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Towed my car...was a ****...asswhoopin imminent...

ridenrace6 said:
what the hell was the warrant for arrest for and the 24 hour community service all sounds like bullshit to me just like some of the dickhead cops around here if some of them even deserve the name officer

They got me for trespassing.
You should have had a video camera. Would have loved to see that guys reaction when your mom told him to STFU! haha

Had that happen here in Boone. My buddy's CJ5 was in the parking lot and the wind blew the parking pass down into the floorboards. When we came out to go somewhere it had been towed. Same **** with inbred methmouthed watauga county dumbshits. It had been backed into the parking space so I bothered asking how it was towed, wanting to know if they used dollies because it was in gear and had a spooled rear so we were somewhat worried about the dumbshit dragging the back end 1/2 a mile to the yard. Immediately got insulted by me asking him HOW it was towed and gave me some bs about how he knows all about towing because it was his job. They called the cops when I responded "no, this is your job because your a hillbilly dumbshit who failed out of community college, now give us the ****ing Jeep" and I climbed in with the spare key and started it up. The pass was in the floorboard and everything. Eventually the company my buddy rents from called them and told them all to let us go.

To this day I have had about 4-5 other instinces of this happening here in town much with the same result. My insurance company even has had me put a visible towhook on the front of the M3 because it sits too low for the dollies to get underneath and if they rip the front bumper off I can go after them for damages since Ive provided a spot to tow from.
patooyee said:
Pay in all pennies!!!!! BET YOU WON'T!

J. J.
i did that to the animal control guys years ago. wrote me a ticket for a cat on my porch i told them it wasnt mine mine is inside. could even see it thru the window also show her the rabies paprwork that i keep taped to a window she said since it was on my porch and had no rabies tag it was mine. paid it in pennies but i broke open every one of those and made them count it to make sure it was correct that was the last time they came on my property
Cole said:
They got me for trespassing.

I caught a criminal trespass charge when I was in HS , I had 50hours of community service and 6months probation.

All because my buddy ate a 1lb burrito and couldnt hold it laughing1 :****: