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Trump for prez?


If Americans don't take action, our entire nation will be exactly like this....

And by action I mean real action, not just voting. The federal government isn't going to stop illegal.


Here's an article about the mayor of San Jose, CA who blamed Trump for the riots and who endorsed the violent actions of the illegal alien protestors. This same mayor defended rapist, who were illegal aliens, when they raped a young girl. He said that she deserved it because of how she was dressed. THIS TYPE OF **** is coming to your town/community in the VERY near future.
I continue seeing these vids of hispanics attacking Trump supporters like 25 on 1, and at least 2 or 3 of the 25 are bantering the Mexican flag. This pisses me off to no end. Bunch of confused dumbass motherfuckers. Yer in America and enjoy yer freedom, this means yer an American, regardless of yer race. Don't like it, go back to fawking Mexico since yer so proud of that Mexican flag. That Mexican flag being waved at political rallies doesn't have **** to do with you being a hispanic, as a hispanic living in America is now an American. Wave the fawking American flag!!! Noooooo, why would they do that? WTF?!?!

Having a problem with Trump is completely fine, I have problems with several things he says. Attacking other Americans because of their political support and bantering another country's flag around political events, is not fawking American. I understand heritage and pride in said heritage, but that bullshit has no meaning in American politics. Nobody gives two human shits about the Mexican flag at American political events....they gather there because of the American flag! "We love Mexico, fawk Trump and other Americans that like him, viva la Mexico bitches...." Remind me, why the fawk are you in this country again?! Don't like it here, please leave. And I say that in the most non-racist way possible. Jeebus FAWK! >:(
What happened is absolutely horrible. I fear that as Americans "take care of business" with radicalized muslims, the federal government will interfere on behalf of the Muslims, who are considered to be the minority. Study what has happened in countries like Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Croatia. History repeats itself.
BPINAZ said:
What happened is absolutely horrible. I fear that as Americans "take care of business" with radicalized muslims, the federal government will interfere on behalf of the Muslims, who are considered to be the minority. Study what has happened in countries like Northern Ireland, Bosnia and Croatia. History repeats itself.

Anyone considering voting not Trump needs to think about the 4-4 vote by the scotus on legality of executive branch making laws.
Shortbus said:
Anyone considering voting not Trump needs to think about the 4-4 vote by the scotus on legality of executive branch making laws.

Truth, we came so close to getting fawked on that it isn't even funny.

Hell with all of Hillary's tweets, any self respecting human would block her. Neither candidate is worth a ****, she is just has slightly less worth now that FreeBern is on her side.

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