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The economy


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2007
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I'm young, dumb, and a lil skeered, and I was just wondering what y'all's thoughts on the future of the economy were? :dunno:
I'm old,dumb,and also skeered.....course I got payments that gotta be met so I got a right to be skeered! (and one kid at Auburn and another 1 year away from college somewhere)
I think it's too late....they've already panicked the general public and shut down spending and of course gas prices aren't helping. I have about 5 regular customers...I'm doing work for 1. The rest are laying folks off and some are working 4 day weeks.
I sit in a closet, nekkid for hours everyday wondering what is going to happen next. (thats a image most people didnt want in there head)molaugh

No, really, I try not to worry about the things I cant control. Sure, I think the economy is in trouble but hopefully I have been smart enough to prepare for the worst, should it happen.
So two months ago, we were scared about $100 a barrel of oil. Today its $133!!! :eek:

This whole deal is ****ed. Economy is ****, and we will see a huge correction is my prediction. The Fed should not have bailed out all these ass clowns in the Mortgage Bailout. They should have taken their lump and gone out of business, and it'd be over. The value of the dollar isn't worth a cup of piss.

But I agree dont listen to this liberal media. They are making it 10x's worse than it is and they are the general reason how we ended up here.

Things will happen. I just dont think that everyone is grasping whats going on. For years and years the US has been way above the rest of the world in everything (way of life, quality of life, income, expendable income). Well we squandered it, and the rest of the world is not only catching up and catching on, but they are taking it from us. We are a has been world power, and are hanging on to that title with spreading our military thinly all over the globe imposing ourselves as "World Police". Fawk that we need to defen and take care of our own.

EXAMPLE: When Katrina destroyed the gulf coast did China come to our aid? Myanmar is devastaded my an earthquake, and we cant get there fast enough. Fawk them, yes I said that. Fawk them! There is a time and place to give aid, and general good will. But China isn't that place. How about we just try to focus our efforts on feeding the Etheopians this year? They need it. China doesn't need our ****ing help.

Americans need to get over it, and realize this world is not filled with ****ing rainbows and everyone doesn't like to sit around and sing "Kumbiya". These ****ers want to climb on top and over us faster than you can reach to join hands and sway. If in the middle east they'd rather see our blood spilt on the ground.

Holy crap, I have some pent up feeligns about this country, and the world economy.

Summary, its ****, and its going to get shittier before it even thinks of getting better.
InDaShop said:
So two months ago, we were scared about $100 a barrel of oil. Today its $133!!! :eek:

This whole deal is ****ed. Economy is ****, and we will see a huge correction is my prediction. The Fed should not have bailed out all these ass clowns in the Mortgage Bailout. They should have taken their lump and gone out of business, and it'd be over. The value of the dollar isn't worth a cup of piss.

But I agree dont listen to this liberal media. They are making it 10x's worse than it is and they are the general reason how we ended up here.

Things will happen. I just dont think that everyone is grasping whats going on. For years and years the US has been way above the rest of the world in everything (way of life, quality of life, income, expendable income). Well we squandered it, and the rest of the world is not only catching up and catching on, but they are taking it from us. We are a has been world power, and are hanging on to that title with spreading our military thinly all over the globe imposing ourselves as "World Police". Fawk that we need to defen and take care of our own.

EXAMPLE: When Katrina destroyed the gulf coast did China come to our aid? Myanmar is devastaded my an earthquake, and we cant get there fast enough. Fawk them, yes I said that. Fawk them! There is a time and place to give aid, and general good will. But China isn't that place. How about we just try to focus our efforts on feeding the Etheopians this year? They need it. China doesn't need our ****ing help.

Americans need to get over it, and realize this world is not filled with ****ing rainbows and everyone doesn't like to sit around and sing "Kumbiya". These ****ers want to climb on top and over us faster than you can reach to join hands and sway. If in the middle east they'd rather see our blood spilt on the ground.

Holy crap, I have some pent up feeligns about this country, and the world economy.

Summary, its ****, and its going to get shittier before it even thinks of getting better.

Well said thumb.gif
Most likely it is going to get worst before it gets better. But listening to the liberal media is just going to make it worst. Those guys are idiots and just trying to get us running around like a bunch of scared sheep, that way the GREAT GOVERMENT can come in and save the day. ::)
We need to rely on more domestic recources for our oil. Conservation is fine and dandy, but you think China and India are going to conserve oil? Fuc no, if they can afford to burn the PISS out of oil they will.

It is supply and demand.

We are still using the hell out of it at $133 a barrell, why lower the price? Pretty soon ecomomics will take over from the bumbling politicians.
InDaShop said:
So two months ago, we were scared about $100 a barrel of oil. Today its $133!!! :eek:

This whole deal is ****ed. Economy is ****, and we will see a huge correction is my prediction. The Fed should not have bailed out all these ass clowns in the Mortgage Bailout. They should have taken their lump and gone out of business, and it'd be over. The value of the dollar isn't worth a cup of piss.

But I agree dont listen to this liberal media. They are making it 10x's worse than it is and they are the general reason how we ended up here.

