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TBI Diagnostics - Need WinALDL Help

Sounds like you are using a USB to serial adapter? That might be your problem, some of those things don't work right.
That's what I was thinking too, but he's getting some of the data. The ones I've been forced to deal with either worked or didn't, and when they worked it was for about 15 seconds then they were dead until you popped it out and back in.
It's not a "physical" adapter if that is what you guys are referring to? The cable goes straight into my USB port: ALDL on one end and USB on the other?
It's not a "physical" adapter if that is what you guys are referring to? The cable goes straight into my USB port: ALDL on one end and USB on the other?

It must have one built in then if you're dealing with com port settings.
Got a link to the cable you bought?

If you can't get it working, I've got a proper ALDL cable for a normal serial port I'd let you try. Unless your thinkpad doesn't have a real serial port on it...
Got a link to the cable you bought?

If you can't get it working, I've got a proper ALDL cable for a normal serial port I'd let you try. Unless your thinkpad doesn't have a real serial port on it...

http://www.aldlcable.com/ and then it's the USB Interface Cable shown right on the front page...

If you see an issue with it, please let me know? And yes, I'd love to try that serial cable if I can't get this USB job to work out!!!!!
Change the baud rate in Win ALDL then you'll have to change the rate for the PC side too....
You should wait to adjust things untill you know your IAC steps.
Good luck with AFI. Norm is the biggest ASS on planet earth. I can assure you they didn't burn a chip to the specs of your motor and getting them to change it is like pulling teeth. I'm sure Norm will explain to you how this is all your fault......
Both are currently set for 2400...

Thus far, Norm has been a great guy to deal with. He has offered on several occassions to burn a new chip if we don't figure this out. I hope his attitute doesn't change???
In that case setting the mim air rate isn't going to do a thing unless the tps is off because thats the only thing thats going to affect how it runs since you have basically bypassed the iac by disconnecting it...

They're trying to get him to adjust the IAC which of course you would have to go on and adjust the TPS also. These directions are written for someone who has no ALDL info or diagnostic tool to work with. Once winALDL is working he can adjust per the IAC steps. Sounds to me like the IAC steps are going to be too high but changing it is not likely to cure the surge......
We had problems with an AFI harness and chip. The IAC did not function and the check engine light was always on even in diag and it would not comunicate with the scanner or flash codes. I think they are junk. I built a harness out of the stock one and It works great

Good luck
I did not tinker with it at all last night... Hopefully I'll try it again after work this evening, and I'll post some more results...
To the left of the "configuration" button on the main screen, there is a little white box. When you have everything connected to the ECM, does that box have a slow steady green flash? It flashes green every time a packet is recieved.

As for your chip being pre-programmed for your application, I wouldn't count on it. There are plenty of guys out there that make that claim but unless the guy is working with data logs obtained from your rig, it's not going to be right. Especially with an aftermarket intake, cam, headers, etc.
To the left of the "configuration" button on the main screen, there is a little white box. When you have everything connected to the ECM, does that box have a slow steady green flash? It flashes green every time a packet is recieved.

I received a response from WinALDL with that very info just a couple hours ago... Thanks for the tip!!
OK, I finally got the communication working properly and was able to log some data!! Woo hoo!!! Now... What I need is for someone to tell me EXACTLY what I'm looking for within said data? Here is what I can tell you for sure:

The surging does not being until it goes into Closed Loop mode. This is verified within one of the data screens via a checkbox that gets populated when it goes into that mode. On the same screen, there is a checkbox labled Rich, which pops on and off regularly?

Here are some sensor readings while the surging is happening. These were logged within a 10 second or so period where it was doing it's usual +/- 100rpm surge:

RPM: 575
IAC: 67 (#)
Coolant: 182.4 (F)
MAP: 1.7 (v)
TPS: 0.51 (v)
INT: 131 (#)
O2: 0.278 (v)
Battery: 14.3 (v)
Knock: 207 (#)
BLM: 117 (#)
Rich/Lean: 6 (#)

RPM: 675
IAC: 69 (#)
Coolant: 187.3 (F)
MAP: 1.6 (v)
TPS: 0.51 (v)
INT: 132 (#)
O2: 0.685 (v)
Battery: 14.4 (v)
Knock: 213 (#)
BLM: 117 (#)
Rich/Lean: 98 (#)


Then just for grins, I held it at a STEADY elevated RPM for a few seconds, and got the following:

RPM: 2600
IAC: 117 (#)
Coolant: 191.4 (F)
MAP: 1.1 (v)
TPS: 0.92 (v)
INT: 126 (#)
O2: 0.782 (v)
Battery: 14.6 (v)
Knock: 134 (#)
BLM: 115 (#)
Rich/Lean: 184 (#)


Once I was done, I went back through the program and found a toggle that allowed me to review the highest and lowest sensor readings... The lowest were all zeros, but here are the highs from one throttle blip AFTER the steady 2600rpm reading from above:

RPM: 2900
IAC: 145 (#)
Coolant: 191.4 (F)
MAP: 4.7 (v)
TPS: 2.84 (v)
INT: 134 (#)
O2: 0.999 (v)
Battery: 14.6 (v)
Knock: 255 (#)
BLM: 129 (#)
Rich/Lean: 254 (#)


So... Does this give anyone some clues as to WTF is going on with my surging idle??
Cool deal. Good to see you got it to work. Now you just need to learn what you are looking at.

