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Top Truck Challenge entries 2010.

How about me vs you at the next CORE challenge? If you beat me with a combined time in your Toyota, I will give you $500 cash. We have to do the big rock pile and the deep mud pit. Are you a *****?

Once again I will not go to any event were you pay $ and sit around all day if you want we could go to some private land run all day ther is all kinds of fun there and ther you can show us what you got :awesomework:

This thread is getting cleaned here soon...

Since some folks don't know how to act at least decent well there are reprocusions to this...
Just wheel massively and everything will be ok. Pumpy gowen and Brandon would agree.
if you want we could go to some private land run all day ther is all kinds of fun there and ther you can show us what you got :awesomework:

Annies parents property or Cranberry Lake? Wow, maybe 2 miles of flat, lame "trails" that are dirtbike trails too :haha:
My offer still stands. Are you internet tuff guys going to show up? Add biglug to the list too, I doubt he will show up since he is busy choking on CHOPSHOPs nuts.

It would be fun to have a little. FRIENDLY compition with you Corey. And im ok with working some thing like that out. But i think you should run some local trails N get some seat time in before you earn the right to call others out.
Lets get this back on topic.. Lets all vote for Brandan it would be great to see a local guy in the hunt for the TTC title.
I just deleted A LOT of BS from this thread, from various users. I don't mind a little trash talking but clean it up or it gets locked.