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Trailering tips


I havent used a strap on and chains for months now.:cheer:
this comment was revised over the origional author comment for humor only


are just sick and need help :stirpot:

But I have to agree I haven't had to use straps or chains in months, I just drive it there

Lot's of good comments on here keep them coming
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Whatever blows your skirt up...

I use 2" straps, 1 on each corner with a D-Ring axle strap going around the axle tube on each side.

Feel free to pack around all that chain and those binders, I will stick with my straps.
X2, no problem with straps.

I've used both, and still use chains occasionally depending on what it is (crappy, rusted hulk, piece of equipment), but for cars/wheelers, my straps have served me VERY well all these years, with NO failures. I just pay attention to how I use them.

I cross the front, strait back. Just the way I've always done it, mostly cause of my trailers tie-down locations, if they are tight and everything is right, nothing moved.

Chains or straps, stopping a little down the road to check/re-tighten everything is the biggest "good". If its still tight, no foul, if somethings loose, you caught it early.

Good idea to do periodically anyway, especially if you can't see the trailer/load in the mirror well from the driver's seat. Best to take 5-10 minutes to pull off and check things, then to be dragging a strap or chain for the last 20 miles (which makes you look like and idiot, ruins the chain/strap and could be a disaster waiting to happen).

Also, adjust/twist/tie-up the safety chains so they can drag on the ground. I can't believe HOW MANY dragging chains I've seen shooting sparks and weakening them for what you need them. Bungee does wonder's.
check your trailer brakes....
inspect them at least once a year.
check the voltage at the wire at each brake with the brake controler fully engaged. you might need to replice the connects and clean the grounds to get full 12v+ to each brake. if you can't get 12v then run a larger wire from the brake controle to the trailer plug and also from the plug to the brakes.
then learn how to properly adjust the brake controler.
test the breakaway switch.. pull the pin and then try to pull the trailer, you should not be able move.
how big are your balls?????

do you have the right size ball for the coupler on the trailer?

is the ball rated for your load? smucks and the genral flaps usaully carry 5k lbs balls. get one that is rated as high as you can get.

inspect your coupler often. they do wear out. and can be damaged.

lock the damn coupler lock!!! it can release and then you could be fuched!
Chains and binders? Straps?

Putting it in Park with the E-brake set isn't enough?
test the breakaway switch.. pull the pin and then try to pull the trailer, you should not be able move.

If you are going to do this, ensure your trailer wiring is NOT hooked up to the tow vehcile. The trailer battery can backfeed into the tow vehicle and cause havoc on the electrical system.
Check your load before you move after every rest stop.

Doesn't take any time at all for someone up to no good to unhook a strap, tiedown, trailer coupler, wiring... etc.
Also, adjust/twist/tie-up the safety chains so they can drag on the ground. I can't believe HOW MANY dragging chains I've seen shooting sparks and weakening them for what you need them. Bungee does wonder's.

Not really related, except the sparks thing---I was on my home from NAPA last weekend, and got on the freeway, pulled in behind a tahoe towing about a 26ft travel trailer, and as I'm following this rig to exit on the next offramp, I kept hearing this clanging noise---I pull into the passing lane, and just as I get over far enough to see the back of the Ho on the dr side, the driver's side anti-sway bars was just flailing around under the truck, held by the chain....I goose the throttle to get up to him, and the driver is COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS that anything is wrong! I did get his attention and got him to pull off the freeway, he had this puzzled look about him....when I told him why I flagged him down, his response was "Really??? I didn't hear a thing. Wow, thanks."...Some people just shouldn't tow...