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xjpaddler said:
Hell i bought a complete set of trail gear rock asaults with every upgrade possible in them. I was the second owner but the axles had never been run, and i has complete recipts on everything!!!!! They would not warranty any of it!!!!

They said i was not the original owner so they would not cover it. The part that truly pissed me off about it was that i was tild i could ship the parts to the original owner and they would see what they could do. This was on there d30s and there rear chromos.

I still have all of this stuff in a pile!! Complete axles minus the thirds.
I still can't believe they pulled that crap on you >:(

As rockwild said, TG seems to have started by taking the innovative products of other companies and finding a way to produce them cheaper overseas and sell at higher volume. If that's what you're gonna do, that's fine. Just don't claim to be producing the finest quality stuff that man has seen, offer a no questions asked warranty, and then scoff at someone for trying to get that warranty honored. For a while in the Toyota world, it almost seemed like people were afraid to pre-release any product or information before getting a patent due to TG and their predatory way of adding to their product line.

I choose to spend a little more and buy from Marlin when I have to buy Toyota-specific product. Usually just cheap out and make it or find it in a junkyard ;D
I'm not sure how to feel about this. I know longfield has always warrantied anything we have sent back to them. TG on the other hand we have had issues, but in the end they made it right. I have a TG rear end in my Sami I broke the long axle in it. I called TG to find out the process of sending the axle back, the first question i was ask " are you the original owner of the axle". the good side to this is my best friend was so the problem was solved.
If you are thinking about buying a Toyota/etc with Toyota axles, be sure to find out what you need to do about this. especially if you have no clue who the person is that you are buying the truck/buggy from.
xjpaddler said:
Hell i bought a complete set of trail gear rock assaults with every upgrade possible in them. I was the second owner but the axles had never been run, and i has complete receipts on everything!!!!! They would not warranty any of it!!!!

They said i was not the original owner so they would not cover it. The part that truly pissed me off about it was that i was tild i could ship the parts to the original owner and they would see what they could do. This was on there d30s and there rear chromos.

I still have all of this stuff in a pile!! Complete axles minus the thirds.

why dont you call them tell them original owers name is yours you just changed address
Re: Re: Re: Re: TG buys LONGFIELD

TBItoy said:
I'm talking longfield style warranty, where you could send in obviously wore out, abused, and even over steered parts every week and they'd just keep sending new parts out...

I don't see how anyone can offer a true "lifetime" warranty for any axle used in such an abusive application at a reasonable price and make a profit. While it is a great for the consumer, and great for selling axles, it's seems to me like a terrible long term business idea. The longer these things get beat on the more axles you will be sending out for free. I honestly don't see how they can build and sell these at the price they do and offer such a warranty.

Now that they've been out for so many years, I wonder how many new sets they sell for every set that gets warrantied. I'm sure they sold a lot more than they warrantied for a long time, but now I bet it's close to 2:1 new vs. warranty. Longfield makes a great product, but know matter how good it is, it's still a wear item and people will push it beyond it's limits.

I can see one of three things eventually happening no matter who owns the bussiness:

A: dramatically raise the price of the product to cover the expense of such a great warranty
B: keep the price the same and drop the warranty
C: go out of business because you can't continue sell the product at a price that people will pay and keep covering the warranty as you promised.

Like him or not, Matt at TG seems to be a smart business man. I don't predict option "C".

Regardless, I've had great service from both Longfield and TG products. thumb.gif
Will some break: yes
Will it be replaced by longfield: yes
Does the warranty transfer: yes
Will you parts hold their value for re sale: yes

A product is only as good as it's warranty, when a quality product is produced and stand behind it. That is gold! And will win my business all day long. All company's should use longfields warranty as a standard across the board, and quit making mediocre parts!

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hjpcummins said:
Will some break: yes
Will it be replaced by longfield: yes
Does the warranty transfer: yes
Will you parts hold their value for re sale: yes

A product is only as good as it's warranty, when a quality product is produced and stand behind it. That is gold! And will win my business all day long. All company's should use longfields warranty as a standard across the board, and quit making mediocre parts!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's dumb.

Do you think you should be able to get new tires for free everytime they wear out, or you cut one 4wheelin? and that service should be included with the price of the tires? (apply that to ANYTHING that is a wear item)

The only reason Bobby Long offered the warranty that he did was to change people minds about Toyota CV axles. He was more of a hobbyist than a businessman, and just wanted to get good parts to like minded people.

I really don't see how he made a capital gain in the axle business (if he even did).

