Metal Head
Metal Head Graphix
Not trollin', I just went through all those vids and it just looked like you were sitting there half the time just babying it and not going anywhere. Just pokin' fun at the driver I have no clue who owns it, that's allowed isn't it? I swear you guys think certain people are or should be immune to ridicule or joking around. Admin or not, I watched the vids and that's what it looked like, a lot of babying the throttle and going nowhere.
Honestly that's the first I've seen of that "Green Hornet" buggy I'll do a search for the vids, sorry I don't know who everyone is by their first names.
JPony645 which vids?
Honestly that's the first I've seen of that "Green Hornet" buggy I'll do a search for the vids, sorry I don't know who everyone is by their first names.
JPony645 which vids?