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Trump for prez?

Neal3000 said:
Trump has Zero chance against Hillary in the general election, woman and latino's hate him. Latinos are registering to vote in record numbers with the sole purpose of defeating him due to his idiotic blanket statements earlier in his campaign.

We just got to hope the "quiet" conservatives and the democrats that have seen the light get out and vote. I live in a small farming community south of Franklin Tn and you would not believe the number of "quiet" conservatives that don't vote. Dammit that pisses me off.

Oh and while on soapbox.......the "quiet" conservatives will sit around and bitch among themselves about how bad things are blah, blah, blah, blah but THEY DON'T VOTE! unfuckingbelievable!
Even if Trump wins the popular vote, I doubt he will win the electoral college vote. Electors are chosen by political insiders for each party and normally they vote along their party lines. BUT, I think too many career politicians are afraid of Trump and would rather vote for Hillary instead of following party lines and doing what the voting public decides. Even though she is a democrat, they know she knows how to play the game and will be be more apt to keep the fat in Washington.
I hope I am wrong and the politicians follow the will of the public.
Here a a couple of links about the electoral college and how they are decided.
Neal3000 said:
Trump has Zero chance against Hillary in the general election, woman and latino's hate him. Latinos are registering to vote in record numbers with the sole purpose of defeating him due to his idiotic blanket statements earlier in his campaign.

I believe Trump has a good chance with those groups, many of the legal Latinos are on his side. I think the anyone but Trump and third party liberal tarian votes are the real concern with defeating Hillary.
I think it's a contested convention and Paul Ryan walks out with the nomination.... You may say far fetched, but I say it has already been written...
$10 bet anyone??
All these people wanna give me money.....whelp....that's ten bucks towards my owing JD fund :dblthumb:
jeff150 said:
Even if Trump wins the popular vote, I doubt he will win the electoral college vote. Electors are chosen by political insiders for each party and normally they vote along their party lines. BUT, I think too many career politicians are afraid of Trump and would rather vote for Hillary instead of following party lines and doing what the voting public decides. Even though she is a democrat, they know she knows how to play the game and will be be more apt to keep the fat in Washington.
I hope I am wrong and the politicians follow the will of the public.
Here a a couple of links about the electoral college and how they are decided.

You are spot on.
I just wish I willing to risk more money. There's a lot of folks out there that are confident enough that he is going with win to take the $100 bet. I could make out like a bandit with a shitload of money doing these bets, but when the snowball has it's chance in hell, it sure would suck to pay out a lot of money molaugh
TacomaJD said:
I just wish I willing to risk more money. There's a lot of folks out there that are confident enough that he is going with win to take the $100 bet. I could make out like a bandit with a shitload of money doing these bets, but when the snowball has it's chance in hell, it sure would suck to pay out a lot of money molaugh

Just for the record, I am an idiot and misread your post earlier. You and I are in agreement. Trump will NOT win. My reading comprehension has an apparent negative correlation to the number of beverages I consume.
creepycrawly said:
Just for the record, I am an idiot and misread your post earlier. You and I are in agreement. Trump will NOT win. My reading comprehension has an apparent negative correlation to the number of beverages I consume.

Gah, you alchy! :flipoff1:

Yeah, he may get the nomination, but no POTUS.

I got my fingers crossed more people waste their votes just like me this year.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

5BrothersFabrication said:
I'm with ya. Gary Johnson FTW!!!

So... which of his stances do you guys most support? marriage, open borders, or military funding

Shortbus said:
So... which of his stances do you guys most support? marriage, open borders, or military funding

All I know is he bought into the legal pot farming business in Colorado as soon as it became legal :smoke: