Well-Known Member
TGuke: Marlin, Bobby Long, FROR, Inchworm, AA, :awesomework:
but its all good, you will grow out of toy "junk" one day :fawkdancesmiley: :haha:
and some of them use the same foundries, etc that TG uses :haha:
TGuke: Marlin, Bobby Long, FROR, Inchworm, AA, :awesomework:
but its all good, you will grow out of toy "junk" one day :fawkdancesmiley: :haha:
Who has that any more ?
everything my shop does:fawkdancesmiley: He asked a ? and i answered it.I hope i only have axles from india in my rig, But im sure im wrong.
and some of them use the same foundries, etc that TG uses :haha:
Where is the DOM you buy made?
and they all have better ethics then TG does:flipoff: .
then again some people do not care about that and are just concerned with saving a couple of dollars. I prefer not to buy from a company that like that but that is just me. If you want to buy from them go right ahead on and do it, no skin off my ass.
Exactly my point :haha:
Pretty difficult now days to buy anything that is 100% made in america.
When I worked at Fastenal, 95% of products sold were not american made. The bolts holding your links together? Canada at best, but more than likely China.
I can now say that I proudly sell products made in US factories which is nice, but I'm sure there is some component in the product that is made outside the US.
Well ALL of our parts are made in Rockford Illinois. Trail Gears was made in China. Yes they are cheeper and fast, They are very good at copying other people stuff. Sorry but you asked.
Fawkin' cool!the hold music is from a old style video game!
God I had being put on hold...
I don't know when you guys try to call Marlin Crawler, but I've called Marlin's shop a dozen times with ?'s in the last few weeks and I get through the first call! Got put on hold once for about 3 minutes, long enough to know the hold music is from a old style video game! And all my orders were here in 2 days!
I've always had good luck calling around the noon hour! I've had bad luck on the customer service e-mail thing!