Well-Known Member
You were 15 min from Lee Estates and you didn't even so much as call or come by?CHASMAN9 said:My son and I went to a baseball camp at MSU last weekend and on the way we pulled into a gas station off 82 outside Northport. Well there is a car parked heading out with its lights on but not pumping gas. This happened to be the only diesel pump at the station, so after a minute or two and flashing my lights with no response, I whipped around them and pulled into the opposite side pump. As I opened my door, their windows were up so I loudly said that if they were not pumping to please move so there's could use the pump. WELL, SISTA SISTA :afropens the window to tell me that I will not talk at her in that tone(I don't speak Ebonics well) so I "says" to her, oh Is sorry, was yu given yo pimp a freebie? She dropped that piece of white meat down the front of her circus tent she was wearing and proceeded to tell her pimp daddy to go out and kicks my ass..... True story, my son was speechless as well. Sorry son, sometimes the edge is closer than you want it to be.
Also it sounds like you were at the Coker shell??? Or Mac's travel plaza? hahaha