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Videos from Wheelin in the Country Halloween Ride 10-29-11

its crazy that anyone would think its plow boys fault. people like him are who make our sport great. any time you can draw a croud like he does its not because he takes his time and putt putts around. these people know what these rigs are capable of and they stand there anyway. its not his fault! :****: and anyone that truely wheels knows it.
When I started wheeling on the rocks a few years ago immediately my bigest aggravation was people standing too close to the action. Drivers should not have to worry about watching for gawkers. When I am a spectator watching the bouncers like Plowboy, I want them to absolutely go off on a hill unrestricted. If I ever get my bouncer parts together and I can't let loose due to spectators, I know I will be hitting private land or going during non event weekends. I didn't see the video, but I am positive based on every event or video I have seen Plowboy in, it was 110% not his fault. It reminds me of a drunk driver running a red light and getting hit. Even though it wasn't the other drivers fault they still feel bad and have to deal with it. It is an absolute shame that Plowboy had to have this experience and keep it in the back of his mind from now on. Unfortunately it takes something like this or something much worse for people to change. I usually keep my mouth shut to a grown man putting his self in harms way, but will not be so quiet in the future. If you came to see the show, get back and watch. If you want to give them five when they go by, go to Moab. Prayers sent for everyone involved.
Saw the vid, did not realize anyone was actually injured, nothing serious I hope. That said, If I flop my junk and am injured because I didn't wear my belts or didn't wear a helmet, then that's completely on me. Same goes for spectators. The best drivers in the world in the most expensive competition vehicles (millions for an F1 car) regularly have accidents, the recent loss of Dan Wheldon is proof of that. Ultimately each of us is responsible for his own safety and parents are responsible for the safety of their kids and that includes spectators.
people stand to close every time go wheeling. i preach to my kids to get in a safe place every time. if a 12 year knows to get out of the way. so should an adult. don't beat you self up to bad man
Everyone here is on your side and we all agree that it was not your fault. I was ready to remove the video at anyone that requested me to do so. It was marked Private on youtube as well so that it cannot be publicly viewed. I have had others come to me and request videos to be removed and am more than willing to do so. Hopefully it will not happen again, but you will always have spectators standing too close. I know better than to get in the way because I am not near fast enough to get out ;-) BKF said it great, even a tree is not always a safe place though it can definitely help in some situations. Anything can go wrong at any time and spectators need to be aware of that.
