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ULTRA BOUNCER!!!! - Not The For Sale Thread

Dang, this thread took a hard right or left.
I don't agree with the whole swinging thing either, but I could care less what others do as long as they don't push it down my throat.After typing that I realized that did not sound right but you get my point.
muddinmetal said:
If you want to be a piece of **** that is what you want, if I want to remove people from this world that is what I want. People want different things

I'd day your probably a cool dude but it's not smart to say you want to remove people on a public site :dblthumb:
Elliott said:
Dang, this thread took a hard right or left.
I don't agree with the whole swinging thing either, but I could care less what others do as long as they don't push it down my throat.After typing that I realized that did not sound right but you get my point.

:rolf: it don't sound right but funny
patooyee said:
If a man and a wife want to bring another man or woman or couple into their bed and that other man / woman / couple is free and consenting I don't see where it's any of your business. Certainly don't think anyone should be killed for it.

And what about a man, a wife, and another free, consenting woman? FL-Krawler on this very forum has posted pics of his wife and their live-in g/f making out. Your opinion is that they should all be killed?

A man is not a man who would let another man **** his wife. A man is not a man who would suck a ****. Men who are not men serve no purpose
muddinmetal said:
A man is not a man who would let another man **** his wife. A man is not a man who would suck a ****. Men who are not men serve no purpose

Different strokes for different folks. Sounds like someone may have had a bumpy past....
muddinmetal said:
A man is not a man who would let another man **** his wife. A man is not a man who would suck a ****. Men who are not men serve no purpose

That sounds like some serious ISIS ****. Kill all who don't share your specific view of sexuality.

Aren't you divorced a couple times? Not making judgement ... just seems like you feel very strongly about this and might have some history to base your opinion from.

I've been cheated on. It's not fun. But I think there is a difference between having multiple consensual partners and cheating.

You also haven't said your stance on girl-on-girl ... to be consistent, lesbians all need to die under your totalitarian regime of complete sexual domination.
Also, just so we're clear, you believe what happened in Orlando last weekend is deserved?
patooyee said:
That sounds like some serious ISIS ****. Kill all who don't share your specific view of sexuality.

Aren't you divorced a couple times? Not making judgement ... just seems like you feel very strongly about this and might have some history to base your opinion from.

I've been cheated on. It's not fun. But I think there is a difference between having multiple consensual partners and cheating.

You also haven't said your stance on girl-on-girl ... to be consistent, lesbians all need to die under your totalitarian regime of complete sexual domination.

One divorce
I can't stand lesbians either believe it or not. It is more of a basis on how I view manhood really. A man should protect his family from all intrusions and provide for his family at all costs. Not ****ing sit around and play video games and not work. Not jerk off to dudes, not be on dating sites looking for a side piece. A man's purpose in life should be to build a family, keep it safe and protect it's image. We are all perverts in a way and all sinners, but if you invite it into your home and are ok with it, then that is on you... I shouldn't care, but it just bothers me. We are complex creatures and we all react differently than most about some things, it is just part of who we are
patooyee said:
Also, just so we're clear, you believe what happened in Orlando last weekend is deserved?

I can not believe a bunch of negros, hispanics, fairies, and a Muslim got shot and I am supposed to be upset about that :****:

It ain't right, but it just doesn't hurt my feelings.

^^^ This is the **** I usually keep to myself but you asked my opinion. We all think or feel things we know are not "right" but if you think baiting me into a reaction or attempting to out me as a dumbass is really going to affect anything you are wasting your time. I am intelligent and could word my way around things, but that is disingenuous and I don't like it
5BrothersFabrication said:
Holy Jeebus. What. The. ****. Just. Happened.

I sometimes think about other vaginas. :****: :wtflol:

We all do, but are you gonna **** your friends wife? Not do you want to, are you going to?
I see where you're coming from and don't completely disagree about the sanctity of the family, home, etc. But I think if you are going be for life, liberty, and the American way, you can't think that people deserve death for doing things that you disagree with, especially in the bedroom where it affects you not at all.

There are things that are right and things that are wrong for concrete reasons. Murder is wrong because it is taking a life. I would not want to be murdered, I do not want anyone to be murdered. I believe murder is way more wrong than a happy couple having sex with another happy couple. So in that sense I believe you are wrong-er than swingers.
patooyee said:
I see where you're coming from and don't completely disagree about the sanctity of the family, home, etc. But I think if you are going be for life, liberty, and the American way, you can't think that people deserve death for doing things that you disagree with, especially in the bedroom where it affects you not at all.

There are things that are right and things that are wrong for concrete reasons. Murder is wrong because it is taking a life. I would not want to be murdered, I do not want anyone to be murdered. I believe murder is way more wrong than a happy couple having sex with another happy couple. So in that sense I believe you are wrong-er than swingers.

Like I said. We all think about other vaginas, but is a whole different thing to actually pursue one.

We ALL think, if only for a moment, about removing someone, but actually acting on it is a whole different ballgame
muddinmetal said:
We all do, but are you gonna **** your friends wife? Not do you want to, are you going to?

Dude I was joking ! Read the posts before mine! Bbone posted he cut his grass and it looks good than I posted a smartass post! I don't do **** like that but I ain't going to judge others that may or may not ! John G even played with his post on watch the Mexicans mow his grass! You blowed **** way out of proportion. :dblthumb:
Hey so that for sale thread...does it really meet the rules now? I mean, someone else just said they think it might be in Ohio, but is it? I mean, if you can afford an $85k bouncer, surely a second home isn't out of the question. And that pic...that's what it looked like at one point, but what does it look like now?

And yes, I absolutely look at lots of for sale threads and I also call people out who don't follow the rules, new and old alike. What is the point of rules if they aren't enforced?

Furthermore, I stand behind my statement that the rules should be followed regardless of how much money you have.

And Tyler, I don't agree with you completely, but I admire the fact that you stuck to your guns and didn't cave to pressure. Props dude.