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Tellico pics from 03/31/12 WARNING!!! some pictures maybe disturbing

ETO said:
I know we all would have gladly paid more for a day of riding to keep the place open.

I would have. But not all of us. I am continually disgusted and amazed at how cheap and entitled so many wheelers feel. I do miss Tellico though. I agree, the best wheeling and beautiful scenery. brings back memories:


On one of my trips I met a nice guy and his wife from Canada. They barely spoke English but we spent the entire weekend wheeling together and kept in touch for years after.


That guy was brave! He would take that TJ on ANY obstacle! It was built moreso for expeditions. He had every tool known to man, OBA, spare everything all on board. He also kept survival stuff in it for the apocalypse.

Amazing how little Jimmy's buggy has changed:


I didn't break any portal parts that trip but seeing that buggy with portals under it reminds me how much they sucked. I got into more debt than I ever wanted as a result of fixing those shitty 404 portals constantly.


That was back when my brother and Bobby actually wheeled:



I dropped a set of my brother's tires off the trailer down the side of the mountain once, didn't even know where. But a bear hunter found them and drug them up the mountain and gave them back to me and gave me the skinny on how to hunt bears with dogs. Later that weekend I found two of his dogs that he lost freezing at the top of the mountain. A nice redneck allowed me to throw them in the back of his Sami and ride with them to get them back down to the bottom of the mountain. Looking back I think it may have been Julio in the Sami but am not sure. :) One of the worst breakages I've had was when I stripped my d300 out at the bottom of the mountain when the trailer was at the top. I had to remove my driveshafts in the mud and pouring rain and let my brother haul me up the mountain in double low with his 22R which overheated like every 5 seconds. Nonetheless, he was happy to have bragging rights on me. I have a pic of him cheesing takign a pic from the drive seat with me in tow somewhere. It's hilarious. The worst act of wheeling fellowship I've ever experienced was also at Tellico when I was trying to get my busted Jeep up onto the trailer with no t-case. I had lost my winch remote and it was driving rains o hard it hurt when it hit your skin. I was drenched to the bone and a guy drove buy with the same winch as me so i flagged him down to see if I could borrow his remote. He wouldn't let me because it was in the back of his land cruiser and he didn't want to get out and get wet to get ti for me. He drove off leaving me in the rain. I hope that ****er fell off the side of the mountain and died but I did learn how to hotwire a winch that day. Shortly after is when my brother learned the taste of diesel trying to siphon from my tank after forgetting to fill his up on the way up the mountain. :) We also learned that many OEMs put a baffle at the end of the filler tube to prevent siphoning and that the hose you use to do so must be small enough to snake past that baffling. :)

J. J.
This was the best place to go wheelin. Stay at Crawford's Camp minutes from the trailhead. A great place. Sittin by the fire with friends. Lower two claimed several axle joints. Going up guardrail and then to helicopter pad was a blast also. And quite nervy in the morning with the dew still on the rocks. Then to go down schoolbus. Slickrock was a chore all by itself. Been there and watched several rollovers. I was so lucky to wheel with people like Matt Humphries, Steve Crawford, Keith Baily, Dan Moore, Sam Gillis, Rick Woods, Cal Reynolds just to name a few. That was when you had 33's or 35's if you went big. I really miss the fun and good times we always had.
YES! CRAWFORD'S CAMP WAS THE BEST EVAR!!! Talk about a guy who knew when to get out though! I feel bad for the guy that bought the place.

J. J.
patooyee said:
Amazing how little Jimmy's buggy has changed:


and to think, all i have done in the past 6 years is add metal to it, and it still weighs 1100lbs less than yours... :flipoff1: that engine has never been out of that chassis, and i really dont know if it will come out...
those were the good ol days... did you notice the hub "fuses" in that pic... lol
ETO said:
best sleep i have ever had was in a sleeping bag in a tent next to that creek.

I was thinking about this not too long ago... Camping at McNabb just this side of green cove... with no phone, TV or even Internets... Just friends, trucks and good times. It was the last place I've been days without contact of civilization. That's why I hate it was taken from us. If only they coulda spent one of those peaceful nights there.
x2 eric, some of the first body damage the yota got was from tellico when following jamie and amie....they'll never be another park like it
My previous ride '99 4runner on 33's locked in the rear only:

zukiscott said:
"Tellico wasn,t the most hardcore overall"

HAH.....I guess yo ass was NEVER on GUARDRAIL with a 80" wheelbase zuki on 36" TSL,s :flipoff1: :flipoff1: :flipoff1:





To true
My zuk stared at the sky on those trails. That place was awesome. What a shame.
RockHales said:
Did that S-10 have two transmissions bolted together? I met a dude up there in 98/99 in one that looked a whole lot like that one.
I know the truck your talking about. I saw it on Monteagle a couple times at the Rosser events they used to have up there in the late 90's early 2000. Red ex cab S10 body with 2 4 spds bolted together and 40" boggers I think. Only one I've saw like it and seemed like a neat idea
kid rok said:
I was thinking the same thing. The amount of time and money it took to reclaim the trails has to be way more than it would of took to put up a few water breaks to keep silt out of the creeks. My personal opinion is that the trails were closed out of pure malicious spite towards the four wheeler crowd, and to never be opened again. To me its above and beyond what a normal person would do to reclaim natural wooded areas. Plus there are some older trails that branch off of the Tellico trails that are not even touched. Shouldn't they be reclaimed the same way.

The only camping area I saw was just before the bridge, and it was in an area that had been reclaimed. The camping area is pretty rough . I don't even think you could set up a tent. Just after the bridge is an untouched area (NO CAMPING)it conveniently leads to the creek in an area to Cross of course by feet that intersects with a trail on the other side that is used to be , I guess an old road bed. It appears it gets used by the fisher man to access the creek on that side.

If anyone wants to plan a hike, I'm game. I would like to do the schoolbus loop, and Peckerwood. Camping is good to.
Hey Kid Rok. Can you send me an email about hiking the old Tellico trails? I would like to know where you parked etc and I might try to do it this spring/summer for olf times sake. Email is [email protected].