Things will happen. I just dont think that everyone is grasping whats going on. For years and years the US has been way above the rest of the world in everything (way of life, quality of life, income, expendable income). Well we squandered it, and the rest of the world is not only catching up and catching on, but they are taking it from us. We are a has been world power, and are hanging on to that title with spreading our military thinly all over the globe imposing ourselves as "World Police". Fawk that we need to defen and take care of our own.

EXAMPLE: When Katrina destroyed the gulf coast did China come to our aid? Myanmar is devastaded my an earthquake, and we cant get there fast enough. Fawk them, yes I said that. Fawk them! There is a time and place to give aid, and general good will. But China isn't that place. How about we just try to focus our efforts on feeding the Etheopians this year? They need it. China doesn't need our ****ing help.

Americans need to get over it, and realize this world is not filled with ****ing rainbows and everyone doesn't like to sit around and sing "Kumbiya". These ****ers want to climb on top and over us faster than you can reach to join hands and sway. If in the middle east they'd rather see our blood spilt on the ground.

Holy crap, I have some pent up feeligns about this country, and the world economy.

Summary, its ****, and its going to get shittier before it even thinks of getting better.

Wyatt, thats a little too deep for this board. :afro:
Wyatt, you need to skip racing and go straight to president. :drinkers:

I get so sick of liberal ****ers tryin to do good all over the planet. Most the foreign countrys we supply "aid" to could give a rats **** less about our policies, our way of life and most importantly our soldiers. They see the green backs Uncle Sam and his hippy fuggin buddies pour in and smile in the camera then flip the media off as they leave to feed the US public how horrible and crappy it is anywere on the planet but the 50 states. It pisses me off :-X
P said:
Wyatt, you need to skip racing and go straight to president. :drinkers:

I get so sick of liberal ****ers tryin to do good all over the planet. Most the foreign countrys we supply "aid" to could give a rats **** less about our policies, our way of life and most importantly our soldiers. They see the green backs Uncle Sam and his hippy fuggin buddies pour in and smile in the camera then flip the media off as they leave to feed the US public how horrible and crappy it is anywere on the planet but the 50 states. It pisses me off :-X

Thanks for the thread. Anything to keep P from being pissed at me :'(

InDaShop said:
So two months ago, we were scared about $100 a barrel of oil. Today its $133!!! :eek:

This whole deal is ****ed. Economy is ****, and we will see a huge correction is my prediction. The Fed should not have bailed out all these ass clowns in the Mortgage Bailout. They should have taken their lump and gone out of business, and it'd be over. The value of the dollar isn't worth a cup of piss.

But I agree dont listen to this liberal media. They are making it 10x's worse than it is and they are the general reason how we ended up here.

Things will happen. I just dont think that everyone is grasping whats going on. For years and years the US has been way above the rest of the world in everything (way of life, quality of life, income, expendable income). Well we squandered it, and the rest of the world is not only catching up and catching on, but they are taking it from us. We are a has been world power, and are hanging on to that title with spreading our military thinly all over the globe imposing ourselves as "World Police". Fawk that we need to defen and take care of our own.

EXAMPLE: When Katrina destroyed the gulf coast did China come to our aid? Myanmar is devastaded my an earthquake, and we cant get there fast enough. Fawk them, yes I said that. Fawk them! There is a time and place to give aid, and general good will. But China isn't that place. How about we just try to focus our efforts on feeding the Etheopians this year? They need it. China doesn't need our ****ing help.

Americans need to get over it, and realize this world is not filled with ****ing rainbows and everyone doesn't like to sit around and sing "Kumbiya". These ****ers want to climb on top and over us faster than you can reach to join hands and sway. If in the middle east they'd rather see our blood spilt on the ground.

Holy crap, I have some pent up feeligns about this country, and the world economy.

Summary, its ****, and its going to get shittier before it even thinks of getting better.

X2....there is alot of China Man.... :eek:
Wow, did I come off as a righty? :afro:

David, yeah that pretty deep I just re-read, and am impressed with my delivery. That and only 3 mis-typed words. :dunno:

Paul, you couldnt have hit the nail harder on the head if you had a laser guided hammer. As for running for office....I am soooo fawking for term limits. These career polititians are what nudged us into this situation. No, we cant solely blaim them, thats putting undue credit to them. :indianajones: I love to run for an office, but the fact is I'm too politically incorrect. Dont get me wrong, the rules for being a politiatian need wadded up and trashed.

Did anyone see McCain on SNL Weekend Update this weekend? OMG, he can be funny, and has funny staff writers. I mean not all Republicans see eye to eye, but at least we can decide on a candidate. The ****ing leftwing, islam-i-nazi's, feminist, tree hugger, enviro-hippie, greenies cant settle on ****. Hillary should have saved face 3+ months ago, but no she just drags it on. Kinda of reminds me of Gore in Florida, or any out of control parent at the PTA. Root problem with whats wrong with this country going to hell and a hand basket.

Bring on $6.50 diesel. I can't hardly fawking wait. loller.gif