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ROKTOY829 said:
Here he is

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:rolf: :rolf: :rolf:
jrhall said:

Maybe my hearing is off but...

in all the of the videos you can hear gunfire, the cadence and tone does sound "wrong" for a .223 w/ slidefire.

Of course they are all cell phone videos, or in-cab cameras from taxis. so who knows.

Here is the beer guy flipping off the shooter. Watch the crowd where they are pointing. It's only a 2 minute video.
TBItoy said:
in all the of the videos you can hear gunfire, the cadence and tone does sound "wrong" for a .223 w/ slidefire.

Of course they are all cell phone videos, or in-cab cameras from taxis. so who knows.

Sound isn't gonna change that much from video to video I wouldn't think.
They said he had 23 weapons and only 12 supposedly has bump stocks. Could have had some without
You ****er crack me up. ****ing 10p's of some funny **** and y'all still got it all wrong. It's Hillary's she is still mad from losing :****:
I think you hear the bullets hit the ground just ahead of the bang from the gun. If you've ever been out on firing range behind the berm you will hear the crack of the bullet before the boom of the gun.
There's new videos popping up of around 3-4 shots popped off before the initial full auto spray with crowd members running as well before the spray started


And if you listen real close before the volley, there 2-4 cracks from a semi auto on top on the full auto. I say multiple shooters now.
jrhall said:
There's new videos popping up of around 3-4 shots popped off before the initial full auto spray with crowd members running as well before the spray started


And if you listen real close before the volley, there 2-4 cracks from a semi auto on top on the full auto. I say multiple shooters now.

In that video you posted, when the auto fire opened up, it looks like muzzle flashes at the top of the hotel that is to the right of it.

Edit. The light/muzzle flashes may be the elevator on that hotel.
Agree. It doesn't add up. Unfortunately, the media is gonna shove it down the public's neck and folks will believe the lone gunman theory.
Why go to all the hassle of trajectory math if you are just going to be a psycho and spray bullets at a bunch of people?
Conspiracy theory. Paging Wyatt (InDashop) to enlighten us on the situation. :dblthumb:

Talking about this with my cousin on our way to hale this weekend he brought up an interesting point. In the military they were taught to make the guns "talk" to each other and going back that sounds like what he described. One volley of fire then another that sounds different. They would do it to keep the enemy under fire and guessing where they were coming from when he was deployed. I'm not huge on conspiracy theories but this one just sounds to messed up to not be.
jeeptj99 said:
Talking about this with my cousin on our way to hale this weekend he brought up an interesting point. In the military they were taught to make the guns "talk" to each other and going back that sounds like what he described. One volley of fire then another that sounds different. They would do it to keep the enemy under fire and guessing where they were coming from when he was deployed. I'm not huge on conspiracy theories but this one just sounds to messed up to not be.

While that is true, it is also pretty easily explainable in this case though - have you ever been downrange of a rifle volley or anything?

you will hear 2 reports for each shot. One for the bullet, and one for the gun. They both make noise, and there are so many people claiming that each one is a shot...and its not. Add in all the echoing, the changing of direction in his firing - and simply him firing from potentially 20+ rifles and who knows how many different loads of ammo (if he used all the ones he had in there) and you are probably hearing 5-6 "sounds" per shot. Vegas is one of the most light and sound polluted cites around...it is going to be next to impossible to get anything of value from a cell phone video filmed from 1200 feet away from the shots.
Also interesting that the first round of auto fire came with Aldeans lights on at the stage. They stopped when the lights went black. Then mighty curious why the flood lights on the stage came on then shots started again. The flood lights lasted for an hour on solid.

It was an interesting question posed considering it fully lit the entire crowd while ole Steve pumped me out. As well as the fact that the stage was pointed away from ole Steve. Those flood lights sure did give a great view.

Yeah man look up John Beilman hes right there at the top. Breaking news yet nobody knows. Lol

He was connected by the charger found in Stevos room. It was manufactured by the company that Johnny worked for. They make communication devices used for military and see I A. The FBI raided his house. The next day he popped his daughter and himself in the backyard

Then again how could someone forget and leave it behind right ?