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Walker 03/28


Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2008
Lake Stevens
Me and a buddy of mine are interested in checking out Walker this Saturday.
Anybody that knows the area going up this weekend?

I don't know my way around up there, I haven't been there in maybe 20 years and that was on a dirt bike.

We're both rolling YJ's with 34 X 10.5 LTBs and lockers, nothing special but not stock either.
Not looking to trash and bash our rigs, just have some fun.:redneck:
Last time I was up at Walker, the only trail really worth going on was Expressway. Expect some tight spots getting there if you go from the quarry and Im sure there will be overgrowth unless someones been up there cleaning up. If Im not mistaken, the lower mainline loop is still there but the upper mainline got cleared. Fun little trails for the stock to mildly modded rigs. Pull up a map and print it off before you go. Easy to find the trails as all the logging roads are clearly marked.

Im sure there are other trails there that I dont know about. Hopefully someone else will chime in as I would like to know about them as well.
There may be a fair amount of snow up there also. I was down that way yesterday and the snow level was way down. I have not been up there in a while so I can't say what it's like.
I am busy this saturday getting the rearend done in my truck.

Walker is ok, I can due all the trails in a day.
Im going up there this saturday in an xj with 33's, no lockers and sliders, around 11 or 12 ish, pm me if you want to meet up. Im taking my dad up there who also has not been up there in close to 20 years!
I am busy this saturday getting the rearend done in my truck.
Walker is ok, I can due all the trails in a day.

Rear end in the Dakota?
Drop it off Friday, bring Ruby up to come play Saturday ...
Pick up Dakota after ...
I'm such a problem solver aren't I?:redneck:
I'd load up the Sami, but have to go to Everett early in the AM....pickin up my new camper!!!:cheer:
I'm thinking it will pretty cool...kinda like those old Blazer Chalet campers...only way more bitchin :awesomework:


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    1976 Chevy Blazer Chalet-a01_jpg.jpg
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that will look funny going down the road " a camper om the Sami

Actually saw something on CL today at lunch that just might fit!!!:redneck:
It was some 1/4 camper thingy that still had a small bed over the cab....hmmm:stirpot:
Could always hang some 4X4 stuff under one of then Chinook/Toyotas....but then you'd have to drive a Yota :corn:


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This is just a reminder that on Saturday at 9am we will be meeting at the main entrance of Walker Valley for the Work Party. If you are able to attend it would be appreciated as the PNW needs the help to get there hours towards the grant. Bring a shovel and or rake if you have one so that you have something to lean against.
Could always hang some 4X4 stuff under one of then Chinook/Toyotas....but then you'd have to drive a Yota :corn:

Sounds like a job for Yota8....:haha:
And yes, the PNW does need hours volunteered for Walker...the RRR's have been donating our extra hrs towards PNW.:awesomework: but more are still needed...:eeek:
This is just a reminder that on Saturday at 9am we will be meeting at the main entrance of Walker Valley for the Work Party. If you are able to attend it would be appreciated as the PNW needs the help to get there hours towards the grant. Bring a shovel and or rake if you have one so that you have something to lean against.

i have heard its possible to put hours in just from wheelin, since your "Educating" your passengers. Is this true?
i have heard its possible to put hours in just from wheelin, since your "Educating" your passengers. Is this true?

You can log E & E (education & enforcement) hrs by doing that (as long as you explain why maintenance is necessary, or if you run across someone doing something wrong, and you stop to explain why what they're doing hurts our sport and jeopardizes the area....This is for Kim.
If you're out wheelin, and do some clearing of whatever (brush, blowdowns, etc), this can be counted towards the M & O (maintenance & operations) grant...(for Alyse)...just make sure you get a sheet from Kim or Alyse and sign off on the hrs, or sign with someone there that already has a sheet Gill..... Thanks for the help!!! :cool:
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