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Towed my car...was a ****...asswhoopin imminent...


Mustache rides?
Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
Jasper, al
So I wake up to go to class this morning.. head out the door with my insto-breakfast, hit the unlock buttin on my key and nothing.. Look up and the Bimmers been jacked...

First off it think sweet.. new tow rig... Second thought... all my books and school projects (hours of work) all gone... ****.

3rd thought-- dumb :afro: cant steal a locked up bimmer w/ alarm w/o me knowing it... it had to have been towed...

Call mobile villiage office, they say yes "De-waynes" towin has it.. i say WTF..
They say, your parking pass was not stuck to the window...

I tell the fawker I have an email from them that says i can leave my parking pass on my dash cause i have multiple vehicles..
The damn pass even has "BMW" and "Toyota" hand written on it by teh wood villiage manager..

I yell.. obviously..
He calls me a "Liar" ! and says he's tired of illegal cars parking in his park.. I've lived here longer than that ninja has run the place...

I tell him i'm going to go spend $150 bucks to get my bimmer outa the hock, then comin to his office, collecting the $150 from his wallet or his ass... >:(

Waitin on a ride to the impound yard now.. To be continued...
HELLZ YEA MAN.............sounds like it,s time foryou to get your,e ......ROY D. MERCER .......THE HELL ON :dblthumb:
I fought that **** at K state. rear view fell off, tag HAD TO BE ON THE MIRROR. if fell off that morning, put pass on dash, ****ing ticket within a couple hours. No recourse, no appeal, no anything and if you want your grades released, you have to pay it :flipgotcha:
Its better you have someone you can go hit, the nice 60 year old lady at the ticket place on campus wasn't a prime target and was very nice laughing1
well it went just as i thought it would...

Got to impound yard, its a trailer with a janky fence around it.. Looks like a junkyard... and there sits the Black bimmer amongst the ****...
Gravel in the exhaust where it was drug off roll back, parking pass plain as day in the window..

Out pours 9 chain smoking, skin head, methmouth, wiggers.... First words from me..
"Which inbred dumbshit motherfucker can't see my parking pass" then they went ape ****... :eek:

More cuss words than i knew existed, they locked us in the impound yard, cause i was about to dukes of hazzard my **** out the gate..
My mom n dad bail out of the truck, main methmouth tells her to STFU... She attacks him... Damn near whipped out the 22mag on his ass..
I settle her down... Cuss everyone some more...

Then the inevitable... i pay my impound fee laughing1
As im diligently paying my $125 is calmly insult every last one of them to the bone...
proclaiming I know it must be hard to have to **** your sister every night, and have ambitions to drive a bimmer, but couldn't afford it if you won the lottery..
more inbredd, etc, etc, dumb ****, etc.. cock sucking, failure at life.. u get the point.. Believe one guy was gna cry... had shefiff on speed dial in case they tried to kill me..
Payed my fee, got in my car, traction control off.... U guess it, they came outside couple roundy rounds to give em all a go to hell spray of gravel pinging off their office and their person...

Finally, went to wood villiage mobile home park.. see paragraph above for most of this story as well...
Guy says "get an attorney or get the **** over it, this conversation is done..." I say uve ****ed with the wrong guy and walk out... I am from walker county.. ;)

The woman next door to me got her window knocked out of her car while they were trying to tow it... parking pass is still stuck to broken glass...
Looks like there getting a kick back from all the towing fees... Turn out theres a petition going around to kick the current managers out... Bunck of inbred Yankee ****s..

So im currently composing a large sign to go in my front yard to warn any possible people from renting mobile homes or lots from wood villiage.. Its not gna be nice..

You guys may see me rollin through your town soon w/ bumper pull in tow.. :wtflol:

Damn what a morning... I need a :drinkers:
Deduct it from your rent. Mark check "Paid in full for all monies due as of ____" If they cash it, your good to go. If not give them a new check, wait a month, do it again! Pay rent early, so there is not chance of a late fee if they don't accept it.
Cole said:
Only time I have ever been arrested was when my truck got towed.

haha.... story???

And good idea John.. May not get a change to pay next month thought... :ban:
doesn't it just burn you up when people get away with **** and theres really not a whole lot you can do...

