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Vegas shooter 35% for gore

This shooter just seems like he was a puppet for something much bigger.....just that gut feeling. I certainly know that I would HATE to have a member of my family commit a crime like this and be left to explain their actions.

Hell, I was surprised his brother / neighbors were willing to be on camera. I would be afraid some of the victims family or some ANTI-whoeverwasoffended group would come after me seeking EYE FOR EYE justice. Jus never know about people these days until that last piece in the Genga puzzle is pulled anymore.

For anyone that doesn't know how a bumpfire stock works. Hickok45 is a badass mf'r when it comes to guns. Probably fired more weapons and rounds than most of us put together, and even he ****s up the rate of fire in the first part of this video.


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Re: Re: Vegas shooter 35% for gore

tonybolton said:
This shooter just seems like he was a puppet for something much bigger.....just that gut feeling. I certainly know that I would HATE to have a member of my family commit a crime like this and be left to explain their actions.

Hell, I was surprised his brother / neighbors were willing to be on camera. I would be afraid some of the victims family or some ANTI-whoeverwasoffended group would come after me seeking EYE FOR EYE justice. Jus never know about people these days until that last piece in the Genga puzzle is pulled anymore.
Watch all the interviews of his brother, he is a quirky sumbitch too like others have described the shooter. I know there is a layer of shock there as early as he was interviewed, but he still acts strange. He also would not describe at all the business he was in with the shooter. Just an odd guy.

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I may be naïve, but, I do not think it hard to believe, this guy did exactly what he is being accused of. Nothing he did required any special skill, just some cash and be crazy enough. :dunno:
They've seen enough surveillance footage by now that they know he probably acted alone, if not they would be looking for others and giving clues to the public, some people are just ****ed up in the head and he went to the extreme, don't see why some people can't except the facts, somethings may change but he was the shooter

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Re: Re: Vegas shooter 35% for gore

dwa2469 said:
I may be naïve, but, I do not think it hard to believe, this guy did exactly what he is being accused of. Nothing he did required any special skill, just some cash and be crazy enough. :dunno:
My thoughts exactly. I'm also not sure why so many people find it so difficult to believe he got this many guns and ammo into his room unnoticed. Not people here, mostly social media. I guess they've never been to a casino. Every time I go I've got one, if not two, handguns in my luggage bag with my clothes and ****. I usually throw my Glock in there when I leave the house, then take my Ruger out of my truck and put it in bag also so it doesn't come up missing via valet parking. Sure there are security staff all around, but someone walking in or out of the casino with a luggage bag isn't uncommon last I checked. AR's are easily disassembled to fit in smaller bags, carry a few ARs, few handguns, and as many loaded mags as you can fit in one trip, over the course of the 3.5 days he was there, it wouldn't be that hard to do at all. Also different security staff work different shifts and days, so it's not like he was walking in and out in front of the same guard each time he made a trip to his vehicle...not to mention there are usually a couple different main ways to go in and out a casino that's that big. I would bet that I could smuggle the same **** in a hotel room if I were to be willing to take the risk.

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So why is there a black sock on his hand?

He put it on to keep his hand cool?
Re: Re: Vegas shooter 35% for gore

TacomaJD said:
I would bet that I could smuggle the same **** in a hotel room if I were to be willing to take the risk.

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Wouldn't have to smuggle it at all.

Unless the hotel specifically prohibited this, everything he did up until breaking a window and shooting at people was perfectly legal.
And Murder is already illegal, but that doesn't seem to stop most people, especially if they off themselves after the fact.

I'm sure Vegas has hosted some shooting competitions and such where someone having multiple firearms and ammo in their rooms was pretty common.

I've never paid attention to see if there signs saying no firearms allowed at the casino(s) I frequent, but I am going back this weekend and shall look.

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Re: Re: Vegas shooter 35% for gore

TacomaJD said:
My thoughts exactly. I'm also not sure why so many people find it so difficult to believe he got this many guns and ammo into his room unnoticed. Not people here, mostly social media. I guess they've never been to a casino. Every time I go I've got one, if not two, handguns in my luggage bag with my clothes and ****. I usually throw my Glock in there when I leave the house, then take my Ruger out of my truck and put it in bag also so it doesn't come up missing via valet parking. Sure there are security staff all around, but someone walking in or out of the casino with a luggage bag isn't uncommon last I checked. AR's are easily disassembled to fit in smaller bags, carry a few ARs, few handguns, and as many loaded mags as you can fit in one trip, over the course of the 3.5 days he was there, it wouldn't be that hard to do at all. Also different security staff work different shifts and days, so it's not like he was walking in and out in front of the same guard each time he made a trip to his vehicle...not to mention there are usually a couple different main ways to go in and out a casino that's that big. I would bet that I could smuggle the same **** in a hotel room if I were to be willing to take the risk.

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travel golf bag, duffel bag, etc etc

none of those would draw even a slight look...and he could have gotten 10 or so in one trip that way. Considering he was at the hotel since the 28th he had plenty of time.

I'm with you...so many of these crazy theories that people are coming up with (just people in general all over the internet) are perfectly and easily explainable.

You cant justify or reason with a crazy person's mind. The "I cant believe one man could do this" or "this doesnt make sense, he was so normal" doesnt apply when you are dealing with a psycho. Crazy or mentally unstable people do things that none of us could ever fathom, it's not unreal to believe a single guy with 10+ guns could bust out 2 windows and get off 3-4k rounds in a few minutes. Especially considering high cap mags. **** there is over 1400 rounds sitting at the bottom of the pillar in one of those pictures and you could easily shoot all of that in under 5 mins even if you are the slowest reloader on the planet.

Yep, gunfire was said to last for 11 minutes from first shot to last. He had loaded mags and multiple guns for when the barrel got too hot or in case one jammed.

I am wondering if they will be able to dig up range visits. Where he lives you don't just go shoot in your back yard. Wonder if he frequented a local shooting range. Or just hoarded up a bunch of guns and figured the first time he'd use em would be on people...

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TacomaJD said:
Where he lives you don't just go shoot in your back yard.

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pretty sure you can shoot in the desert, pretty much anywhere out there on the LARGE expanses of federal land
I was thinking the same thing....he has practiced some where. From what I've seen with bump fires, they aren't that easy to operate as well as he was doing it based on the sound from the vids
Re: Re:

TBItoy said:

pretty sure you can shoot in the desert, pretty much anywhere out there on the LARGE expanses of federal land
True, just wondered if he might have started out as a hobbyist visiting ranges then turned dark. If his interest in guns was with dark intent from the start, I'm sure he stayed in the desert.

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I didnt see any on the guns in the pictures...but some of the barrages sounded A LOT like a trigger crank. With the cyclical change in speed I would have put money on them being crank setups...but from what has come out since...I might would have made a losing bet!
slravenel said:
I didnt see any on the guns in the pictures...but some of the barrages sounded A LOT like a trigger crank. With the cyclical change in speed I would have put money on them being crank setups...but from what has come out since...I might would have made a losing bet!
I thought the exact same thing.
TacomaJD said:
People keep saying that and I've seen the vids, but there is no windows broken out on lower floors....was somebody hanging on the window like spiderman spraying lead?

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The lower windows open for cleaning and maintenance. Not sure which floors exactly. But that would be why it wasn't busted out.
The Luke said:
The lower windows open for cleaning and maintenance. Not sure which floors exactly. But that would be why it wasn't busted out.

I've heard 4th floor and 10th floor and everywhere in between, I wouldn't think any windows opened in a hotel like that in any of the standard rooms above ground floor? Hmm...