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Towing "snafoo's"

Loaded my wrangler up on my dad's old double axle trailer one saturday afternoon, getting it all ready for wheeling on Sunday. Decided to tow into town to top everything off with fuel so we could get on the road ASAP the next day... good thing I did, cause one of the wheels fell off the trailer while I was taking a sharp turn at a light. Turns out the welds on the whole hub assembly broke and it came loose from the axle tube.

Pulled into the grocery store parking lot with the tire half there, rubbing on the inner fender, pondering WTF to do. Two minutes later a buddy of mine pulls up and says he saw it all happen from across the intersection. We unloaded my wrangler, jacked up the trailer with the hi-lift and finished breaking the welds, threw the tire in the bed of my truck. He drove the wrangler home, I drove the 3 wheeled trailer and truck home, and had it all fixed up that afternoon and still got to wheel the next day.

I also lost a wheel due to loose lug nuts on the same trailer one time going over stevens pass... don't know where, cause I didn't notice it was gone until I went to back the trailer in it's parking spot.

Then there's the couple of times I towed the same trailer, loaded, with a half ton '79 chevy van, 305 and TH350. Not pretty, but power steering fluid WILL work in a TH350 in a pinch. :haha:
well in high school i worked for eastside rentals and ....... nope never had any thing bad happen even towing backhoes and dozers.

this one time towing a utility trailer behind my jeep going to moses lake i thought everything was all good, when we got there i found out tragically that the watermelon that i brought to make vodka melon didn't survive the bumpy ride, it was a gruesome sight, just horrible!

then one time going to evanscreek pulling the toy hauler, i got off of 410 and i noticed that i had a tire misssing. well les shwab was just up the street and i had the tire certificate and they kept asking me what i hit and when did it happen, all that was left of the tire was the side wall and i told them that i didn't feel any thing wrong and that the trailer being a TRIPLE axle might have some thing to do with that!

then one time i let Karla use my toyhauler to move and i forgot to get the tabs renewed on it.

nope nothing as bad as Ann!:fawkdancesmiley:
Had a spindle but back off of the D70 on the tow rig while towing to the ground hog comp in Bend. Finally came loose on a left hand corner outside of town. The wheel hub, drum, axle, and tires all slide out from the housing and all the weight was being supported by the axle. Scary ****. If it would have happened a minute later we would have been on the freeway...
All but 2 of the stock hitch bolts broke, Felt perfect towing home from retier. Kinda freaky when i parked to unload the rig seeing the ball about 2 inches from the ground. Theres pics on here somewhere of it.
So I loaded my jeep up friday morning headed to work Got off work checked my trailer tires and off to elbe it was. I get about a mile and I guess my flatty slid over on the trailer lost a trailer tire and a 35" pitbull rocker $350 in 15 minutes. (It was in the dark also)
Knowing nothing about trailers I bought one in California my Cousin found for me, that appeared to be just what I wanted. I towed it home and later that day found out they were closing several trails at Reiter.

So I jumped in the ZJ and headed up to Reiter to hit the trails scheduled to be closed the next day. Ran into Horus and another guy and we started up the Isabelle Trail. Just after crossing May Creek damage I had started a week before in Moab completed and I was with out steering.

Thanks to Horus and his out of the box thinking I was able to drive back to the main lot. I them called my son to come and get me and I went home to get my new trailer to haul the ZJ back home. By the time I got back to Reiter it was dark and I am loading the trailer for the first time when AnnaBanna comes by and stops to assist and provide some light while strapping down the ZJ.

As we leave the main lot Ann notices my trailer wheels leaning in at the top. It appears the ZJ is too heavy for the trailer and in the back of my mind I am recalling Horus and ZJVinny talking about being sure to get a 10K trailer and here I am with a 7K. Ann was so worried she followed me all the way home to make sure I get there safely. Thanks again Ann!!

Anyway I checked into upgrading the axles and decided that for the money I should just sell the trailer, put a little more money with it and buy a new 10K and be done with it, and that is what I did. Sold the 7K trailer (which I really like that configuration of) to a guy I used to work with and bought a new 10K tilt Trailer and everything is cool.

Then last month when several of us retired guys got together for a lunch BS session, the one that bought my trailer tells me he decided to rewire the trailer (Dam retired Electricians can't leave well enough alone) and in the process discovered the problem with hauling my ZJ on the Trailer.

Someone had installed the axles upside down and inside the springs so it would be lower. This put the arch of the axles down in place of up and just about any load cause the top of the tires to tip in like it was over loaded..

Not the kind of oops other have been talking about, but it hurt my wheeling funds and taught me that you need to know more about trailers before buying the suckers.
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Long story I'll never forget............
I was 17 and stopped on I-5 to help some guy who broke down and was partially block a lane. He had a old Chevy and 28' camp trailer. I pulled the truck and trailer to a truckstop at that exit and he wanted me to tow his trailer to a RV park in Rochester. He gave me $20 for gas and away we went. Made it from Exit 63 to 82 w/o incident then all hell broke loose literally. As we passed the factory outlets the trailer started whipping badly so I slowed down alittle then the f-ing thing went sideways behind me. I hammered the gas to try to straighten out but no good. Next thing I know I'm sliding sideways at 70mph blocking both lanes. I looked out the p/s window and saw the p/s rear corner of the trailer smashed to the door (Oh fawk I says loudly).:ohpoop:

We finally come to a rest as the back of my truck and the front of the trailer take out 3 sections of guard rail. We climb out and thank god we're ok I spained my ankle but he said he was fine and refused treatment (Remember this). Turns out the trailer was way overloaded w/ everything he owned and one of the axle beams broke causing the accident. The freeway was blocked with the full **** tank laying in the fastlane leaking poo. The backwall of the trailer broke open and spilled about 20 porn dvds all over. My truck was flat tatered the only body part I could reuse was the grill. I even bent the r axle housing and killed the fr suspension.
The douchwaffle ended up suing me for crashing his house and he had whiplash. Since he paid me $20 I was under contract and liable. Luckily my Insurance handled most of it. They handed him $60K and dropped me like a hot rock. Lesson learned- No good deed goes unpunished!
Well there are threads of wheeling snafoo's--lets hear your when towing to wheel snafoo's.

