jrhall said:https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=oQwOgvUhoaU
Maybe my hearing is off but...
TBItoy said:in all the of the videos you can hear gunfire, the cadence and tone does sound "wrong" for a .223 w/ slidefire.
Of course they are all cell phone videos, or in-cab cameras from taxis. so who knows.
jrhall said:There's new videos popping up of around 3-4 shots popped off before the initial full auto spray with crowd members running as well before the spray started
And if you listen real close before the volley, there 2-4 cracks from a semi auto on top on the full auto. I say multiple shooters now.
jeeptj99 said:Talking about this with my cousin on our way to hale this weekend he brought up an interesting point. In the military they were taught to make the guns "talk" to each other and going back that sounds like what he described. One volley of fire then another that sounds different. They would do it to keep the enemy under fire and guessing where they were coming from when he was deployed. I'm not huge on conspiracy theories but this one just sounds to messed up to not be.
LightBnDr said:You guys read about ole Beilman, or the "cell phone" charger ?