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Thair will be no core challenge 2011


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2009
Thair will be no core challenge 2011
We will most likely pick it back up in 2012
The land owner still would like to put on events
If thair is a club or organization that would like
To put on an event pm me and il get you all the info for the land owner

Thank you :awesomework:
Thair will be no core challenge 2011
We will most likely pick it back up in 2012
The land owner still would like to put on events
If thair is a club or organization that would like
To put on an event pm me and il get you all the info for the land owner

Thank you :awesomework:
So CORE is not putting one on cause they are burned out to do it this year, or other issues?

Like was asked, what was involved, how can folks help? Just need new blood or the folks that orginised it last year just have too many commitments this year to get it done (know how that works!)

Core challange light? (giant play-day with enought revenue for the land owner?)
Thair will be no core challenge 2011
We will most likely pick it back up in 2012
The land owner still would like to put on events
If thair is a club or organization that would like
To put on an event pm me and il get you all the info for the land owner

Thank you :awesomework:

i dont know how or what i could do to help anybody out who spearheads some event. but i will definatly do what i can. Core was so much fun last year(my first) i would love to do something like that again
Well every body says that they will help use but when it really comes down to the actual day the volunteers are just not there and we simply need a break but we will listen to all that would speak there peace of mind.
Thanx Duane
Realisticly you will get a bunch of folks who "want to help" but when the shovel hits the ground that help is not there.

The core group have put forth allot of effort over the years and if you look at the first event to the one last year you see a progression of getting better and better. Plus they have built up the needed contacts to pull this event off esier than new blood would.

The only way to make this event good would be with having some help from the core folks.

Not being negative just realistic. Heck if I had the time and energy to do this I would jump in...
What are we talking? How many work/prep parties at the site leading up to the event? Or is it just the day of the event? I've taken this discussion back to my club, but would like more info.


What are we talking? How many work/prep parties at the site leading up to the event? Or is it just the day of the event? I've taken this discussion back to my club, but would like more info.



The last event was what like 1 month of on the ground prep work but I think it was longer than that but chris would know more...

One thing I have seen the more effort the better the event plain and simple.