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Uwharriecross is over

This is the run where I was co-driver. I haven't watched it yet but it should be cool and you'll see how the course was. Hopefully I don't sound like an idiot. :)

vanguard said:
I've been seeing that a lot. Some guys were saying the stock class went fast because their rigs were inexpensive and they had nothing to lose. They were great drivers and those times are amazing but it's important to note that they bypassed every obstacle. They didn't really do the same course faster than everybody else.
They really only bypasses two obstacles, the first ledge, and Kodak.
Damn, in this video I look slooooooow. I felt like I was near the edge of control the entire race. Next year I'm going to video tape the run.

It was nuts...I've never seen so many broken rigs on a trail in my life. If your junk broke during your run, you radioed in and told them you DNF'd send the next rig. They wouldn't let you recover untilt he end of the day after everyone had run. On my way up to replace my wheel we passed torn up rigs every 40-50 yards on the trail. Everything from steering problems, missing portal boxes,D44 broken in half at the tube, an XJ with the front axle 2 ft back from where it belonged, etc... The course was about 2.5 miles long of trail with water breaks that were 2-3 ft high. It was wet and slick, by far one of the best times I've had watching the stock class. Lots of guys that ran it did not give a damn about the vehicle and had no problem launching them off the water breaks, I laughed till I about peed my pants. One theme for the weekend (after 16-18 entries in the unlimited D class only 5 or so actually finished) "you have to finish to win". thumb.gif

Oh yeah, there were trees with bark missing 4-5 ft in the air where people had lost control jumping.

As for me, I had control of my rig about 20% of the time I was in it. I came out to fast, tried to make up time by going faster, and was just OC most of the run. Me blowing a tire off the bead may have been the best thing that could have happened, I kept trying to make up more time by throttle with every mistake that I made. I guess I'm a trail rider, not a racer. But, I'll damn sure run it again if they have it.
I hung out around the starting line for a few hours. I saw three racers go about 100 yards before they drove off the course and DNF'd. All of them missed a tree (16" thick?) by about 1'.

Not a single racer was hurt. I'm glad things turned out so lucky. On a side note I spoke to a few paramedics and a few policeman working the event. Each of them said that from their perspective there was no reason not to do it again next year.

I was a little worried about the police presence because there were people driving their trail rigs the 200 yards from the campground to the festival with beers in their hands. However, the police didn't seem to be there to look for trouble. They were just there in case things got dumb, which never happened.
I thought you guys might be interested in the times. I noticed that the top C & D racers had really close times. 1, 2, 3 in the C class would have gone 2, 4, and 5 in the D class.

A. ............................B.

101----7.37.31 ...........230----8.45.67
107----8.37.58 ........... 253----7.45.50
126----9.37.98 ........... 227----dnf
105----8.51.60 ............223----dnf
109----dnf .................225----9.59.77
111----dnf ..................213----9.30.35
129----dnf .................231----dnf
102----13.19.62 .......... 220----dnf
106----7.45.11 ............ 217----8.15.09
118----dnf ................ 212----8.25.89
125----8.12.15 ............ 214----dnf
130----7.36.59 ............ 229----11.18.90
110----11.10.33 ........... 204----10.24.72
112----9.57.67 ............ 211----9.07.96
114----15.55.40 ...........226----14.06.05
124----10.52.87 ...........224----9.59.78
127----14.57.71 .......... 215----9.39.47
135----11.20.14 .......... 210----9.33.71
136----10.30.23 .......... 228----dnf
103----9.11.50 ............ 232----8.29.09
120----7.21.12 .............219----8.39.05
123----dnf ............... 201----8.39.75
122----7.02.48 ........... 233----dnf
108----dnf ............... 218----12.03.91
115----7.52.05 ............209----8.38.02
119----11.52.05 ......... 222----9.25.56
131----dnf ................ 208----dnf
132----6.57.21............203----35.40(stroll with the family)

C. ........................... D.
306----dnf .................401----dnf
302----10.37.90 ......... 407----dnf
303----7.56.25 .......... 414----9.20.28
314----dnf .............. 404----7.53.60
311----dnf ................ 408----8.35.23
316----dnf ................ 412----7.08.10
317----12.38.39 ......... 410----dnf
307----10.19.96 ..........409----8.24.47
309----dnf ................ 405----7.39.98
304----10.01.21 ......... 402----dnf
313----8.34.43 ........... 432----dnf
318----10.32.96 .......... 413----dnf

Oh yeah, I won $5 for beating Travis. I think that's about the same as his damages. (I envy that)
I dig that layout.... watching those vid's it really looked like that would be a fun , fun race ! :afro:
The first is my favorite...this is the stock class, by far the best to watch.

InDaShop said:
Yeah you're Matt right? **** I suck at names i'm prolly wrong. Ok, i'll just call you Bill. I can remember that. ???
Yeah, my real name is Matt Woodworth but I'm not sure anybody outside my family knows it. I typically go by Woody.