Look at ANY other product that offers a "no questions asked" very loose warranty policy.... It's usually garbage. (Lifetime warranty u-joints and brake pads come to mind right away...)
I wonder if they will still offer the "rebuild fee" for longs that are worn out but not broken? Bobby used to offer that for $40.
I just hope the quality of "long fields" dosnt suffer so matt can fill his pockets. I have wheeled the piss out of my long fields for years and was even sent replacement birfields from Tina when mine were lost in shipping on their way to longfield for a warranty claim.

Bobby and Tina IMO had the best customer support of any buisness I have ever delt with. It'd sad to see that become a thing of the past.

RIP Bobby Long
dragr1 said:
I wonder if they will still offer the "rebuild fee" for longs that are worn out but not broken? Bobby used to offer that for $40.
no i had one rebuilt at the beinng of this year it was 65 or 70. i would say it will go up
Re: Re: Re: Re: TG buys LONGFIELD

bluetoy said:
I don't see how anyone can offer a true "lifetime" warranty for any axle used in such an abusive application at a reasonable price and make a profit. While it is a great for the consumer, and great for selling axles, it's seems to me like a terrible long term business idea. The longer these things get beat on the more axles you will be sending out for free. I honestly don't see how they can build and sell these at the price they do and offer such a warranty.

Now that they've been out for so many years, I wonder how many new sets they sell for every set that gets warrantied. I'm sure they sold a lot more than they warrantied for a long time, but now I bet it's close to 2:1 new vs. warranty. Longfield makes a great product, but know matter how good it is, it's still a wear item and people will push it beyond it's limits.

I can see one of three things eventually happening no matter who owns the bussiness:

A: dramatically raise the price of the product to cover the expense of such a great warranty
B: keep the price the same and drop the warranty
C: go out of business because you can't continue sell the product at a price that people will pay and keep covering the warranty as you promised.

Like him or not, Matt at TG seems to be a smart business man. I don't predict option "C".

Regardless, I've had great service from both Longfield and TG products. thumb.gif

Not sure how it is with axles, but a lot of stuff that has a "lifetime" warranty actually has a life span. So if it has a lifetime warranty but the life span of the product is only 2 Yeats then your ****ed. Seen it done this way before on stuff.
longfield never offered a warranty on "worn out " parts, just broken

they wear out long before they break

not many people BREAK them

same warranty on brake pads and rotors
TG sucks, bunch of china made ****, with a so called" lifetime warranty" that requires jumping through hoops to get approved, if its true RCV makes Longfields they should have just bought the name. It would have been better for the industry JMO
Re: Re: Re: Re: TG buys LONGFIELD

bluetoy said:
I don't see how anyone can offer a true "lifetime" warranty for any axle used in such an abusive application at a reasonable price and make a profit. While it is a great for the consumer, and great for selling axles, it's seems to me like a terrible long term business idea. The longer these things get beat on the more axles you will be sending out for free. I honestly don't see how they can build and sell these at the price they do and offer such a warranty.

Now that they've been out for so many years, I wonder how many new sets they sell for every set that gets warrantied. I'm sure they sold a lot more than they warrantied for a long time, but now I bet it's close to 2:1 new vs. warranty. Longfield makes a great product, but know matter how good it is, it's still a wear item and people will push it beyond it's limits.

I can see one of three things eventually happening no matter who owns the bussiness:

A: dramatically raise the price of the product to cover the expense of such a great warranty
B: keep the price the same and drop the warranty
C: go out of business because you can't continue sell the product at a price that people will pay and keep covering the warranty as you promised.

Like him or not, Matt at TG seems to be a smart business man. I don't predict option "C".

Regardless, I've had great service from both Longfield and TG products. thumb.gif

craftsman is still in bussinses
TBItoy said:
That's dumb.

Do you think you should be able to get new tires for free everytime they wear out, or you cut one 4wheelin? and that service should be included with the price of the tires? (apply that to ANYTHING that is a wear item)

The only reason Bobby Long offered the warranty that he did was to change people minds about Toyota CV axles. He was more of a hobbyist than a businessman, and just wanted to get good parts to like minded people.

I really don't see how he made a capital gain in the axle business (if he even did).

Look at ANY other product that offers a "no questions asked" very loose warranty policy.... It's usually garbage. (Lifetime warranty u-joints and brake pads come to mind right away...)

Wow tires! Really!?
You proved your point so well.

The point I was trying to get across was! Companies need to quit turning down warranty parts sight in seen!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
TG sucks, bunch of china made ****, with a so called" lifetime warranty" that requires jumping through hoops to get approved, if its true RCV makes Longfields they should have just bought the name. It would have been better for the industry JMO

They make both Longs and Dirty30s as I understand it.

I'm willing to bet, eventually the warranty on the part that Bobby and Tina had will go away and it'll be back to TG's show me the receipt.
So, the question is... Will TG warranty Longfield axles sold from Longfield?

No matter to me as I up to rockwells now anywho.