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Ultimate snow tire?

sounds good :)

I have some mods im going to be doing soon (end of oct), so hope to be back up and running in mid december
sounds good :)

I have some mods im going to be doing soon (end of oct), so hope to be back up and running in mid december

thats good your going to need that extra power to pull the extra weight of the rear steer housing around
j/k see you soon tom

my vote is 42or 49 iroks btw
ive grooved tires ive had in the past to make them work better...i have IROKS now and see no reason to cut them up...
I cut all of my tires for the flexibility. I've been running 39.5 IROKS, & the difference is amazing. They bulg out & float on snow much better than a tire the cups or V's out @ 2 psi.

How many of you groove your tires for snow? Bobby had a set of grooved 42 iroks. Pooh grooved his bias Pitbull Rockers way back. I grooved my bias TSL's back in the day.

What do you do?

I break down the big lugs, & sipe them so they stick to my hand as I pull it across the tread. (I run trail only)

hmmm, I wonder if D44 will hold 39.5 Iroks for the snow.......
probably not :haha:
I have been running a D44 for over 15 yrs with 38 - 44" tires.
5:38's, welded front end
It's all in how you drive it! But, 39.5's I'd have no fear

Why not my toy 8" with 5.29's Detroit and spool with stand 42's in the snow only
Like & Kind

My all time favorite snow tire was the 38" Gumbo Mudder Radial. Typically a radial is softer rubber, & will conform to the snow with out digging, better.
Since they don't make those anymore, I went with the 39.5 bias IROK (on the rumor bias didn't matter for these) But cutting, siping, & mounted on a 13" wide wheel, I've gotten great floatation, & traction.
SO, I would highly recommend the 39.5 IROK for snow, & I encourge cutting for flex. But, taller tires can always get into deeper drifts better.
I'm going to mount a set of 42's this year, & see if I like the extra bulk.
I get around just fine on the 39.5s though. :awesomework:

I'm going to take these for a spin this spring.
44x21x15 TrXus mounted on 14" dish wheel, & cut the tread to flex.
They V out pretty bad @ 0, but cut, they've got a nice flat lay out pattern to cut some tread into.
39.5's on the right, & the cut pattern I use.
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:cheer: 33x10.5 toyo mt's i ran them last year with my little truck and was super suprised by their performance (i had them at about 3 psi on stock 15x6 toyota wheels)

but for real trucks cant beat the 39.5 irok, I have been able to pull a truck uphill with a burnt out trans (dead wieght) on a hill i never would have thought i could go up alone
hey im just saying, ive been there and seen them suck major nuts but the little ones seemed to be better, I was able to get around better than some bfg km2's

btw i figured that would be most peoples response
:cheer: 33x10.5 toyo mt's i ran them last year with my little truck and was super suprised by their performance (i had them at about 3 psi on stock 15x6 toyota wheels)

but for real trucks cant beat the 39.5 irok, I have been able to pull a truck uphill with a burnt out trans (dead wieght) on a hill i never would have thought i could go up alone

I will vouch for Toyo M/Ts too. They float surprisingly well in the snow. I had 31s on my 4Runner and it did just fine in the snow. I wasn't going to win any races with them but they are certainly respectable for the size. Can't wait to try my 35 PBR though.
i run 37" pbrs and my buddy runs 39.5 pbrs both bias and so far with the group we wheel with havent seen a better tire in the snow. we both run around 3-5psi with beadlocks. (not bashing iroks just never snow wheeled with any rigs running them)
I will vouch for Toyo M/Ts too. They float surprisingly well in the snow. I had 31s on my 4Runner and it did just fine in the snow. I wasn't going to win any races with them but they are certainly respectable for the size. Can't wait to try my 35 PBR though.

Granted these tires do pretty good on the road, or a few feet of pack snow.
But, you won't be bustin trail through snow drifts, or getting up on plane floating across the deep stuff.:cool:
any difference in the snow for a 42" sticky IROK vs. a regular 42" bias IROK? I'm just considering swapping out the old style 40" MTR's I have for a set of 42" sticky IROKs sometime and just run them for everything. My siped old style MTR's do pretty damn well everywhere I go now, though...
any difference in the snow for a 42" sticky IROK vs. a regular 42" bias IROK? I'm just considering swapping out the old style 40" MTR's I have for a set of 42" sticky IROKs sometime and just run them for everything. My siped old style MTR's do pretty damn well everywhere I go now, though...
Sometimes better is the enemy of good enough.
Granted these tires do pretty good on the road, or a few feet of pack snow.
But, you won't be bustin trail through snow drifts, or getting up on plane floating across the deep stuff.:cool:

Had my 31 Toyos up at Tonga and Beckler multiple times with 5 of more feet of snow. I never really had a problem. Depending on the snow it can be a little more difficult to break trail. Pretty much went where ever I wanted though. It's not comparable with Iroks. I was just validating what 79chevy39.5 said.
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The wider foot print, softer tire, most like nobbie tread will always rule in the snow. Floatation, conformation, & stick, no dig = DOMINANCE!

Here's unstoppable!
i have witnessed a set of 12.5 wide tires gripping better than my 14 wides on a certain type of sloppy topped/hard base spring snow before. bigger conformerabobbin agressive footpint n all...