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Triple Tow??

Speaking of triple towing,

I took this pic in the Cleveland TN Walmart parking lot & posted it to a couple of forums & FB

About a week later a friend sent me this, taken near Lexington KY ( 4 hours away)
Looks like he gained a jetski along the way!
Btw these would all be examples of pulling doubles and not actually triples. Triples is 3 actual trailers. It's kind of rare to see at least up here in Ohio were only allowed to pull triples on the Ohio Turnpike.

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Years ago I got a ticket in Mississippi for towing two single jet ski trailers. "ass hole of the year cop" commented on it while we were getting gas. said that it was not legal in Mississippi to tow two trailers. Being young (19) and dumb I kindly said "I'm not from here officer just passing through." thinking he'd leave us alone. We waited for him to leave after it looked like he was waiting on us to leave...... then 5 miles down the road he pulled me over and gave me a ticket. :flipgotcha:

I'd just advise you to check the laws of any states your travelling through before doing so. :****:
I guess it just comes down to what cop you run across, and what kind of day he is having, on the way to the Hardline ride, the DOT was set up in Decatur , state trooper out there waving every truck in, when I went passed him, and looked the other way! but they did not come get me. but like I said before, I have talked to a couple of cops, and they kinda said the same thing, as long as it appears safe, all chains and lights working, don't believe you would have no problem. I truly believe in the motto, better to ask for forgiveness than permission!
HotwheelsYJ said:
Speaking of triple towing,

I took this pic in the Cleveland TN Walmart parking lot & posted it to a couple of forums & FB

About a week later a friend sent me this, taken near Lexington KY ( 4 hours away)
Looks like he gained a jetski along the way!

Is that a round bale of hay in the back of van? :dunno:
Re: Re: Triple Tow??

B.DRAKE said:
Is that a round bale of hay in the back of van? :dunno:
No, the back end of it was completely boxed in with plywood under the hatch area. It had a window AC unit hanging out of it. In the Walmart pic, that's a generator sitting by the back of the van. At least he was keeping cool!
You guys got to remembered, this thread started out as what was legal, not what you were scared to do. None of this **** is LEGAL in any state. Even in the States where you can double tow, you got to look at DOT's connection laws. You can't weld half a chain link to a trailer for safety chain connections. DOT may not pull you over, but if they do, you ain't legal. You may be a reeeeaaaaally good welder, but they don't look at it that way. And again, it all depends on what kind of a day the guy that pulls you over is having.
Can't meow me. Ain't a man on hardline done more illegal **** than I in trucking and Especially in the towing department. I'm telling you how this thread started. This young man asked what was legal and he ain't getting a good answer. All this stuff you all are showing him will work, but none is LEGAL. That's all.
I did a little Googling and found this link. I know u can't believe everything on the internet but it has pretty detailed info on towing laws in every state. Just click on which state u r wondering about and it gives lots of info. Just a few I checked, Mississippi and Tennessee allow triple tow, Alabama, Florida, and Georgia do. Check it out and see whatcha think.

I'm assuming this site is giving the laws for regular non CDL drivers. I know in Alabama they have a CDL endorsement for doubles/ triples. It's rare to see, usually see UPS or FED EX short trailers. Don't think I've seen regular length trailers (53') pulled as triples. I'm assuming due to length restrictions.
I am not sure on the doubles or triples but one lesson I thought I was gonna learn the hard way is that in Alabama for sure. When your license has a 26k GVWR rating that is not actual weight but the POSSIBLE gvwr of all equipment. Basically my dually has a gvwr of 11,200 and my 18' equipment trailer has a 14,400 gvwr. I am barely legal to pull it by the law. So when stacking these trailers make sure to add up POSSIBLE gvwr and not what you think or know to be actual weight.
As far as backing up goes... When I started flat-towing the DD behind the motorhouse, I was skeered shitless that I'd need to back up at some point. But now, it's just common place to drive hours and hours and pull in to truck stops and never have to back up. You get used to it. In fact. It's quite odd to back the motorhouse up when I'm towing a trailer.
halcat said:
You guys got to remembered, this thread started out as what was legal, not what you were scared to do. None of this **** is LEGAL in any state. Even in the States where you can double tow, you got to look at DOT's connection laws. You can't weld half a chain link to a trailer for safety chain connections. DOT may not pull you over, but if they do, you ain't legal. You may be a reeeeaaaaally good welder, but they don't look at it that way. And again, it all depends on what kind of a day the guy that pulls you over is having.

So heres how me and the boys do that, you gotta hook the last trailer to your wheeler up on the 2nd trailer. Then you legit **** son :JRich:

Re: Re: Triple Tow??

LandSpeeder said:
As far as backing up goes... When I started flat-towing the DD behind the motorhouse, I was skeered shitless that I'd need to back up at some point. But now, it's just common place to drive hours and hours and pull in to truck stops and never have to back up. You get used to it. In fact. It's quite odd to back the motorhouse up when I'm towing a trailer.
as long as you take some time with a map to plan your route right and know what kind of parking lots you can and can't get out of you can pull anything around. We used to have to get these brand new truck quite a bit because they would break down a few miles from leaving the factory.

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