL

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Re: Re: Stoney lonesome

TacomaJD said:
That's some liberal ****, Ben....lmao

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Damn thats a burn coming from you.
jeeptj99 said:
So we are riding down the trail, you're sober i'm in the pass seat, you roll, i'm fully harnessed in, i break my arm because i stuck it out of the vehicle when it rolled. Whos fault is that?

The driver is in charge of the rig. Why is this so hard to understand? The driver is in charge of providing a safe environment for the passenger.
Re: Re: Stoney lonesome

BUG-E J said:
Damn thats a burn coming from you.

I am not upset about this...burn or not. This is great hobby...we love riding. Its not worth dying for. Just seems real simple to me....the driver is the one in control. Take a boat...who is in charge of a boat on the water? The Captian is. If you don't have lifejackets for everyone the Captian says get off the boat.
I don't believe everyone can say with 100% that she would have lived with her seat belt on. When it is your time to go it doesn't matter how well you think you are protected, God will get you. How many times had Dale Sr hit the wall at a race track? Last one got him. How many time has someone been riding along in the Rzr all strapped in and just about been gored by a stick coming through the floor board?

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bbone said:
The driver is in charge of the rig. Why is this so hard to understand? The driver is in charge of providing a safe environment for the passenger.

Because if i stuck my arm out knowing it could get hurt and i still did it, i wouldnt expect you to pay my bills or anything. same thing her getting into drunk dudes ride and not wearing a seat belt. granted he could have said i'm not moving until you put it on but that didnt happen.
bbone said:
The driver is in charge of the rig. Why is this so hard to understand? The driver is in charge of providing a safe environment for the passenger.

This is exactly the kinda thinking that gets parks shut down. Using logic like that the park is responsible for providing a safe environment for the people who come to enjoy it. It is just hard for me to comprehend why people seem to feel the need to have someone to blame for everything that happens. Why not admit that it was an accident that could have been prevented but wasnt. Not a single one of these what ifs changes what happened.

I am not for drinking on the trails and anyone who has ridden with me knows I do not drink on the trails but banning alcohol WILL NOT prevent unbelted passengers from being injured in rollovers. sure would be nice if people would start taking responsibility for their own actions, maybe when people start accepting responsibility for their bad decisions they'll start making less of them.
d_daffron said:
This is exactly the kinda thinking that gets parks shut down. Using logic like that the park is responsible for providing a safe environment for the people who come to enjoy it. It is just hard for me to comprehend why people seem to feel the need to have someone to blame for everything that happens. Why not admit that it was an accident that could have been prevented but wasnt. Not a single one of these what ifs changes what happened.

I am not for drinking on the trails and anyone who has ridden with me knows I do not drink on the trails but banning alcohol WILL NOT prevent unbelted passengers from being injured in rollovers. sure would be nice if people would start taking responsibility for their own actions, maybe when people start accepting responsibility for their bad decisions they'll start making less of them.

Clearly I didn't say anything about the park. I can admit it was a accident. I also feel the driver is the one DRIVING the rig. The DRIVER is in control of the rig. My point is that for anyone other the driver to be responsible is crazy. I am not talking about in a court of law or the internet. Just simply the driver is in control of the rig.
What part of alcohol changes your ability to make rational, safe decisions, do some of ya'll not understand? Was he drunk and navigating an area that he wouldn't have sober? Was she drunk and not strapped in even though she normally woould have if sober? It's just bad decision making.

Say you work in construction, you're 14 stories up waiting on the crane operator to deliver you a load of steel. He's drunk and can't judge his distance and crushes your ass with the load. Is that his fault or yours for not getting out of the way?
I think Ben's whole point is make your ****ing passengers buckle up or kick them out. Let's stop getting hung up on the other implications of his point
jpony645 said:

Say you work in construction, you're 14 stories up waiting on the crane operator to deliver you a load of steel. He's drunk and can't judge his distance and crushes your ass with the load. Is that his fault or yours for not getting out of the way?

Apples and Oranges
TacomaJD said:
Yeah, I was gonna say, that's not even close to being relative to this situation. More like apples to chestnuts.

Exactly, a closer scenario would be, you and the crane guy are both drunk. You give him the wrong hand signals and he smashes and kills you.
Re: Re: Stoney lonesome

jeeptj99 said:
And if anyone knows their nuts.....

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TacomaJD said:
And that's not my view just bc I am pro drinking on the trail either, that is an unbiased examination of the situation and how it could have went down. Drunk or not, she still could have easily been killed if she chose not to wear a belt.

Driver is responsible for the rig, I get that too...but I am for an adult's own accountability as others have mentioned.

Side story, me, the wife, and the stepson was at AOP in my old sxs Ranger last year. I specifically laid out to them both about always wearing your belts, wore them all day, then we were heading back to camp down the main easy trail and they went ahead and took them off and I didnt notice it. Got to the bottom and there was a ditchbank I pulled up to and gassed it to kinda pop a wheelie or whatever. Well they both went flying into the ****ing windshield, after I figured out they were both ok, I was mad as **** about them taking their belts off til the damn vehicle is stopped. We had a long talk about that ****. Was that the driver's fault? Hell no! And I was 100% sober.

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This kinda cracks me up. "WAS IT THE DRIVERS FAULT" **** yes it was the drivers fault she sure as hell didn't reach over hit the skinny pedal and decide to pop-a-wheelie. Now agreed it is stupid as hell for her to remove belt and especially to allow a child to remove belt.

I believe these discussions are good and productive because it allows everyone to see the opinions of others and how varied it is. If we just bury these accidents in the sand and never discuss them then we are bound to repeat them. So lets learn from it at the least.

I dont see how that was the driver's fault, I just done something that I had been doing all day long. We went up some gnarly trails (for sxs's), bounced and hopped around all day, never had an issue bc we all had our belts on. Then they take em off (100% her fault), and get slung into the windshield. That was her decision, to go against what I told her at the beginning of the day.

And yes I agree, I would have never thought everyone's views would be so far apart on the matter.

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