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Sure do wish I could read Kel's RV story again...

muddinmetal said:
Let me be more straight forward...

If someone from Hardline did it out of spite, I may seriously consider cutting some ties as well

If Kel did it, it sure seems like a lot of work to disappear, but Kel's gonna be Kel

Kel made posts and erased or edited them serval times that I've personally seen. I don't know about all of the post your talking about but it's really not my businesses . I do understand what your asking and can't blame you for wanting to know.

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muddinmetal said:
I really just want to know if I am a part of a forum that is ran by such children that he was removed out of spite, or if his entire footprint was removed by his own request.


Im glad you posted your question in this specific wording... allow me to address it since I am the person that did finally delete Kel's account. ( no I spent zero time to go search his posts ) I met the guy 1 time, I like the guy, think he is a decent and sincere enough dude. Almost instantly he is asking me to delete his account etc etc. I blew it off because whatever butt hurt he suffers from developed during my personal uninvolved time with the boards, and we text, Fb messenger 'did ( how the **** you type that ) etc and months go by. I felt like I was getting to know a bit about the man to have an unbiased opinion and I honestly had no intention of deleting his account because frankly.... if you dont want to be on the forum, dont be on the damn forum. AND as previously mentioned, its also my understanding he has / had some priveliges to the backside of the forum so he obviously spent alot of time reading **** I personally did not, nor care too. THEN he hit me with a random private message on FB that offended me, and Sounded like a threat on the site in general. So boom I sent him back " Sure man I'll delete your account" and clicked the delete account button.

You know him, ask for the message because I quoted my EXACT REPLY

Ask for the requests too, I also have those. Its all ghey to me, has no effect on the price of beer in Kansas nor Alabama and I agree with Luke. If this is all there is to discuss here we all might as well stay on Facebook and never see a build thread or decent tech at all. :woody:
P said:
Im glad you posted your question in this specific wording... allow me to address it since I am the person that did finally delete Kel's account. ( no I spent zero time to go search his posts ) I met the guy 1 time, I like the guy, think he is a decent and sincere enough dude. Almost instantly he is asking me to delete his account etc etc. I blew it off because whatever butt hurt he suffers from developed during my personal uninvolved time with the boards, and we text, Fb messenger 'did ( how the **** you type that ) etc and months go by. I felt like I was getting to know a bit about the man to have an unbiased opinion and I honestly had no intention of deleting his account because frankly.... if you dont want to be on the forum, dont be on the damn forum. AND as previously mentioned, its also my understanding he has / had some priveliges to the backside of the forum so he obviously spent alot of time reading **** I personally did not, nor care too. THEN he hit me with a random private message on FB that offended me, and Sounded like a threat on the site in general. So boom I sent him back " Sure man I'll delete your account" and clicked the delete account button.

You know him, ask for the message because I quoted my EXACT REPLY

Ask for the requests too, I also have those. Its all ghey to me, has no effect on the price of beer in Kansas nor Alabama and I agree with Luke. If this is all there is to discuss here we all might as well stay on Facebook and never see a build thread or decent tech at all. :woody:

Thank you for posting your thoughts and intimate knowledge.

I don't have fb, belive it or not, you ****ers are my connection to the world outside of my immediate surroundings. Maybe that is why I take things more personally than I should. I appreciate the clarification
Its all good, **** I hit him up and told him about this thread, I know he will either see it or someone will mis inform him of how it went down. I am very direct molaugh
P said:
Its all good, **** I hit him up and told him about this thread, I know he will either see it or someone will mis inform him of how it went down. I am very direct molaugh

I got this... Consider him misinformed :****:
....and use "....that's jus what I heard...." alot.

Also use "they" alot.....but never explain who THEY is.

Instant credibility.
tonybolton said:
....and use "....that's jus what I heard...." alot.

Also use "they" alot.....but never explain who THEY is.

Instant credibility.

Exactly " they " always do it !
P said:
Im glad you posted your question in this specific wording... allow me to address it since I am the person that did finally delete Kel's account. ( no I spent zero time to go search his posts ) I met the guy 1 time, I like the guy, think he is a decent and sincere enough dude. Almost instantly he is asking me to delete his account etc etc. I blew it off because whatever butt hurt he suffers from developed during my personal uninvolved time with the boards, and we text, Fb messenger 'did ( how the **** you type that ) etc and months go by. I felt like I was getting to know a bit about the man to have an unbiased opinion and I honestly had no intention of deleting his account because frankly.... if you dont want to be on the forum, dont be on the damn forum. AND as previously mentioned, its also my understanding he has / had some priveliges to the backside of the forum so he obviously spent alot of time reading **** I personally did not, nor care too. THEN he hit me with a random private message on FB that offended me, and Sounded like a threat on the site in general. So boom I sent him back " Sure man I'll delete your account" and clicked the delete account button.

You know him, ask for the message because I quoted my EXACT REPLY

Ask for the requests too, I also have those. Its all ghey to me, has no effect on the price of beer in Kansas nor Alabama and I agree with Luke. If this is all there is to discuss here we all might as well stay on Facebook and never see a build thread or decent tech at all. :woody:

Thanks for responding with a more diplomatic answer than I may have P. I don't believe calling out the admin's on this board was the correct way of getting to the bottom of this with questionable gestures. If you really wanted the downlow on him, ASKHIMYOURDAMNSELF. If you were just looking to create drama for personal gain, than you have achieved that status. Kudos to you...

I too, was approached by Kel on multiple occasions being asked to delete his account for reasons that didn't seem legit to me, fatally butthurt friends, and for other reasons. None of this made any sense to me and I tried to accommodate his request, but with over 73 pages worth of responses, I did not feel like my time was worth the effort to delete each and every word he typed out over the many years. End of Rant.....