My first was like 7 years ago heading back from tonga ridge on a hangover run. As you head west on highway 2 just past zeeks (east of goldbar) there is railroad overpass. Well I got kinda close and there are raised edges(like a sidewalk/curb) at the overpass. Well I clipped it and blew both passenger tires(bent the wheels) and bent both axles.So we unloaded the rig and replace one tire. Well only thing we could do was have somebody drive my rig down highway 2 from there to my place with me following.

So on friday heading to tonga on the narrow windy road off highway 2 thats when I had my second oops. Doing about 10mph I make the sharp left turn to the single lane bridge and the truck slides/goes straight. Tried pumping the brakes--didn't slow me down. All this time I was heading for the drop off into the river. So all I could do was dynomite the brakes and hold on. It finally stopped with the front tires on the downward slope into the river. I looked at rookie and "oh ****". I was able to put it into 4wd and finally back the whole thing up.

I know others have stories :awesomework:

Well none for me. But about 7 years ago near Goldbar I was behind some dip **** that cliped a bridge and ****ed up his trailer.. ha ha ha.:fawkdancesmiley:
First time towing trailer with a friends racecar on it they didn't get staps tight and car ended up on top of passenger side tires. Truck ended up in ditch after going sideways down the freeway for a couple hundred yards. Shift nobody would ride home from the races with me
Well none for me. But about 7 years ago near Goldbar I was behind some dip **** that cliped a bridge and ****ed up his trailer.. ha ha ha.:fawkdancesmiley:

You can now leave this thread :looser:
3-4 years ago up at Walker Valley, we had been planning a trip for a few months up there, that just so happened to fall during one of the HUGE snow storms we had. We decided to go for it and hope for the best, turned into one of the worst trips out I've ever had. My tow-rig is 2wd, towed in ice/snow before and hadn't had any issues. I was going up a hill, made it most of the way up, the truck started slipping and walking sideways, I let off and I put the my foot on the brakes and the truck started sliding backwards down the hill, my buddy was right behind me, luckily he started backing up in time. I let my foot off the truck brakes and locked the trailer brakes with the booster and it FINALLY stopped right on the edge of the ditch, which was probably 15 deep. I couldn't get my Cruiser off the trailer because it was hanging over the ditch, we tried winching the trailer over, but the trailer was too heavy. So I tried to stick the ramps under the truck tires, gained a few feet each time before the truck spit the ramps 20 feet down the hill. One of the guys had a set of chains, they were for 31's (the truck has 32's), we tried them and they barely fit, we got the truck up far enough to get the Cruiser off the trailer, once we did that I got the truck up the hill and then just drove Cruiser the rest of the way. I vowed never to wheel in snow again after that.

Then last year, we were heading out to Tahuya, we had a dusting of snow here, but checked the weather before we left, said it was clear and was going to be clear the whole day, about 10miles from Belfair and its snowing, and had been for the whole night (thanks Weather.com). We decided to bag it and head for my buddies place in Gig Harbor. It took us 3 hours to get from Belfair back to Gig Harbor. Got stuck on a hill leaving Belfair, was almost all the way up and some genuouses decided to stop for no reason at the top of the hill and I was done. I had to unload the Cruiser to get going. Once we got past that, we loaded my Cruiser on my buddy's trailer since his Cruiser is actually street legal and I towed an empty trailer the rest of the way. After the big hill, the brakes on the truck started cooking, I thought it was the trailer brakes hanging up, but when we got to buddy's place, the drivers rear was smoking. After we left, about Lakewood I went to hit my brakes and found I pretty much had no brakes, the rear brakes were gone, about the only thing that was really slowing me down was the the trailer brakes. I tore it apart today and the rear drivers side was totally shot, all the friction material on the shoes fell out when I pulled the drum, the only thing I could see that was wrong was the the spring on the adjuster came off and the bar that the adjuster ratchets on was hanging there. Not sure if that was what caused the problem, I'm thinking that the parking brake might have hung up after the hill (I had it set) and that was what caused the problems. So $150 and 4 hours later, got everything fixed... :mad::mad::mad::mad:
I only tow **** when I am with Les, he has all the shitty towing luck. :redneck: I have all the shitty overheating luck.

The same trip Les mentioned to Tahuya, when we unloaded Ben's cruiser I was riding passenger for the day so I was the lucky guy who got to drive the cruiser home.

It was all good but I didn't know how to take it out of 2wd lo range, never had twin stick before and didn't have my phone on me to get the groups attention to stop. So I drove all the way home in lo-range, that included several miles on HWY 16, luckily with the snow i wasn't holding up traffic too bad.

I could have pulled over but I didn't know where I was going and didn't have a phone so I figured I'd just keep going. Ended up working out all right.