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Tracy Jordan's New Buggy

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Im just jealous of all these blangin' parts!

...wait till y'all see the buggy my friend is building... Won't be posting pics for a long time but those that've seen my cell phone pics seem to be impressed so far thumb.gif
InDaShop said:
what about all the buggys being built for this KOH. ****, I feel like I should scrap mine, its junk......

Jesse Haines buggy

Will Carters buggy

At least your's has an original paintjob thumb.gif

...where's Nolen at?
Im just jealous of all these blangin' parts!

...wait till y'all see the buggy my friend is building... Won't be posting pics for a long time but those that've seen my cell phone pics seem to be impressed so far thumb.gif

First one I have seen that is COMPLETELY outside of the box thinking design wise. I cant wait to see it come together and get put out there.
P said:
First one I have seen that is COMPLETELY outside of the box thinking design wise. I cant wait to see it come together and get put out there.

That's one thing Matt does good is stay completely outta the box w/ his designs... thumb.gif The other buggy he did was same way, he learned alot of "what not to do" on that rig for sure.
I think this one is my favorite so far.... this is more my style. CLEAN AND SIMPLE.... :afro:

Jess always build's some sick performing rigs too !!


I think Woodlee's will be way sexual too, but he hasnt gotten far enough along to have it sitting there with an overall look yet.... I like the lines and simple clean appearance of yours too Adam ! thumb.gif

( im just not a moonbuggy kinda guy, they all look the same and fairly boring to me..... I do appreciate what they offer in performance and all that though, and some obviously look better than others IMO )
P that one that Jesse is building is awesome. Love it.

Same with Woodlee's.

Same with Tracy Jordan's new rig.

...thing I like is it seems like everyone's doing something different---to some extent... I like how "high end" looking these are becoming. Desert influence is really making the rigs **look** cooler for sure. :drinkers:

The attention to detail alot of these rigs have is awesome. I guess I just respect each fabricator's own vision regardless of if that's how I'd build one...
I was just thinking yesterday it is crazy how this one race has made the builders push them selves as a whole. I can not believe that there are so many buggies being built and so much money being spent on this race. It is awesome all of the new designs, and technology this race is bringing to the off road world. This is the race I have been waiting on. The crawling is not my thing, XRRA is cool but the courses are short. KOH is just right for what I want to do. Only after one official year of the race we have seen the technology grow so much! What will we be ridding in in 2015?
I think the key to this race is that you can still go crawl with the same rig or go XRRA with it. You aren't locked in to this type of racing like you are with a desert truck or dedicated crawler. More versitile rig is the key.
Hey guys, thanks for the interest in the new build. I'm extremely excited about this new project with spidertrax, I've been running and testing their parts for sometime now and can't say enough about the quality of their products. I think when you see this in person it’s going to blow your mind on their capabilities. We are trying to build the best car we can for rockcrawling in promod class but keeping it competitive in koh as well. This is really putting a bind on what we should do and what we want to do with koh exploding and all but I can't justify another single purpose car sitting in the garage so a 2 seat rockcrawler it will have to be. I know theirs people that won't like or understand the reasoning behind the vw look but just wait tell it’s done and I think it will grow on you. I like different, I also wanted to have good vision over the hood and this allows that. The bug is one of my favorites out in the desert racing world and it just grew on me. Basically the whole reason behind this build is the scat v4, I've been dreaming of this motor in a light weight car for years and a friend called and had his for sale. I called Eddie down at spidertrax and mentioned what I was thinking and they thought it would be a great project to test some new ideas of their own. Sorry it’s not a jeep or cruiser but I think you guys are going to be amazed at the craftsmanship on this car.

87yjtoy said:
I like it. I have hd several VWs, wonderful little machines. anywaycant wait to see it in person thumb.gif

I looked at the blog again yesterday, that engine plate is just insane. It is just cool that all the brackets and pulleys are being made in house. Looks like an electric water pump on the front? I have one also, seems to work well.
Not everyone here is a Jeep or Cruiser lover ( Im not a hater of either mind you but damn they are everywere in "our" hobby ! )

The craftsmanship and ingenuitive thinking on this one is amazing and even though I love to rib Nolen about his sucking off of Spidertrax there is no doubt they have some great product's .... fact is Im just jealous I cant afford that kinda bling ! laughing1

Cant wait to see you tearing it up in this rig Tracy ! thumb.gif
I want more information on the Motor. What are the specs? I have searched but haven't come up with any good information. I believe they quit making that motor :dunno:
Not crazy about the VW hood, but it's different and the Fab work is sick.
So when you bringing it to the BFG Plant here in Tuscaloosa? ;D