Is there room to pass ?
Would it b crowed like Srrs event or just a bunch of guys riding ?
85buggy said:Would it b crowed like Srrs event or just a bunch of guys riding ?
I booked a cabin with them online last night, our group will be there riding July 23-27.1fast67 said:http://www.harlancountycampground.com/Harlan-County-Campgrounds-Cabins.php
We camped here (redneck toyhauler) last June. Great place, the owner is great guy! Cabins are very nice (friends stayed in one of the larger cabins).
The trails are accessed through his property.
truckbroke said:Lions Den??? Only if you give absolutly zero ****s about your body. I mean zero. Or you have a very small rig. That place is as tight as about anything I`ve seen. Its retarded. lol. If its raining or has been everything is slippery as hell. Very fun..... If you go to Harlan and don`t have an absolute blast something is wrong with you an you should Sell your rig. :****:
Lot of us partake of the cold beverages when wheelin'stickymuck said:Getcha a map for sure. You want to do the 3 rock gardens (lower, middle, upper), railbed, killin time, profanity, lower damnation, your turn, whitetail, crawford's cry, mason jar and lion's den. If you like cold beverages, think about the Putney side. Some on rzr's camped next to us got busted in town and spent a night in jail.
matth_85 said:Some of our group got busted in the camp ground behind Dairy Hut. We were being dumb though. We normally get the cabins now. No law, and Mike is a cool ass dude.