I crossed a couple more things off the mile long to-do list today.
Storage space was pretty much non-existent on this thing so I wanted to add a place to carry a tool bag, cooler, recovery gear, etc. So I picked up a Baja basket from Poly Performance.
Here it is sitting in place while I was figuring out the mounting.
To mount the front I added a tube between the two c-pillars and used tube disconnects to make it removable so the engine can still be pulled.
To mount the basket to the tube I used some large trick tabs and the hood pins that have the hard rubber bushing to hopefully help cut down on the rattling.
The back is mounted the same way off of the radiator hoop.
Here's it is installed.
I kinda wish it didn't sit quite so high, but I think it still looks ok and will serve the purpose. It took me way too long just to mount this thing. I fought with it forever trying to get it lined up perfect, but with this style chassis hardly nothing is square from side to side. Even the c-pillars are at slightly different angles and lengths because the belt rail on the chassis from the b-pillar back is angled in more on the left side than the right. I finally just eyeballed it from every angle until I thought it looked good, said screw it, and welded it.
After I messed with all that for most of the day. The only other thing I got accomplished was finding a place for and mounting all my vent/ rollover catch cans. The smaller ones with the breather on top are PSC catch cans with a ball bearing rollover valve. The bigger ones are just normal overflow tanks that have the vent straw that extends up to the top of the can.
These three will be the front axle, transmission, and transfer case.
These two will be the rear axle and the steering reservoir.
This one will be the PCV catch can to hopefully keep oil out of the intake. The two valve cover ports will be tee'd together and tied to the inlet of the tank, and then the vent straw will go back to the nipple on the intake.
And this one will be the radiator overflow tank.