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The Adair WTF

Re: Re: Re: The Adair WTF

wngrog said:
I love how that guy liked the cage until everyone went off on it.

That is so funny to me.

I've rode with Jon a couple times and he is like me, don't think he knows much about fabrication and is a super nice guy. He prolly was dissappointed deep down, but didn't feel he was knowledgable enough to be like "hey yo, them welds look like the work of a down syndrome chimpanzee and wtf is this V looking **** you tacked onto the back of the cage?" He was prolly just full of the initial happiness of having an aftermarket cage like all the other cool kids and just overall didn't want to start an immediate **** storm until he knew he had solid reason to work with.

I first met Jon in Auburn at GAP last year, he asked a lot of newb type questions in relation to the offroad world throughout the day and took his first ride in a buggy with Jonathon Andrews that day up Marc's Wall then they rolled from the top down to the bottom lol. Which was also my first day riding in a buggy, as I drove my Saturn down and rode with Andrews all day, Jon was in his RZR and rode around with us all day. If in any way he indeed was happy with it to start with, it was due to ignorance. After looking at the pictures of that **** cage/welds, no way you can honestly say that he would've said he was happy with it, if he really knew what he was looking at from the get-go.

As for Adair, only met him once at Fall For All last year. I was shitty drunk and my truck wouldn't crank at the bottom of Cable Hill, so he ran over, popped the hood while I sat in it, and figured out there was a faulty splice in my starter wire...he wiggled it and it started right up. It was my first ride after I bought that truck. Seemed like an alright guy in my entirely too inebriated state, but I also plainly see and have heard enough firsthand testimonies of him being an arrogant ****. That was the only direct association I've had with him.

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Well yall I guess I,ll tell my "Adair" episode,,,,,,I have only had one bad episode involving Adam,,,and don,t even think bad of him till this day for it and have had many quality conversations at events with him since.

It happened at Gray Rock back in the day when the rides there were still HUGE,,you know we all got there on Thursday night/Friday morning...set up camp...wheeled hard,,,crashed,,,broke our junk during the day,,,drank beers,,,built fires and FIXED our junk

at night cause we STAYED and wheeled till late Sunday afternoon the drug our junk outta there & headed home :dblthumb:,,,,,,ANYWAY,,,,,,,


It was at one of these BIG events "I think Spring Fling" on Friday afternoon and our group of bout 5 rigs were all down in the trail BOX O POSSUMS waitin in line to hit POISION ROCK and Adair was right behind our group in a red Jeep/buggy rig with a little hottie in it with him,,,,,our group is next up to hit the obstacle and the last rig in the group ahead of us had broke right in the middle of it and his crew were winching it up and out,,,,wich takes time,,,,,so Adair walks up to us and nicely asks if we can move our rigs up outta the trail and let him squeeze by all of us because he has to take his girl back to camp,,,,,all well enough,,,,so we all wiggle our rigs up outta his way and let him by,,,,,and when he gets by the last rig in our group,,Alan Clarks,,,he proceeds to turn hard left and aim up at the obstacle,,,,"the broke rig is almost winched out the top",,,,well as he starts to mount the big ledge at the bottem....GOIN IN FRONT OF ALL US,,,,,,we all LOOSE IT,,,,,SCREAMIN HEY HEY HEY WHOA WHOA WHAT THE **** DUDE,,,,

Well let me tell you them Clark boys got a temper on em and Alan has snapped,,,,hes marchin up there and gets right behind the rig and yells at adair,,,,"HEY HEY",,,,Adair stops thrashin the rig and looks back at him,,,,,Alan then yells,,,

"If you don,t back that rig off the ledge and get over there on the right and go up the go around and get out of our way I,m gonna come up there and SNATCH YOU outta that thang and WHIP YOURE ASS like I,m YOURE DADDY",,,,,

well,,,,Adair listens and backs down and goes up that little go around to the right,,,,"wich is what he told us all he was gonna do in the first place" :****:

One of the RUDEST manuevers I have EVER seen on the trail.

And while he was in the middel of pullin it off I remember thinkin,,,,does this kid really have that much balls,,,,or is he just that STUPID ::)
Re: Re: The Adair WTF

If Heath Fitzgerald's story bout Adair and his buddy's stealing their camping **** and coolers one night at WITC, then Adair is def lucky he didn't tote a ass whoopin' over that.

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Re: Re: The Adair WTF

TacomaJD said:
If Heath Fitzgerald's story bout Adair and his buddy's stealing their camping **** and coolers one night at WITC, then Adair is def lucky he didn't tote a ass whoopin' over that.

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It is true. I was there when Heath and his posse of about 50 showed up at Adairs camp which was right next to Mike G's motorhome and they stripped Adairs camp of everything. I just made sure they didn't mess with Mikes stuff. Rumor had it that Adair was drunk the night before and made himself at home with Heaths stuff. Imagine that! :dunno:
Re: Re: Re: The Adair WTF

JohnG said:
Well, he obviously did not steal his "Welding For Dummies" book! :fish:

Got that right Lmao molaugh molaugh molaugh

I can't really say much bc I can't weld...not to say that I couldn't learn very fast and do a much better job that what he did though lol.

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Re: Re: Re: The Adair WTF

TacomaJD said:
Got that right Lmao molaugh molaugh molaugh

I can't really say much bc I can't weld...not to say that I couldn't learn very fast and do a much better job that what he did though lol.

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Get a welder, then spend half your websurfing time learning to weld and you'd be the baddest welder east of the Mississip' :flipoff1: :flipoff1: :flipoff1:
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Adair WTF

InDaShop said:
Get a welder, then spend half your websurfing time learning to weld and you'd be the baddest welder east of the Mississip' :flipoff1: :flipoff1: :flipoff1:

Lmao, shyiett....alls I gotta do is go over to pop's shop and say let's fire up the MIG and show me how it's done. Maybe one day...lol

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