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Texas flooding

Holy crap what a story! I'm pretty sure u could make a movie out of that. I'm always impressed what hard work and determination can do.....awesome job!
Where's the like button? thumb.gif No **** I laughed out loud about the cat. Amazing story. Don't know you from the next guy on HL but glad you made it through this crazy time.

Say some prayers for the folks in Florida. I have some elderly family in South Florida. They tried to leave and picked one day too late. They are boarding up, collecting supplies and bracing for the worst. I am scouting flat bottom boats, thinking about tarps, filling gas tanks and debating on which and how many generators to bring. I am low on rifles, but high on pistols, shotguns and ninja chops. Gonna pick up Chuck Norris as a back up plan for kicking ass on Tuesday.

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lowbudgetjunk said:
Say some prayers for the folks in Florida. I have some elderly family in South Florida. They tried to leave and picked one day too late. They are boarding up, collecting supplies and bracing for the worst. I am scouting flat bottom boats, thinking about tarps, filling gas tanks and debating on which and how many generators to bring. I am low on rifles, but high on pistols, shotguns and ninja chops. Gonna pick up Chuck Norris as a back up plan for kicking ass on Tuesday.

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I'm in the panhandle just outside of the cone and people are going crazy about this storm here. The Governor already closed all schools in Florida starting today. I have elderly family in the Tampa area that can't get out as well. I'm prepping all my stuff to go extract them if need be. Kel if you need a mid way rest/resupply stop I'm in Panama City ....give me shout.
Gregg hit me up to post up a month later, closure so to speak.

Total homes in in Sienna that got water in them was less than 1% 70 or so homes out of 7000. Nothing IMO. But sucks because most do not have flood insurance because its not required, we are outside the 100 year Floodplain. We dont have it, but I'm going to add it. Its $450 a year. Could pay it for 10 years and not even be to the cost of a new couch...

Riverstone the next neighborhood up river got smoked in one area with 850 or so flooded. Same deal, behind levee, very few flood insured.

Good time to talk about the flooding. Too much water, no where to go, and pumps that werent spec'd for the magnitude of water we received. Levees performed better than expected, so the flooding came from rainfall behind the levees in the watershed that run through the neighborhood on way to river.

Everything seems pretty back to normal. Kids were out of school for 2 weeks, they basically just restarted the school year once it started back up. There is still debris piles on streets, and its still a sign of where flooded and where didnt flood around town.
My neighborhood really pulled together with a effort called Sienna Strong. Those 70 houses that got flooded almost all got mucked out by neighbor groups. But as good will and everyone being nice and neighborly was awesome, it maybe lasted 2 weeks. The Neighborhood FB groups are back to full hate of the haves vs. have nots, and the blacks vs. everybody, and libtars, vs. alt-rights, and **** a person for passing on the road, or not using a turn signal and some nosy nancy posting pics of said car and license plate.
Basically makes you not want to help people ever again.

My status around this 'burg is pretty legit these days. Still having people come up at friday football or the ball fields or out at dinner to thank my wife and I for all we did. We had a good number of news reporters that live here, and while I used to do interviews for them regularly for Gator Squad, I elected to decline. People here know what we pulled off, and who was doing what. I'm leaving it at that.

Those pumps are still here and installed. We will pull them the 1st week of November after the "Official" end of the 2017 hurricane season.

Lifes back to normal for us. But there are so many areas of Houston that got it so much worse. Houses with a foot of water in their 2nd story kinda bad.
Thanks for the update on things down yalls way. Glad to see how everyone in your area turned out, but certainly understand how quickly folks go from helpful to hurtful.
Thanks for the update. I'd be interested to know some specs on those pumps. My work sent some pumps out there to the Houston area. I'm not sure exactly what area though....I took them to MS and left them at at our shop there, then somebody else took them on to TX.
Re: Re: Texas flooding

blacksheep10 said:
Without reading any farther than the first couple lines, I took away that Wyatt has a couch that is more than $4500. :flipgotcha:
Doesn't everybody? Lol

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My living room suit was spendy, but it's also super comfortable and I have 5 reclining seats. I'm not gonna post the price, but I've had them 6 years and they are as good as day 1.

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lowbudgetjunk said:
My living room suit was spendy, but it's also super comfortable and I have 5 reclining seats. I'm not gonna post the price, but I've had them 6 years and they are as good as day 1.

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Good question, never looked at the brand...I'll pull it away from the wall when I get home and look.

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