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Time for the SWA-WING Super...

I have been working on it here and there...

After the state crawloff and getting to build a super course--I really got stoked to getting mine done..

My servo horns showed up.

Well I got up sunday morning and was going to spend the day relaxing and letting my beat up and burned body rest----hell no..

I finally got my new chassis built. Will it work--we will see but in any case I took what I learned from designing my own setups and of course took the basis of this setup from my 2.2 Swa-wing chassis.



Well since I had the chassis done--heck why not dig into the links.


I got the front lowers made/roughed in along with the uppers done.


I ran out of delrin so I was not able to get the lowers done but I got them mocked up to build the new ones. I also got the uppers made but I am pretty sure they won't hold up and I will have to go with something stronger.

Before I could go forward with my steering setup I went ahead and decided to do what any die hard bully guy would do---tear apart/grease and locktight on just the front axle for now. I also clearanced the housing/knuckles for more steering angle.

I have done a bunch of the bearing mods and decided to do something to help me. I made a simple jig to hold the knuckle.


In turn I ended up with a much better hole with the bearing fitting VERY nice compared to free handing it.


One thing I found interesting comparing the alum and cast knuckles was the cast ones are a tad thicker when I made the bearing shims(preload). The alum ones ranged around 2.12mm where the cast ones I got 1.80-1.17mm for the shims.

Ok back to the steering. I knew this would be tricky and YES it was. I probably have WAY too much time into this but it was something I knew I could pull off and wanted to make it happen.

So once I get back into it I found 2 things I had to correct right off the bat. The first was I had to raise the servo's up a little more from the tubes and I had to make the mounts mirror duplicates on each tube(so distance from servo to steering arm where the same or very close to it). I also found the upper portion of the link mount was in the way (on my 2.2 my shocks mount there as do some guys supers) so I lopped them off.



Like my 2.2 I lopped the top of the case off to help with upper link mount clearance and weight removal.

Like I say I spent allot of time making this setup with many versions of many parts--each version I got closer and closer.

The tight side was the case side due to the servo swing making contact with the case. I ended up trimming some of the case and servo horn and the back edge of the servo mounts also had to be notched. This took allot of time and patience to finally get the sweet spot. I also took my sons torn down 2.2 and used the electronics and made a Y harness so I could actually run the servo's. One thing that skipped my mind was the fact that both servo's shared the same control wire so I had to make sure the rod lengths from the servo horn to steering arm were correct.

So now came the real tricky part. I don't know if its called the steering shaft, center link or balance rod--it was tricky and took a number of versions to get it right. But it fits and has no clearance issues and I should not have and issues with the upper links. The only thing I need to change is the rod ends are sloped at 59 degrees and I need to drop it down a couple degrees when I build the one for the rear.



About time!!! :fawkdancesmiley: :fawkdancesmiley: :fawkdancesmiley:

Looking good Mike! :awesomework:

What's going on with the hollowed out skid plate? Just saving weight or you mounting something down in there?

I told Shelby I want a set of Bully axles for my bday (which isn't until October) so I could build a new comp crawler since mine was outdated and was sacrificed to build my scaler, once I get those I'll have to send my knuckles up and have you drill them out for me.
About time!!! :fawkdancesmiley: :fawkdancesmiley: :fawkdancesmiley:

Looking good Mike! :awesomework:

What's going on with the hollowed out skid plate? Just saving weight or you mounting something down in there?

I told Shelby I want a set of Bully axles for my bday (which isn't until October) so I could build a new comp crawler since mine was outdated and was sacrificed to build my scaler, once I get those I'll have to send my knuckles up and have you drill them out for me.

It was both saving weight and giving my dual FXR's a place to sit.

When ya get them--we will build it :D
It was time to design my body

In my typical manner--many many many versions to get what I want.


And I finally got what I wanted.


So next I chose to get my wheels done/narrowed to 1 1/4" since my tires will be done soon...


I remember the days when it was common to narrow our wheels for the 2.2's and also watched a video by supershafty to re freshen my brain on it.

Started by cutting the inner bead off and then the desired amount for the correct width.


The big difference (I have not searched to see if anybody else had tried this but it made sense to me) I did was I made 2 cuts per wheel. The cut for the width was only made deep enough to get thru the wheel but not into the spokes and the other thru the wheel and spokes. This lets me butt the spokes against the soon to be glued wheel. I have seen a few wheel failures and wanted to do what I could to keep that from happening.


As you can see the inner bead portion fits nicely.


Then it was time to glue.




So the wheels are done and hardening (with rotation to keep it from dripping).
Putting along at a steady pace. I got the bodyless side plates cut.


And the cross supports done.

Got the roof and hood panels cut and threw some paint on them.



And threw it onto the chassis to see how it looked. I still need to make some lower side panels.

