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Trail cam pics.

So can you spot the trail cam? I have a Leupold 8meg cam with night vision RX1.

There is something living on my beach. Now our beach is private but connects to a public beach. So I do get some foot traffic of fellow home owners that I share the beach with (500ft).

But anyways. The other day I was walking on the beach with my dog and I found a den of some sort. Can't identify what it is by the tracks. The dirt that had the tracks was too soft.

The Den:

The tracks:

So I set up a cam on Monday to see what is living in there. Tomorrow I'll walk down there and see what I get.

Any Idea's? I think a coon, but we have everything out here, Bears, Coyotes, Fox, Sasquatch, you name it. What would freak me out is if its some sea monster that comes crawling out of the water, which is 20 feet from this embankment, and crawls up in that hole. :confused:

Here's the cam BTW
Cool pics. I need to replace the batteries in mine and set it back up.
So I set mine up in the back yard. I got 239 pics. Mostly of deer. But then this is there.


Two minutes later, its in the upper left corner.


Then gone. Not seen on any other pics.


