Well-Known Member
this thread is here to see if he steps up to the plate and does the right thing nothing more.Jpyke15 said:No I'm not. I said it 100 times. I'm not takin anybody's side geez

this thread is here to see if he steps up to the plate and does the right thing nothing more.Jpyke15 said:No I'm not. I said it 100 times. I'm not takin anybody's side geez
Jpyke15 said:No I'm not. I said it 100 times. I'm not takin anybody's side geez
Jpyke15 said:I drive a diesel and I wheel on a budget. But I couldn't just go buy a new atv
ding ding,we have a winner folks this pretty much sums it up!!!Beerj said:Not everyone can pull 4k out of their ass. And $500 is better than nothing.
BUT, included in the 500 should've been something along the lines of another apology, and a plan to come up with the cash asap. Whether it be selling a rig at a loss (which is almost guaranteed with any rig), selling any other "toys" or even as far as taking a loan out. Or hell, just finance a new 4 wheeler. I'd think most anyone could swing that if they absolutely had to, which I would say this situation called for. Some people just figure if they don't have the cash to cover an unexpected expense, then it doesn't get covered and they hope it works out somehow.
BJMcummins said:Glad the offroad community is so good at helping seems to me it's just full of bullies I am financially at my max but no one gives to sxxxx about my situation it's all about a man parking his son in the middle of the road that says a lot for a father you don't put them in harms way I'm a father of three children I have financial problems just like everyone else in the world all I can do is send what I can when I can at least I am trying
BJMcummins said:It's all about money that all I hear
BJMcummins said:Glad the offroad community is so good at helping seems to me it's just full of bullies I am financially at my max but no one gives to sxxxx about my situation it's all about a man parking his son in the middle of the road that says a lot for a father you don't put them in harms way I'm a father of three children I have financial problems just like everyone else in the world all I can do is send what I can when I can at least I am trying
blugreenformula said:If I had been in the exact situation you are, and couldn't pull 3k out of my ass, I would have been parting out that truggy pretty quickly or started dumping the price to cover any damage that I had done.
Tom, your a damn good guy for doing what you did, Thankyou!!!
BJMcummins said:I didn't even leave the park If I was trying to get away don't you think I would have ran a left I was takin a man to his camper when this happened it was hot that day he was on the verge of heat exhauston
You did it sure looks like.BJMcummins said:I don't have an animals for sale gald everyone's info is never rite