Without the threat of goin to prison or it costing you more money...

One can only hope that Karma comes back and rips these folks a new a-hole somewhere down the line... :flipgotcha:
CheapJ7 said:
haha.... story???

And good idea John.. May not get a change to pay next month thought... :ban:

Was over at a friends apartment one night and I didn't park in visitor parking because it was like 200 yards away. So I come out to my truck around 2am and my truck was gone. I knew what had happened and sorta laughed. I found the local security cop, which I didn't know was an off duty police officer that lived there. So I guess I was a smart ass to him. I didn't really care that it had been towed because my insurance pays for all my towing no matter what. So the guy was being an asshole and I told my friend that this guy is a ****. Well he heard me say that and you would have thought I had kicked him in the balls. So he called one of his buddies on Duty to come over and made me sign a paper saying I would not come back on the property. So I finally went and got my truck back and the next day I went back to the apartments but only to talk to the manager of the apartments and the cop was on his way to work and saw my truck out front and came in and tried to arrest me there. The woman wouldn't let him and told me to just stay away for awhile. I thought it was taken care of that day. So later that afternoon I was at my Dads and my mom called and said the police had just left the house with a warrant for my arrest. I had already told them about it so they knew the story. My Dad got up out of his recliner and said lets go. He followed me down to the Police station where I turned myself in. They handcuffed me and everything. My Dad told them to make it fast because I had a softball game in 45minutes and I needed to be there for it.
So I ended up doing 24hours of community service and got it dropped off my record.
Jrich this is what happens when you live in a trailer park :flipoff1: Why didn't you video the trip to the impound lot, that would of been great. Bunch of hoodlums up in here...
Matt O. said:
Jrich this is what happens when you live in a trailer park :flipoff1: Why didn't you video the trip to the impound lot, that would of been great. Bunch of hoodlums up in here...

I know.. i hate this fawkin trailer park soo much.. but its the best option for me right now...

mason (racejeep) has got a mobile home ready lot on his property. may hit him up on that... my rent could be his buggy payment.. :flipoff1:

and a video would have been awesome.. my mom comin unglued was priceless
she told the guy to STFU! he said or what.. she was goin for the gun till dad threw her in the truck... priceless
Cole said:
Was over at a friends apartment one night and I didn't park in visitor parking because it was like 200 yards away. So I come out to my truck around 2am and my truck was gone. I knew what had happened and sorta laughed. I found the local security cop, which I didn't know was an off duty police officer that lived there. So I guess I was a smart ass to him. I didn't really care that it had been towed because my insurance pays for all my towing no matter what. So the guy was being an asshole and I told my friend that this guy is a ****. Well he heard me say that and you would have thought I had kicked him in the balls. So he called one of his buddies on Duty to come over and made me sign a paper saying I would not come back on the property. So I finally went and got my truck back and the next day I went back to the apartments but only to talk to the manager of the apartments and the cop was on his way to work and saw my truck out front and came in and tried to arrest me there. The woman wouldn't let him and told me to just stay away for awhile. I thought it was taken care of that day. So later that afternoon I was at my Dads and my mom called and said the police had just left the house with a warrant for my arrest. I had already told them about it so they knew the story. My Dad got up out of his recliner and said lets go. He followed me down to the Police station where I turned myself in. They handcuffed me and everything. My Dad told them to make it fast because I had a softball game in 45minutes and I needed to be there for it.
So I ended up doing 24hours of community service and got it dropped off my record.

what the hell was the warrant for arrest for and the 24 hour community service all sounds like bullshit to me just like some of the dickhead cops around here if some of them even deserve the name officer
ridenrace6 said:
what the hell was the warrant for arrest for and the 24 hour community service all sounds like bullshit to me just like some of the dickhead cops around here if some of them even deserve the name officer
A lot of the cops here are the kids that got picked on in school. This is their way of getting back at the cool kids. Running around with a chip on the shoulder. Some are cool as hell though. One of them told me one time if you ever commit a crime the fewer witnesses the better.
3 tons o fun said:
One of them told me one time if you ever commit a crime the fewer witnesses the better.

And be like a fish

don't open your mouth and you can't get caught.

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