Cornfuzzled yet again...
I'm close though, right??? I've imbedded a vid on here before, but I forgot how!!!
NICE!!! Thanks for the video Kev...
Well thank you! :haha::fawkdancesmiley: How'd you get it to embed???
Stupid Stump....:fawkdancesmiley::hello:
Hey, you finally got it to work!! Woot!:cheer::haha:
it was a fun ass day. nice to meet everybody and thanks for the ride crash :awesomework:
Always :awesomework:
And to add----Great job on the RRR's behalf for the work they have put into the trails :awesomework: may not be really hard stuff for a rig built like mine but its a HUGE jump to what we had years ago up there
Thanks for showing me around guys :awesomework:
I had a really good time and will head back up again..
Bill--let me know when you get back into town and I will show ya :redneck:
Nice to meet a few more nice folks....
You two should hit our Hangover Run!!!:awesomework:Sounds like a plan Mike....I will be back home for 12 days starting Dec 23. :awesomework: