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Trump for prez?

Saw an article with obama saying social security checks may not go out next month. If that happens there maybe a lot of stay at home democrats that won't vote for her, or may not vote at all.
Re: Re: Trump for prez?

Bumpers said:
The scary part of the DNC last night the things that got the biggest applauds were for gays and abortion ....

One of Hillary's things she has been pushing is You cant trust your childrens future with trump... But they want to murder countless numbers of babies because parents are careless ect... and gay people don't creat babies... so I guess if the DNC gets their way there will not be children to worry about

I can't believe people claim that she is for woman's rights. The same woman who pays off her husbands victims and treats employees like ****. Or that she cares about kids, when she pushes Pro-Abortion upto 36 weeks.
Bumpers said:
The scary part of the DNC last night the things that got the biggest applauds were for gays and abortion ....

One of Hillary's things she has been pushing is You cant trust your childrens future with trump... But they want to murder countless numbers of babies because parents are careless ect... and gay people don't creat babies... so I guess if the DNC gets their way there will not be children to worry about

Conspiracy theorist believe that one goal of secret societies such as the Illuminati want to control the population. That's one reason why they promote homosexuality so much...I don't believe everything conspiracy theorists do, but they for damn sure make some good points on a lot of stuff....just sayin.

I've always wondered WHY people, governments, etc would want total control over a population. Ie "take over the world"

What the **** good is that going to do you? Unlimited wealth? Well people do that already... Or are they actually audacious enough to think that if "they" were in charge, that all the world's problems would be solved, and they could actually make the world better for everyone?

Really odd to me that someone would have that mentality, but history shows time and again that some crazy bastard will try to "take over the world" (or at least decimate their homeland) every few years or so.
This is exactly how I believe all this transpired...

And what if one day, Wikileaks releases some emails between Clinton and Trump discussing that very matter. That would be yuge...bigly. Lol

I'm sorry but the things coming out of Trump's mouth are way more "police state" than any candidate i've ever listened to. his idea of making America great is to turn it into East Berlin
Neal3000 said:
I'm sorry but the things coming out of Trump's mouth are way more "police state" than any candidate i've ever listened to. his idea of making America great is to turn it into East Berlin

He's a complete disaster,
jta said:
He's a complete disaster,


But if you watch old interviews from 15-20 years ago, he seemed to have a much better grasp on politics and conveyed himself in a very professional, mature manner. It's like since then, a mental switch has been flipped and now he can't control himself, blurting out worse **** on the world stage than I blurt out after 20 beers......or, as mentioned above, it's all an act because he's still in with the Clintons.
Most hardcore Trump supporters I know, when trying to defend their choice to support him, start out with either "he's self funding, or that he's built an empire and is what we need to fix the economy" and that's mainly the only points they argue......those were both credible reasons to be interested in the guy the first month or two after he announced his candidacy, but a lot has happened since then. It's almost as if they watched the first debate or two, or maybe just caught excerpts on a news outlet of some good points he's made, and are just ready to blindly take that **** to the polls. I don't see how anyone could listen to him talk about current issues and not think "what a total damn lunatic". The only thing he is good for is entertainment, literally.
I remember how pumped I was when rumors started flooding social media about his plan to formally announce his presidency. I was like hell yeah man, somebody to tell the man to fawk off and turn our country around.....and I lost about 50% of that excitement as I watched him announce his presidency live, spouting off about Mexicans and just his overall terrible bragging about the **** he's done that's "so much better", saying CHINA every other word, etc. I heard better structured speaches in my Public Speaking class haha. His continuous reiterating of the same phrase - " Their nice people, I love those people, amazing people let me tell you, wonderful people." Who the fawk talks like that that doesn't have a mental problem molaugh :wtflol:
I'd hate to see our country represented by either buffoon. I'd rather just not vote as to have to vote for either.
Every time I begin to critically analyze voting strategy, I immediately flashback to thinking our votes don't matter anyway.

I mean really, with super delegates, electoral votes, and all that ****, do you honestly believe you going to the polls makes a **** beyond showing voting percentages on the news? Maybe I just don't understand the process, but it's hard for me to see solid evidence of our votes actually mattering in the decision for who becomes president.
Don't vote don't bitch! POTUS is second to congress in some ways. The next prez has some important shoes to fill.
TacomaJD said:
I'd hate to see our country represented by either buffoon. I'd rather just not vote as to have to vote for either.

I considered the libertarian candidate, but after further investigation he is no better than Clinton. It is as if we are given a bucket of pickled pigs feet that has been left out in the 99* heat we've been having, then having to choose which 3 you want to eat. Its not anything I'm looking forward to at all. Not voting green party, they nuts and I'm not sure where else to look.