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TacomaJD said:
But if it is the case here, damn sure don't expect anything like that to hit the media. It will continue to be a Paddock smear campaign.

My only thing about that theory is why did it take SWAT so long to get there? Figured they'd be just around the corner if something like that was going on though. That theory could explain wht he waited until Sunday night to do it though. The FBI/ATF knew there would be less of a crowd there on Sunday vs Saturday? Idk, I just wish I knew the whole story, I hate only being able to make assumptions lol.

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Gonna be another JFK. That's not uncommon for swat however. I'm looking at the security guard that happens to get a flesh wound in the leg if ya really wanna stretch.
You guys really think this is all a cover up? Holy **** do ya think our govt would allow someone to slaughter people to accomplish what? It would take too many people to cover up , people at Mandalay bay would have to be in on it, just too many cameras in a casino, sure there's a lot of unanswered questions but they are not gonna tell us vital info to a investigation, this is a freak situation so do ya think everything is gonna be text book the way it happened, hell I think he was bitten by a vampire and hence little blood, makes just as much sense as other theories.

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Zjman said:
You guys really think this is all a cover up? Holy **** do ya think our govt would allow someone to slaughter people to accomplish what? It would take too many people to cover up , people at Mandalay bay would have to be in on it, just too many cameras in a casino, sure there's a lot of unanswered questions but they are not gonna tell us vital info to a investigation, this is a freak situation so do ya think everything is gonna be text book the way it happened, hell I think he was bitten by a vampire and hence little blood, makes just as much sense as other theories.

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Governments all over the world have killed MILLIONS to accomplish what they want. How can you put that past the realm of possibility?

How would the government allow someone to slaughter people if that "theory" was true....keyword, theory. If Paddock was undercover about to sell a boatload of firearms to a terrorist/whoever as part of a sting, terrorist/whoever sniffed him out, shot him, shot up the crowd with rage, left all the **** there so as to flee and blend in as a regular hotel guest(s) amongst the panicking crowd.

Never said I think that's actually what happened, but I do say any feasible explanation deserves analysis and thought paired with simple discussion.

Do you think you have it figured out down to the T based only off what you hear on the news? Lol.

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Zjman said:
You guys really think this is all a cover up? Holy **** do ya think our govt would allow someone to slaughter people to accomplish what? It would take too many people to cover up , people at Mandalay bay would have to be in on it, just too many cameras in a casino, sure there's a lot of unanswered questions but they are not gonna tell us vital info to a investigation, this is a freak situation so do ya think everything is gonna be text book the way it happened, hell I think he was bitten by a vampire and hence little blood, makes just as much sense as other theories.

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When it's your own people doing the investigation, not too far fetched. JFK
I heard there was a lot of activity at Area 51 too that night so coulda been aliens

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Zjman said:
I heard there was a lot of activity at Area 51 too that night so coulda been aliens

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holy **** that's it. I was at Dollywood Saturday evening and saw a few people stairring up and so did I. I walked over to a smart looking guy and said what do you think it is? He looks at me and said I'm pretty sure it's a ufo :****:
I can hear the phone call now....

Bad guy.... Ummm, this gun deal just went bad and we had to shoot this FBI guy.....What do we do now?

Boss bad guy.... I don't know...Is there 20,000 people near by?

Bad guy....Yes, I just looked out the window and there's a concert going on.

Boss bad guy.... Ok, bust out the window and start shooting for ten minutes with the guns you were going to buy....Then make your escape without being seen by the cops swarming the hotel.

Bad guy.... Good plan boss.
Zjman said:
You guys really think this is all a cover up? Holy **** do ya think our govt would allow someone to slaughter people to accomplish what? It would take too many people to cover up , people at Mandalay bay would have to be in on it, just too many cameras in a casino, sure there's a lot of unanswered questions but they are not gonna tell us vital info to a investigation, this is a freak situation so do ya think everything is gonna be text book the way it happened, hell I think he was bitten by a vampire and hence little blood, makes just as much sense as other theories.

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Ruby ridge, Waco, JFK, that chick cop the atf raided and she killed some of them..... I wouldn't put it past the gov one bit. There's a reason there's so many conspiracy theories around black ops/CIA/FBI, some of it has to be true.
Zjman said:
You guys really think this is all a cover up? Holy **** do ya think our govt would allow someone to slaughter people to accomplish what? It would take too many people to cover up , people at Mandalay bay would have to be in on it, just too many cameras in a casino, sure there's a lot of unanswered questions but they are not gonna tell us vital info to a investigation, this is a freak situation so do ya think everything is gonna be text book the way it happened, hell I think he was bitten by a vampire and hence little blood, makes just as much sense as other theories.

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The good part about this room we get to talk in is that I think we all are woven from a similar thread. So your thoughts and opinions are acceptable. To me at least.

Though in 2017 for an American born and bread to ever think for a second that our gov doesn't slaughter people by the thousands for their own reasons or lack of is very silly and naive. Not that you are naive, just the general idea that our gov hasn't or doesn't do those things.

The best example I can give, because it touched all of us deeply here, given our age is 9/11.

Not clinging to any one conspiracy theory but solely to mechanical and real life facts that show 16 years after the event we know that our country was fully involved and carried out that "attack". Thousands of people lost their lives then thousands more when we went over seas. It was no mistake. It was a success. All for money and power.

So for many of us who are intelligent know that we should question every single piece of information that is mass released to us by any entity.

I feel like they learned more in that single attack about us as a society than they had prior to the 20th century. They know now they don't have to be transparent about a dang thing. They manipulate the public by tiny little thoughts and we just lay over and take our pants off.