Start off by looking at the BLM. That number indicates your long term fuel trim. Numbers below 128 indicate that the ECM is seeing a rich condition and is decreasing fuel to compensate. I'd start off by switching to the BLM screen and start driving the thing. That screen is a table of the long term fuel trim data in vacuum vs rpm. As you go, those empty cells will fill in. Drive it kinda hard, kinda easy, and a little of everything in between so it gets a decent range of vacuum and rpm. Also let it idle for a little bit. Once you do that, click on "save table" at the bottom. It'll make a text file that you can e-mail to the AFI dude or post up here if you like.

Are any of the error code boxes checked?
First off expect Norman to **** a brick when he finds out your asking for help on the net but that's the only way you're going to get it figured out IMHO......
Your IAC is open too far at idle. You need to adjut it untill you have about 10 counts at adle in park. The exact number isn't real important but you just don't want it to go to zero when running. When you adjust the IAC you will also need to re adjust the TPS. You may have to chase it back and fourth a bit to get them both in spec at the same time.
Do you have a knock sensor? If yes you have real issues with knock but my guess is you don't have one and the system is intended not to use one in which case it's OK.
INT and BLM is your fuel trim. These numbers idealy will be at about 128. Don't wory too much about INT but the BLM number will tell you what your fuel is doing. BLM block learn mode is the fuel learning the PCM is doing. Numbers above 128 mean the fuel curve is lean and the BLM is adding fuel to compensate. Below 128 and BLM is removing from a rich condition. This doesn't mean the engine is running rich but just tells you which way it needs to be adjusted to get to a 128 stoich. Everything else seems normal from what you gave us.......
Does the surge only happen in closed loop? Does it run fine otherwise? If yes I would just adjust the chip to idle in open loop. This should take care of the idle. Other than that it's just some minor adjustments to your fuel table....
To do a proper data log turn on winaldl before starting the engine cold. Make sure it's logging data wich it will with the key on before starting the engine. Click the tab "datalogger" the click on "start". Let it warm up then drive the rig around for a good 20 minutes minimum. Drive it under all different conditions, freeway, cruize as different speeds, WOT etc. After your done it's important that you save each table in winaldl. Spark counts, INT, BLM, O2. Each table has a save table tab at the bottom. It will save these tables along with a log table as well. All of this info is what you need to tell what's going on with the system.
Is your timing consistant at idle when you adjust it? It would be best to make sure the timing is right before datalogging. Don't forget to clear the code after setting timing.
WOW!! Ok, great info here guys!! Much appreciated! It's going to take me a while to digest all of it, so please bear with me while I get this thing hammered out and keep asking stupid questions...

Now to answer some of the questions asked above: yes, it only surges once it goes into closed loop. Before that, it idles like a dream. And, if you stab the throttle or hold it at a steady elevated RPM for a bit, it won't surge immedately once it idles down, but rather after about 10-15 seconds of idling. Outside of the idle issue, it runs wonderfully!! No hesitation or bogging, MUCH more pulling power than my 470cfm Truck Avenger gave me (obvious due to the increased cfm capacity...), and from the first 50 miles or so of test driving, it appears to be quite a bit more efficient according to the fuel gauge.

So on to the fix... First off, how do I adjust the IAC? I have been through a TPS adjustment on an XJ before, it was simply a slight rotation of the actual TPS to get within a voltage range at idle and WOT... But the IAC appears to simply thread into place?
Ok--in open loop the ecm does not use the INT or BL for fueling --its all off of preset fuel mapping.... So if its surging when it goes into closed loop its due to the fuel mixture.

As for the IAC--you want it at 15-20 counts. You achieve this by adjusting the idle screw or for lack of better terms--close the throttle plate to increase IAC counts/open the throttle to decrease IAC counts

What style of TPs do you have? Does it have the round style terminals or small flat(when you remove the tps connector).

As for TPS you will just want to experiment--never going over .68 volts at idle.
Allright, so let me clarify my exact steps going forward:

With the rig idling, I need to adjust the throttle plate to bring the IAC count down to around 20... Now, does the IAC need to be connected or disconnected during this process? Is there any sort of jumper or waiting periods involved before I start to adjust the screw? I ask because the AFI instructions tell you to jumper A & B on the ALDL plug, and then disconnect the IAC, and then start tinkering with the screw. However, with those jumpers in place, I have no way to log data because the ALDL plug is jumpered, and I can't hook up my cable, thus I can't see my IAC counts???

See, I told you I'd have some stupid questions!!