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VAPE SCHMAPE.. Whatcha think bout this ??

Vaping is the new added addition to the douchebag starter kit. Flatbill, white oakleys, monster energy sticker and rockstar wheels. Now with dirty fart fog machine that sends smokesignals of your douchyness.
jakec69 said:
ive got a friend that has a whole goddamn suitcase full of vaping ****. hell take it out and clean it and mess with it all the time. blows vanilla smell everywhere he goes. smell like a fag. I think its more of a hobby to him. i had a buddy send me one of the ones from seattle that had weed extract in it. it wasn't refillable though. i could burn down on that thing and nobody could tell it was weed. still like smoking a bowl better.
My kinda guy. Minus the GD part. Always been weird about that word. Ha. :****:
Anyway ,
I. See most of us are on the same page. I forgot to mention the smell.
Jonesn said:
The juice is something like 95% distilled water, proplyene glycol, liquid nicotine, and flavoring.


...the words 'made in china' come to mind.

dog food
lead paint on kid's toys

fcuk knows what's in that ****.

afa vaporizer; YES mon, 4 da herbs mon :dblthumb:
Well I guess in a fag then. This ****er goes everywhere I do. I have gone from 2 packs a day, down to around a pack a week using my electric smokey thing. It takes a little while to get use to using it, it isn't like a Marlboro flavor wise or honestly experience wise. For me it's a nicotine delivery method to get me off cigarettes, and it's pretty damn effective. Been smoking for 15 years and it's time to quit, this is just a different way.
And for the record, no I don't use it anywhere that smoking is not allowed. I'm not one of those **** bags.


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blugreenformula said:
Well I guess in a fag then. This ****er goes everywhere I do. I have gone from 2 packs a day, down to around a pack a week using my electric smokey thing. It takes a little while to get use to using it, it isn't like a Marlboro flavor wise or honestly experience wise. For me it's a nicotine delivery method to get me off cigarettes, and it's pretty damn effective. Been smoking for 15 years and it's time to quit, this is just a different way.
And for the record, no I don't use it anywhere that smoking is not allowed. I'm not one of those **** bags.

I listened to a podcast about vaping a little while back. It was something like 60-80% of people who vape to quit smoking end up just adding vaping onto the smoking they always did.

Good luck quitting though. I'm glad I never started.

I always find it funny how so many of my employees come asking me for loans to pay their power bills, rent, etc. But they ALWAYS have cigarettes. There is never a circumstance where they are out of those under any condition.
My buddy's dad bought a vaporizer to smoke his weed out of a few years ago and he loves it. It's not like these little vape cigs though it's bigger than that. But it is small enough he drops it in a big gulp and walks around smoking weed and nobody notices. It doesn't give off nearly as much smoke so nobody catches a wiff and the straw on it looks like he's just drinking out of his cup.
Nothing I love more than seeing lord doichebag walking through the wal mart w his kids, vamping away in the produce aisle. Most everyone I see vamping around here does it more for the douchebag attention I think.
mckeddie said:
Nothing I love more than seeing lord doichebag walking through the wal mart w his kids, vamping away in the produce aisle. Most everyone I see vamping around here does it more for the douchebag attention I think.


We have a regular customer who comes in and smokes an e-cigar while he waits for his togo orders. Everyone always complains but I can't do **** because its not illegal. He makes sure that his e-cigar looks as much like a real cigar as possible, too.
Do you as the business owner not have a say in that? Even though it's not illegal you should have the right to make that a restaurant policy shouldn't you?
patooyee said:

We have a regular customer who comes in and smokes an e-cigar while he waits for his togo orders. Everyone always complains but I can't do **** because its not illegal. He makes sure that his e-cigar looks as much like a real cigar as possible, too.
I have a friend who is a RN in our local ER. He said they had a 30 ish years old guy come in feeling dizzy and having difficulty breathing. He was doing the work up on him and noticed his neck and chest were red. He asked what happened and the dude said his e-cig busted about an hour ago and the juice got on his skin. It wasn't too long after that the patient went down hill quick, he ended up coding and they life flighted him to a bigger hospital. He never found out if he lived, but being as the skin is the largest organ and that juice contains nicotine, I could see where that'd cause a problem when it starts soaking in..........
pholmann said:
Do you as the business owner not have a say in that? Even though it's not illegal you should have the right to make that a restaurant policy shouldn't you?

It's a huge gray are within the industry, articles have been written about it in trade magazines. You can ask anyone to leave but then if they file a suit or something you're basically bankrupt fighting it whether you win or lose. And no offense to anyone here who vapes, but the attention whores who vape indoors simply to incite something are exactly the type that file suits.

I have had one guy walk in smoking a real cigarette. I asked him to put it out, he walked outside, threw it on the ground and stomped it. I had one guy light up a cigarette right in front of me while he was hollering at me about how good my food was. (Yes, he was actually angry at me because my food was good.) I asked him to put it out and he didn't so I told him that it was illegal to smoke indoors and that I would call the police if he didn't extinguish it. Then he did the same as the other guy, walked outside, threw it on the ground, stomped it. He came back in after that to finish berating me for my excellent food quality. (He had obvious mental issues and had scared my staff, which was the reason they called me up there to deal with him.)
Re: VAPE SCHMAPE.. Whatcha think bout this ??

I like to vape on a good ole hairy chested, manly fawking craft beer.....
