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Volunteering your time...What do you do?

TacomaJD said:
Yeah, **** them. I'm sorry, but at work, I want to work and do my job to the best of my abilities in a competitive fashion to try and be the best at what I do.....I don't want to feel pressured into doing some extra credit bullshit like that just to "look good" and add to the list. Stupid ****, I hope I'm never prompted with such an indirect request in my working career. Tell em to help babysit and feed them young'uns and you may consider it. **** like that just really burns me up. There are some semi dumb things like that at my work, but not to that degree and I can usually tell my boss what I think of things like that without consequences. I'm here to work and make a living, not be a community janitor/servant.

It's not very often that we 100 percent agree on something, but this is dead on with my opinion. My time is my time. **** all that extra ****. If I feel the burden to do something then I will. I have considered doing the big brother/sister program since I don't have kids and I see so many that need guidance, but It would have to be because I want to, not because my work says I have to.

I really appreciate all the feedback. It sounds like we all pretty much agree. I did go and add the SFWDA to the list under my name and submitted it. :****:

When I sit and think about it, I do more volunteering than I think with daughters sports stuff, church, and just other random things we all do to help people. I'm just not a "Board Member" like everyone else on the list, nor do I desire to be. I'm going to have the discussion with my boss about what exactly he expects from a professional/career standpoint and depending on his reply, I'll decide what I need to do.

If nothing else, atleast I figured out that I'm not the only one who thinks this is bullshit!!
I would've said that I don't remember that being a requirement when I hired in. I'm all for employee engagement but that's a stretch.

Volunteer work is great if its something you're into or have time for, but I have a big problem with extorting employees for the purpose of image.
croes said:
I would've said that I don't remember that being a requirement when I hired in. I'm all for employee engagement but that's a stretch.

Volunteer work is great if its something you're into or have time for, but I have a big problem with extorting employees for the purpose of image.


I volunteer at my local off-road park as a flag man at races, trail maintenance and cutting, and even donated one of my chainsaws for their use. I do personally love it and don't feel guilty that I actually get to use the trails that I cut.

From the work standpoint, I get it. When you take some professional type jobs, expectations to excel in other areas of life come with it. Some may be explicit, some may be implied, all will be taken into consideration when two similar applicants put in for the same job. Will they deny this is happening? Sure, but bet your last dollar it does.

Sometimes the rewording of what all you actually do can make a difference in their eyes. Write out all of your past, present and future plans to volunteer just like a resume. Crazy to think twelve or so years ago, I was just beginning my career path and doing a very similar thing (scratching my head looking for the right words). Slowly but surely, I found out that helping my elderly neighbors, trips to the nursing home and various other good deeds counted, even if they didn't have a proper organization or title to go with them.

Good luck with the whole process, it sounds like it is going to be tiresome at the least.

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You could tell them you are with your local III% militia, ready at a moments notice. Add you are on the Obama Treason Board. You could also tell them you run a charity called "Febreezing the Homeless". (Daniel Tosh credit)
I'd tell them when they are paying me, I'm theirs, after that it's my time. But if they must know, tell them you spend lots of time with a family that needs a good fatherly influence, yours......

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That's expired. You need a new one. :stir: it's a good deed sir. Lots of folks there at or near rock bottom needing a positive direction.
pholmann said:
That's expired. You need a new one. :stir: it's a good deed sir. Lots of folks there at or near rock bottom needing a positive direction.

That's the one I have a pic of. I hate public speaking, so it helps overcome that.
While I absolutely hate all the corporate ass kissing and the pressure it puts on the other employees to follow, if you feel the need to go along with what they want you could volunteer at a local animal shelter. Your kids can go to and help, so it will be a family event and not just you feeling pushed to jump through the man's hoops.
AdamF said:
While I absolutely hate all the corporate ass kissing and the pressure it puts on the other employees to follow, if you feel the need to go along with what they want you could volunteer at a local animal shelter. Your kids can go to and help, so it will be a family event and not just you feeling pushed to jump through the man's hoops.

This!!! I am a big animal person and this is one of the charitable causes that calls to me. There is so much need in the fight against animal cruelty. The wife and I have talked about creating a Doberman rescue in the future when we can afford it.
I am currently a Big Brother through Big Brothers Big Sisters of NW Florida and it has been a truly great experience, I started doing this a few years ago because I felt the need to help a young person who needed a father figure in his life. I started with my little when he was in 3rd grade and have watched him go from a troubled young man that was failing everything to a smart young man who is on the honor roll and cant wait to do even better. I feel being a Big would work good for you because you can bring your little on family activity's with your own kids and him seeing that will make big changes in the little guys life. I am also a board member for a national association and even though its a lot of trips and meetings I feel it has taught me a great deal and will help me grow our family business even more.

GIZMO1 said:
I am currently a Big Brother through Big Brothers Big Sisters of NW Florida and it has been a truly great experience, I started doing this a few years ago because I felt the need to help a young person who needed a father figure in his life. I started with my little when he was in 3rd grade and have watched him go from a troubled young man that was failing everything to a smart young man who is on the honor roll and cant wait to do even better. I feel being a Big would work good for you because you can bring your little on family activity's with your own kids and him seeing that will make big changes in the little guys life. I am also a board member for a national association and even though its a lot of trips and meetings I feel it has taught me a great deal and will help me grow our family business even more.


THIS... Fact; 78% of inmates in the correctional facilities have grown up without a Father figure in their life. This is where it all begins with guys like you Lucas. Great Job Sir.

I too volunteer my spare time on a board of Directors for a group called Shelby County BigTime youth ministries. This group consists of kids from the the 4th grade level throughout my sons age (senior in high school) Start them young and give them something to look forward too for the rest of their lives. thumb.gif

Oh, and I voluntarily knock down trees at random ORV parks. No Charge... molaugh